Friendly thread -Why did you choose to FF?


How many times do we have to say something? If you ladies want to debate the ins and outs of BF, donor milk, etc by all means make a new thread and start chatting about it.

The fact that the topic at hand is being blatantly ignored even after things have been mentioned twice by two separate moderators is unreal. :nope:
^Donor or wet nurse is a great alternative bar the costs. Why milk meant for cows is better than human milk I will never understand.

Because you can pump cows with hormones and stick them in acage on a machine for god knows how many hours. Dont think many women would agree to that tbh.

lol, you have given me a funny visual.:D

How many times do we have to say something? If you ladies want to debate the ins and outs of BF, donor milk, etc by all means make a new thread and start chatting about it.

The fact that the topic at hand is being blatantly ignored even after things have been mentioned twice by two separate moderators is unreal. :nope:

Is it allowed to start a new thread then? In baby Club/News and Debates or something? :blush:
Why do these threads keep popping up? I do not see why anybody should justify to you or anybody why they chose to formula feed!!
Why do these threads keep popping up? I do not see why anybody should justify to you or anybody why they chose to formula feed!!

She was just interested and curious. People didn't have to respond if they didn't want to?

How many times do we have to say something? If you ladies want to debate the ins and outs of BF, donor milk, etc by all means make a new thread and start chatting about it.

The fact that the topic at hand is being blatantly ignored even after things have been mentioned twice by two separate moderators is unreal. :nope:

Is it allowed to start a new thread then? In baby Club/News and Debates or something? :blush:

Absolutely it is. :flower:

News & Debates would probably be preferable.
I don't know why there is such a divide between FFers and BFers? :shrug:

I was a great big failure in the BF department. I had a fantastic supply, expressing 9oz a time (and I was stopping before I was empty, but I couldn't sit there for that long to empty them, it was never ending) and I had over 100oz stored in my freezer. Which in a way makes it even worse that I didn't succeed. The reason for it not working out was unknown and a lactation specialist presumed LO's mouth was too small as positioning and latch looked perfect. I CHOSE to express for 7 weeks and had enough BM to last till 10 weeks. And then I CHOSE to move to formula. I guess I could have carried on with the BFing, but I felt like it was affecting our bond (and I was fed up with wearing those nipple cover things to stop my clothes touching my scabby nipples and looking like maddonna with cone boobs!)

I tried to BF and didn't succeed. I felt guilty for giving up and still feel pangs of guilt and sadness when I see other mums BFing. But I don't take those who BF and state the facts as having a personal dig at me? I don't assume they are calling me a crappy mum. To be honest, most of the BFers I know in real life and on here have been sympathetic.

Facts are facts at the end of the day. Millions of pounds of research has been spent and just because my neighbours aunties dog walkers mum was FF and is a pilot and has never been sick in a day in her life doesn't dispute the facts.

Support is what we need for people like me. Midwives aren't usually trained in BF and I felt offered measley support. The NHS need to advertise more breastfeeding support groups and more breastfeeding support peer workers to work through the problems with that person. Support from your OH is one thing, but a bit of guidance and a shoulder to cry on by someone who has been there and done that could be a marvellous thing.

I will try to BF next time and I will research more support groups before having the baby.
Why anyone should be allowed to judge i will never know! I tried, i didn't get any support from anyone and therefore i failed miserably and had no choice but to move onto formula as the damage was already done!
Why do these threads keep popping up? I do not see why anybody should justify to you or anybody why they chose to formula feed!!

i dont mind saying why, i dont justify it by saying giving every excuse under the sun. i simply didnt want to because the idea of it is so unnatural to me, i would never feel comfortable doing it. it doesnt sound easy and in my eyes formula does what i need it to do :)
the OP put it in a way that was simply curious, where i was happy to answer. BFs made it into a debate
Why do these threads keep popping up? I do not see why anybody should justify to you or anybody why they chose to formula feed!!

i dont mind saying why, i dont justify it by saying giving every excuse under the sun. i simply didnt want to because the idea of it is so unnatural to me, i would never feel comfortable doing it. it doesnt sound easy and in my eyes formula does what i need it to do :)
the OP put it in a way that was simply curious, where i was happy to answer. BFs made it into a debate

I don't mind telling people why I chose to formula feed but I knew before I even opened the thread what the content would be!
I don't like the preaching about how amazing bf is and how us ff mothers are letting down our babies!

I feel the same as you it was something I never wanted to bf I just didn't feel comfortable doing it and I loved that my husband being able to help me so much!
No one said us FFer's were letting down our babies? I feel guilty about not being able to BF, I didn't chose FFing from the start, yet I don't feel preached at?

Sometimes in these types of threads, yes sometimes FFer's are put down. But in this particular thread, this whole debate started because someone said they didn't believe there was much in the 'supposed' benefits. Rightly so this was corrected as this forum is often looked at my women looking for advice and answers so the facts should be stated.
I planned to BF despite never "wanting" to per se - I hate anyone including myself touching my nipples and always have - just super unpleasantly sensitive. However I assumed these feelings would go away because BF is so natural. Well....they didn't go away. I had LO latch right after my C-section literally 10min after.....but thereafter it was SO painful (his tougne tie didn't help). Then he had blood sugar issues and we had to FF and BF was pushed to the side. After a week in the hospital due to difficulties and complications I think I had about reached my emotional limit for painful things TBH. I tried for 3 days utilizing the hospital supports available but I dreaded every feed - it was excrutiating. I finally decided I wanted to take a break from it, regroup and start again at home.

Then when I got home I didn't want to start again. When FF I enjoyed my child - cuddled him close, focused just on him...when BFing I was fighting tears. So I tried pumping for 2 weeks which produced very little milk making FF also necessary. Hours attached to a pump in addition to caring for a baby was definately not going to be a long term solution for us. So that too fell along the wayside. Our son was healthy and I decided to cut the guilt, continue to FF and get on with enjoying my child. I haven't regretted it at all.

I'm not sure I will BF if we are blessed with another child either. I think I'll discuss pumping strategies with my doctor before hand and will try BFing in the hospital again so the baby gets the collestrum....but if the experience is the same than I will turn to FF - because I want to enjoy the first 2 weeks with my babe not be a guilt-ridden soppy mess again.

This response was for the OP who expressed curiosity as to why. I am not justifying it (because I don't feel the need to) and I don't feel guilty about it and I normally don't tell people why because I dont' think in daily life that people should really ask becasue its not their business.

Whoa! I went away for a nap and got back on this to discover it has, just as I didn't want, gone off track onto a debate.
Thank you to the mods for stepping in :flower: sorry you had to.
I honestly did this thread with the best intentions, I want to understand not spout 'breast is best' facts at you. I was FF and I'm fine! I just can't imagine FFing my son. I don't think it's wrong and I appreciate that for a lot of women BFing couldn't work, for whateve reason.
Thank you for all your (sensible) replies! I definitely go away with a more understanding view.
I'm sorry if this thread offended anyone, I really didn't want that.
It did go a little mad, and I'm sorry for my part in it. I stand by my posts though! It is still interesting that most people only chose to FF after encountering difficulties BFing, and not many didn't even try to latch LO on once. Interesting reads, and some really sad stories. :hugs: all round!
Mrs Pop, I sooo get you on the guilt thing hun :hugs:

In the hospital i was in, i watch a team of midwives bully a poor foreign lass into trying to BF, her LO wouldn't latch, she couldn't express any milk at all and for 3 days i saw what a state they were both in. I am completely for trying your hardest but this poor woman was crying in my arms at night. I told her she can ask for formula, no one had told her this and she thought she would be in hospital for months until her LO fed.
I heard her asking the midwife for milk and sobbing and the midwife kept saying no, i actually stuck my head in and said "can you please give them them some formula" It was actually disgusting the way they were treating her. I do think sometimes the breastfeeding push can go a bit too far.
I hope that didn't offend anyone, i'm very pro BF but not to the point of bullying

That's disgraceful. Very strange though how the very same hospital made me give Holly formula. She lost 13% of her birthweight in the first week due to non-latching and me expressing colostrum, and we ended up being admitted back to hospital. They made me express 3 hourly, and top up with formula til she gained weight. We weren't offered to try cup feeding, and were made to give bottles, despite them knowing I really wanted to BF. They were just interested in feeding her up and getting her out. I'm pretty certain the early introduction of bottles is what led to our latching problem, but I didn't know any better and didn't want her to starve. Those 48 hours were among the worst of my life, they didn't even help me with the washing/sterilising pump parts although I was assured somebody would help me. I was pumping/feeding EBM/FF in a continuous cycle round the clock and had approx 30mins rest in between feeding times.

I know! and there were 2 ladies who chose to FF right from the start and the MWs really had no probs giving them the formula. I think as they determinedly said they were FF the midwives respected that, but the foreign girl obviously wanted to try BF and it just wasn't working for her but she didn't know she could just ask for formula once she had tried her hardest to BF.....

1) I didnt want to be a human cow
2) I dont consider it natural personally
3) I didnt want to do it all myself
4) I knew I was returning to work early and it would not be workable

Im happy in the decision I made with both my boys and I dont give a crap what anyone thinks about how ive chosen to feed MY sons :)
I didn't think I was going to be able to produce any milk with her. With my DS he refused to latch and from then on I kept drying up, even when pumping. So I figured I would too with DD. Something told me when she was born and kept rooting from the second she came out to try and BF her... but I didn't. I don't know why. My milk started to come in shortly after I came home so I tried to pump and save what I could and took meds and kept trying to latch her and everything. It just wasn't worth it, there wasn't enough. I did feel bad, still do from time to time but I know she is getting what she needs from FF and is healthy. :)
Thanks for this thread thumper, it's really interesting :flower:

It does seem alot of ladies didn't choose to FF during pregnancy, but had a decent bash at BFing before switching. I think it's a shame that those of you who are saying you didn't really want to switch might have been able to continue if the majority of medical professionals were any help whatsoever!

I completely get what M+SandBump is saying - for me, after the c-section and my failure to even go into labour, I HAD to BF. I had to prove my body could do something it was supposed to! But it was never a lovely bonding experience for us, at least not in the early days. Not helped by the fact he wouldn't latch for 8 days so we expressed and cup fed, and I could barely move following the c-section, so I couldn't lift him or carry him. He was plonked on my lap every so often, and then I expressed. I was only getting half an ounce most of the pumping sessions that week, but that's ok, because newborn tummies can only hold 5-15mls over the course of the first week, so I had plenty of milk to give him. I figured that if he would latch, he'd feed for an hour, so pumping 0.5oz in 30-40 mins was probably ok.

Sorry, I've gone off on a tangent. I think because with forumla you have to give several ounces from the word go, it scares people when they only express a fraction of an ounce. It's an education and expectation issue usually, not a breastfeeding one.

My mom switched to formula for me when I was 6 weeks old. She says her nipples were bloody and my latch was like a hoover! I think it spurred me on too that I wanted to 'beat' my mom. Is that mean?

The only people I've known FF from birth are the girls from my school, who *seriously* aren't the brightest (mmm, drugs) and had their youngest at 16/17, have never had a job and live off benefits. I don't think they would ever consider BFing an option. Everyone else I've known has at least tried to do the first couple of feeds so LO gets the colostrum.

I seriously take offence to this sweeping statement

I was pregnant at 17 had my first at 18, I chose to ff from the start for the reasons listed above and no I didnt even try shock horror.

I am not a drug addict nor on benefits I have a good job and owned my own home by the age of 20. Its a shame we arent all Miss Perfect huh :dohh:
It did go a little mad, and I'm sorry for my part in it. I stand by my posts though! It is still interesting that most people only chose to FF after encountering difficulties BFing, and not many didn't even try to latch LO on once. Interesting reads, and some really sad stories. :hugs: all round!

I apologise for jumping on you Patch. I too stand by what i wrote but it wasn't personal and I hope I didn't offend you. :hugs:
The only people I've known FF from birth are the girls from my school, who *seriously* aren't the brightest (mmm, drugs) and had their youngest at 16/17, have never had a job and live off benefits. I don't think they would ever consider BFing an option. Everyone else I've known has at least tried to do the first couple of feeds so LO gets the colostrum.

i know you probably didnt mean it in a nasty way but i do find that slightly offensive. im bright, dont do drugs, yes im young but i have a job and dont live off benefits and i chose to FF from the start and i doubt im alone in that.
BF was never really an option for me but its not because im an uneducated druggy :haha:

I wondered when I wrote that whether it would be taken the wrong way. All I mean is that the only people I know who've never expressed even a slight desire to try BFing were the ones who were young and less educated. I'm only 22 myself, and was 21 when LO was born, so I'm by no means knocking young parents. I know there are women who choose to FF from birth, but I can hand on heart say that all my friends and ladies I know have at least tried, except for that particular social group. Just an observation, that's all :flower:

Kimmy, I'm not gonna type this out again, but there's my reasoning behind what I said initially.

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