From WTT to BFP: Teaup & Brenn are best buddies!

Boy did I miss a bunch! Yeesh!

My scan today has confirmed I have had a miscarriage, and the doctor said that everything has made its way out naturally, and my uterus is back to normal.

I'm sad but at least everything left my body as it was supposed to. The doctor said we can ttc straight away, so that's what we plan to do. OH and I haven't been intimate since I got pregnant (which is the longest ever for us) as I was worried about causing any spotting during the early part of the pregnancy. But obviously the abstinence didn't make a difference! I am counting the heavy bleeding as day 1 of my cycle but will use opks once a day as well - I heard things aren't normal cycle wise after a miscarriage.

I'm looking forward to the future and feeling positive about trying again. Here are some potential due dates (although these are very rough estimates as this cycle may be longer than normal!)

5th July
6th August
7th September

How are you Brenn? Hope my buddy is doing okay! :thumbup:

I love those due dates! I read an article in Glamour magazine saying the November is the month in which the most couples conceive- just to give you a little more hope! The month with the highest birth rate is August! :happydance: I think you'll be getting that positive really soon!!

I'm really happy all left your body as it should, and I am so happy you're cleared to ttc again! :happydance:

I just got a positive ovulation test!? Do you think that it's possible so soon after the miscarriage? (It's been 9 days since the heavy bleeding) Or do you think it might be picking up left over hormones from when I was pregnant? It's definitely darker than yesterdays opk, but the urine concentrations might be different I guess. :shrug:

We'll BD the next couple of days just in case it is ovulation! :thumbup:

Just did a bit of research and apparently you can get false positive ovulation tests shortly after a miscarriage. So I'm guessing it might be a false positive, but we'll BD anyway! :winkwink:

I know that the cycle after your miscarriage can be crazy and different, so since you usually ovulate late, maybe your body is just doing the opposite? I would BD just in case, too! It might well be ovulation, even if others get false positives. My best friend miscarried and ovulated/got pregnant less than two weeks later- her little girl will be 2 in December! It can definitely happen and I know I've read you're more fertile after a miscarriage! I have all my fingers and toes crossed, and sending out those positive thoughts to your uterus :haha:

Thanks Brenn! That's a great story about your friend! Definitely gives me hope. :hugs: I had a negative opk on Friday, positive on Saturday, and negative on Sunday! So I'm guessing I may have ovulated around then. OH and I BD'd Friday and Saturday (but he was too tired on Sunday) but I'm hoping that was enough to catch eggy if there was one. We'll continue to BD every other day just in case.

I'll hold off testing with opks now, and if I get fertile cm then I'll test again. If I did ovulate on Sunday then I can test on October 20th - although I may test on OH's birthday on the 18th if I get symptoms I may be pregnant (I know what symptoms to look out for now!). Trying not to get my hopes up though because I heard some ladies don't even ovulate the first cycle after a miscarriage.
10 more days until testing! How are you feeling, any signs or symptoms or did o come back around? I have been thinking of you but came down with a stomach bug that oh brought home from the office! Yuck! I'm feeling much better now and will hopefully be back at my exercise routine tonight! Hope you're doing well!
10 more days until testing! How are you feeling, any signs or symptoms or did o come back around? I have been thinking of you but came down with a stomach bug that oh brought home from the office! Yuck! I'm feeling much better now and will hopefully be back at my exercise routine tonight! Hope you're doing well!

Oh no! Hope that the stomach bug has gone, tell OH to bring nicer presents home next time!

I don't know really if I have ovulated yet. I did another opk last night as I hadn't had my 'post ovulation tender boob feeling' and it came up as almost positive! I think maybe my body didn't manage to ovulate on cd 9 and is trying to ovulate again, :shrug: so I'll test again over the next couple of evenings to see what happens!

I really hope I do ovulate this cycle!

How are things for you? Can't believe you're almost into your 16th week already! That went so fast. You will be holding your baby in less than 6 months! :happydance:
Oh no! Hope that the stomach bug has gone, tell OH to bring nicer presents home next time!

I don't know really if I have ovulated yet. I did another opk last night as I hadn't had my 'post ovulation tender boob feeling' and it came up as almost positive! I think maybe my body didn't manage to ovulate on cd 9 and is trying to ovulate again, :shrug: so I'll test again over the next couple of evenings to see what happens!

I really hope I do ovulate this cycle!

How are things for you? Can't believe you're almost into your 16th week already! That went so fast. You will be holding your baby in less than 6 months! :happydance:

The stomach bug finally left, I hate those!!! I bet you are trying to ovulate again, maybe it'll just take some gearing up! I think you will ovulate :hugs:

15 weeks yesterday and I read this is the first week I may feel movement! I did feel something at 13 weeks that was a fluke type thing and I think it was the baby but I've kept my mouth pretty shut on the issue because I don't think anyone would believe me :haha: It felt like something tickled my tummy from the inside on the left low side, for about a whole second! :happydance:

I'm in shock how fast things are going now that I'm feeling better. The first 10 weeks dragged on for freaking ever and now I can't believe I'm in my 16th week! It has just flown by!!

How's the BDing going this cycle?! I miss BDing... we just don't do it as much because I'm so freaking tired! The myth of second trimester energy hasn't proven true for me yet! Hope all is well, buddy :hugs:
The stomach bug finally left, I hate those!!! I bet you are trying to ovulate again, maybe it'll just take some gearing up! I think you will ovulate :hugs:

15 weeks yesterday and I read this is the first week I may feel movement! I did feel something at 13 weeks that was a fluke type thing and I think it was the baby but I've kept my mouth pretty shut on the issue because I don't think anyone would believe me :haha: It felt like something tickled my tummy from the inside on the left low side, for about a whole second! :happydance:

I'm in shock how fast things are going now that I'm feeling better. The first 10 weeks dragged on for freaking ever and now I can't believe I'm in my 16th week! It has just flown by!!

How's the BDing going this cycle?! I miss BDing... we just don't do it as much because I'm so freaking tired! The myth of second trimester energy hasn't proven true for me yet! Hope all is well, buddy :hugs:

Glad to hear that stomach bug has gone. :thumbup: That's so exciting that you are feeling movement already! :happydance: Can't wait to hear what sex the baby is!

Today I had LOTS of EWCM! So I did an opk and it came up as a strong positive! :happydance: Here is a pic of it. We'll BD every day for the next three days like last time. Last night OH 'satisfied himself' because I was too tired to BD, kind of annoyed now and I should have just powered through the tiredness! Hopefully he'll still have plenty of :spermy: tonight!

My birthday is in 13 days so I hope I get a BFP!

Also in unrelated news, we are looking at a house to buy on Wednesday! So excited!


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Hi Brenn! It's probably gross I keep these but I find them really useful to refer to and also find them fascinating! :blush: Here are my opks, the first set are from the cycle I got my BFP, and the second set are after my miscarriage. I love the positive I got yesterday, it's nice and strong. The dark one I got on cd 9 was what I first thought may be a positive, but it must have just been crazy hormones left over from the miscarriage. Just thought I'd share my science project with you! :haha:

How are things with you? :flower:


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    Cycle before BFP.jpg
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  • After MC.jpg
    After MC.jpg
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I'm loving the OPKs! I kept mine until the end of testing then take pics to compare between cycles! Not gross!

Things are great, I'm just struggling to get through the work week without being so exhausted and without swelling! I'm still not able to really help with housework after work. OH isn't doing it and our house is a freaking disaster right now. I wanted to clean today but I didn't sleep last night- just from 6-7 this morning! I'm just so tired and he doesn't seem to actually understand. Or care, any more. The first few weeks he was on top of everything but now he just seems to think I'm faking or should power through.

How are things for you, lovely? Hope all is well- when will you be testing? Any symptoms?
I'm loving the OPKs! I kept mine until the end of testing then take pics to compare between cycles! Not gross!

Things are great, I'm just struggling to get through the work week without being so exhausted and without swelling! I'm still not able to really help with housework after work. OH isn't doing it and our house is a freaking disaster right now. I wanted to clean today but I didn't sleep last night- just from 6-7 this morning! I'm just so tired and he doesn't seem to actually understand. Or care, any more. The first few weeks he was on top of everything but now he just seems to think I'm faking or should power through.

How are things for you, lovely? Hope all is well- when will you be testing? Any symptoms?

Sorry to hear OH is being unfair. :hugs: Seems the novelty has worn off! I'm sure he'll change his tune again soon. When is your next scan? You should be able to find out the sex soon! :happydance:

Everything is okay with me thanks, not any major symptoms really. Same sort of thing as last cycle I suppose (which is good I guess!) - tender boobs, thirsty at night, weeing often at night and vivid dreams. If my boobs aren't sore and heavy in 2 days then I'll know I'm not pregnant! At least I have an idea of what to look out for now! I'll be testing on Saturday if I have any obvious symptoms by then! :thumbup: I'm annoyed my boobs seem so much smaller since I miscarried, I'd got used to those big ones! :haha:

Hope you get your energy back soon. xxx
This sounds promising! I have definitely gotten used to my big breasts, would be hard to see them go :haha:

The energy has come back a bit this week, or I have just gotten enough sleep, idk. I'm making it to 8 again so hopefully that continues or gets better! Being pregnant takes a lot out of me, although I've never been happier! Tired, but happy :haha:

OH cleaned this weekend but wasn't happy about it! Our house is somewhat better but is still a big mess! I'm tired of a messy house and he really seems to think I'm the only reason it is messy! Yeesh. The new of the pregnancy has definitely worn off!

We find out the sex on 11/11/13!
Hey, buddy! Just wondering if you tested or if AF showed! FXed you got a bfp and you're too busy celebrating to get on here!!!

Just about two weeks until we find out the sex!!! I go back and foeth about what sex I want so I think that means I really don't care! :haha:

Movement is getting more frequent but is still rare and only every few days! Boring here, really, as I officially have an upper respiratory infection and can't take anything so I lay about miserably when not at work! No fever yet though so I'm waiting until my scheduled appt on Tuesday with the ob.

Miss you buddy, hope all is well
Hey, buddy! Just wondering if you tested or if AF showed! FXed you got a bfp and you're too busy celebrating to get on here!!!

Just about two weeks until we find out the sex!!! I go back and foeth about what sex I want so I think that means I really don't care! :haha:

Movement is getting more frequent but is still rare and only every few days! Boring here, really, as I officially have an upper respiratory infection and can't take anything so I lay about miserably when not at work! No fever yet though so I'm waiting until my scheduled appt on Tuesday with the ob.

Miss you buddy, hope all is well

Hi Brenn! Sorry to hear you aren't well :hugs: hope you feel better soon! Exciting you find out the sex in just 2 weeks! Can't wait! :happydance:

I tested on my birthday yesterday (Oct 27th) and got a BFN. :( I was starting to think I was pregnant because my boobs hurt A LOT! So it was a big disappointment. Started light spotting today so I'm sure AF will be here tomorrow. :dohh: At least I can drink at the Halloween party we're going to next weekend I suppose!

On to next cycle then! Updated future due dates are:

5th August
6th September
8th October

Didn't really want to have a baby in Autumn as I worry about the cold weather making it ill, but I guess I can't be fussy now! Will just have to wrap it up well and keep the heating on. :thumbup:

Hope you're doing okay and feeling a little better. xx
Hi Brenn! Sorry to hear you aren't well :hugs: hope you feel better soon! Exciting you find out the sex in just 2 weeks! Can't wait! :happydance:

I tested on my birthday yesterday (Oct 27th) and got a BFN. :( I was starting to think I was pregnant because my boobs hurt A LOT! So it was a big disappointment. Started light spotting today so I'm sure AF will be here tomorrow. :dohh: At least I can drink at the Halloween party we're going to next weekend I suppose!

On to next cycle then! Updated future due dates are:

5th August
6th September
8th October

Didn't really want to have a baby in Autumn as I worry about the cold weather making it ill, but I guess I can't be fussy now! Will just have to wrap it up well and keep the heating on. :thumbup:

Hope you're doing okay and feeling a little better. xx

I'm doing much better, heard the LO's heartbeat this week- it was perfect! I've felt a lot of movement today, for the first time ever! I usually only feel it at night, while laying perfectly still. Today, though, the baby even kicked so hard it moved my hand!! I laid OH's hand on my tummy but he never felt anything- I think the heaviness of his hand put the baby to sleep :haha:

This cycle feels like a really good one :happydance: Aug 5th is a great due date, although it is crazy hot here in Aug- you're in the southern hemisphere though so I bet it is cold there? Or coldish? As hot as I run now, I can't imagine being huge through the summer- although I know it would be completely worth it!

Down to 8 days until the anatomy scan!!! :happydance:

How is this cycle going? Any special plans for DTD this time? Hope all is well and I'm trying to get on here more, but I just run out of time! We're buying a house, just moved to a new office building, and I'm working close to 50 hours a week. I am generally exhausted when I get home so I don't even bother opening the laptop. I definitely read every day but rarely get a response written before my phone is ringing or another client is showing up or email is dinging.. bleuch. I shouldn't be complaining but I'm exhausted!

On another note, yesterday I cleaned my car out and found a Copehagen can (smokeless tobacco or "chew") under my driver's seat! I brought it in and asked OH if he had anything he wanted to tell me. He had the guiltiest look on his face, and looked like a deer in headlights. He was apparently scared I was going to freak out on him but it turns out that he was stressed out about not having bought a house, or losing his job or me not being able to work/money right after we found out I was pregnant!! He used to smoke, but said he tried this since it isn't bad for me to be around and I can't be smelling smoke on his clothes or in his truck while I'm pregnant! I'm so ashamed he was so scared to tell me. :dohh: I asked him why he didn't just talk to me about the stress and he said it isn't good for the baby for me to pile on all your stress too! I just feel terrible he felt like he had to take the whole load on himself since I wasn't working much and so sick. I'm still frustrated tobacco is where his mind went when he got stressed but I can't show him how upsetting that is right now, since he is still walking on eggshells with me since I found out.

Well, this update is longer than I thought :haha: Things are going generally well, perfect with the baby, and hopefully I will continue getting energy back and start cutting back the hours I work. I think this week will be the last I work more than 40 hours, at least if I can help it.

Hope you're doing well :hugs:
I'm doing much better, heard the LO's heartbeat this week- it was perfect! I've felt a lot of movement today, for the first time ever! I usually only feel it at night, while laying perfectly still. Today, though, the baby even kicked so hard it moved my hand!! I laid OH's hand on my tummy but he never felt anything- I think the heaviness of his hand put the baby to sleep :haha:

This cycle feels like a really good one :happydance: Aug 5th is a great due date, although it is crazy hot here in Aug- you're in the southern hemisphere though so I bet it is cold there? Or coldish? As hot as I run now, I can't imagine being huge through the summer- although I know it would be completely worth it!

Down to 8 days until the anatomy scan!!! :happydance:

How is this cycle going? Any special plans for DTD this time? Hope all is well and I'm trying to get on here more, but I just run out of time! We're buying a house, just moved to a new office building, and I'm working close to 50 hours a week. I am generally exhausted when I get home so I don't even bother opening the laptop. I definitely read every day but rarely get a response written before my phone is ringing or another client is showing up or email is dinging.. bleuch. I shouldn't be complaining but I'm exhausted!

On another note, yesterday I cleaned my car out and found a Copehagen can (smokeless tobacco or "chew") under my driver's seat! I brought it in and asked OH if he had anything he wanted to tell me. He had the guiltiest look on his face, and looked like a deer in headlights. He was apparently scared I was going to freak out on him but it turns out that he was stressed out about not having bought a house, or losing his job or me not being able to work/money right after we found out I was pregnant!! He used to smoke, but said he tried this since it isn't bad for me to be around and I can't be smelling smoke on his clothes or in his truck while I'm pregnant! I'm so ashamed he was so scared to tell me. :dohh: I asked him why he didn't just talk to me about the stress and he said it isn't good for the baby for me to pile on all your stress too! I just feel terrible he felt like he had to take the whole load on himself since I wasn't working much and so sick. I'm still frustrated tobacco is where his mind went when he got stressed but I can't show him how upsetting that is right now, since he is still walking on eggshells with me since I found out.

Well, this update is longer than I thought :haha: Things are going generally well, perfect with the baby, and hopefully I will continue getting energy back and start cutting back the hours I work. I think this week will be the last I work more than 40 hours, at least if I can help it.

Hope you're doing well :hugs:

Hi Brenn! Nice to have you back! :hugs:

Wow that's so cool you can feel baby moving so much! Sounds like a very strong baby! :happydance:

Aww sorry to hear your OH is stressed and turned to tobacco! I suppose new baby, and new house is a lot to cope with. Hope he chills out soon and it's just a temporary freak out. xx

In August it is hot here (well - hot by our standards!) It gets up to about 25C in the summer, it actually went higher than that this year. But I'd rather have a newborn in mid summer than in mid winter - although this month is my last chance of having a baby before Autumn!

We have been looking at houses recently because we finally have JUST enough of a deposit to cling on to the property ladder! We really don't want a flat though, so we are looking at houses only. We live in a very desirable part of the UK, so all the houses are way out of our price range - except two! One of them is near a pub (the pub garden is about 6 steps from the houses back courtyard), and it's a very popular pub which is open until midnight during the week, and then until 1am at weekends. So we would probably have to put up with drunk people shouting while we are trying to sleep. We'd also have to tolerate the smell of fat from the pubs kitchen fans. The house is a little tired and outdated inside, but at least we can change it to suit us. It also doesn't have any heating system - so we'd have to use electric oil filled radiators (but would have enough money left over from our deposit to install a woodburner). The good thing about it is it's a sweet little 2 bedroom house with lots of character, it's also very cheap so our payments would be almost the same as the rent we pay now.

The other house is right at the top of our budget. It's a 2 bedroom house too but very newly renovated inside and in a quiet area. It will cost us about £170 ($272) more a month than the rent we pay now, which we aren't sure we can afford. So we're trying to work out what to do! I'm worried if we buy the house by the pub then we wont be able to sell it in the future due to it's proximity to the pub, and if we buy the expensive one then we may end up struggling for spare cash each month. What do you think? :shrug:

My AF was very heavy this time, must be some of the lining that didn't shed after the miscarriage. This cycle we will follow the same pattern we did when we managed to conceive last time, so BD every other day until O, and then BD every day for three days after positive opk. Hoping it will work again for us!

Did you have a good weekend? We went to a Halloween party and I enjoyed having some drinks - that was one plus of AF showing! :haha:
Hi Brenn! Nice to have you back! :hugs:

Wow that's so cool you can feel baby moving so much! Sounds like a very strong baby! :happydance:

Aww sorry to hear your OH is stressed and turned to tobacco! I suppose new baby, and new house is a lot to cope with. Hope he chills out soon and it's just a temporary freak out. xx

In August it is hot here (well - hot by our standards!) It gets up to about 25C in the summer, it actually went higher than that this year. But I'd rather have a newborn in mid summer than in mid winter - although this month is my last chance of having a baby before Autumn!

We have been looking at houses recently because we finally have JUST enough of a deposit to cling on to the property ladder! We really don't want a flat though, so we are looking at houses only. We live in a very desirable part of the UK, so all the houses are way out of our price range - except two! One of them is near a pub (the pub garden is about 6 steps from the houses back courtyard), and it's a very popular pub which is open until midnight during the week, and then until 1am at weekends. So we would probably have to put up with drunk people shouting while we are trying to sleep. We'd also have to tolerate the smell of fat from the pubs kitchen fans. The house is a little tired and outdated inside, but at least we can change it to suit us. It also doesn't have any heating system - so we'd have to use electric oil filled radiators (but would have enough money left over from our deposit to install a woodburner). The good thing about it is it's a sweet little 2 bedroom house with lots of character, it's also very cheap so our payments would be almost the same as the rent we pay now.

The other house is right at the top of our budget. It's a 2 bedroom house too but very newly renovated inside and in a quiet area. It will cost us about £170 ($272) more a month than the rent we pay now, which we aren't sure we can afford. So we're trying to work out what to do! I'm worried if we buy the house by the pub then we wont be able to sell it in the future due to it's proximity to the pub, and if we buy the expensive one then we may end up struggling for spare cash each month. What do you think? :shrug:

My AF was very heavy this time, must be some of the lining that didn't shed after the miscarriage. This cycle we will follow the same pattern we did when we managed to conceive last time, so BD every other day until O, and then BD every day for three days after positive opk. Hoping it will work again for us!

Did you have a good weekend? We went to a Halloween party and I enjoyed having some drinks - that was one plus of AF showing! :haha:

I can't believe 25c is hot there!! It is often about 40-45c here in August! :wacko: Southern US is hot, humid and just plain miserable in August! :dohh: I definitely get not wanting a baby in winter though, being scared of the germs being brought to your baby! :nope:

I like the idea of having a bit of an older house to update and change to your tastes, but it doesn't sound worth it being that close to the pub. :shrug: OH and I are stepping our payment up $250, which makes me nervous with a baby on the way but I have been really careful with my math calculations to be sure we can really afford it. OH gets regular raises and I'm due a raise too so that is why we feel we can take such a large step up! How do things look for you in the near future? Would $272 be easier to handle in a few months? If not, maybe a wait and see approach to which houses come on the market soon would be better for you guys! It did take us forever to find a house that we loved in our price range! We live in an expensive area, in a cheap state (read: poor :haha:) so there were many more houses way out of our price range than in our price range!

Our weekend was pretty nice, we looked at large appliances for our house to get a price range in mind (tight budget!!) for the new house! We need a fridge (our door broke this weekend :dohh:) and we also need a washer/dryer. I spent most of Sunday just lounging about and reading "The Happiest Baby on the Block" which I'm liking a lot! Very common sense stuff!

Good luck with your BDing plan!! This cycle definitely feels so lucky!!! :happydance:
I can't believe 25c is hot there!! It is often about 40-45c here in August! :wacko: Southern US is hot, humid and just plain miserable in August! :dohh: I definitely get not wanting a baby in winter though, being scared of the germs being brought to your baby! :nope:

I like the idea of having a bit of an older house to update and change to your tastes, but it doesn't sound worth it being that close to the pub. :shrug: OH and I are stepping our payment up $250, which makes me nervous with a baby on the way but I have been really careful with my math calculations to be sure we can really afford it. OH gets regular raises and I'm due a raise too so that is why we feel we can take such a large step up! How do things look for you in the near future? Would $272 be easier to handle in a few months? If not, maybe a wait and see approach to which houses come on the market soon would be better for you guys! It did take us forever to find a house that we loved in our price range! We live in an expensive area, in a cheap state (read: poor :haha:) so there were many more houses way out of our price range than in our price range!

Our weekend was pretty nice, we looked at large appliances for our house to get a price range in mind (tight budget!!) for the new house! We need a fridge (our door broke this weekend :dohh:) and we also need a washer/dryer. I spent most of Sunday just lounging about and reading "The Happiest Baby on the Block" which I'm liking a lot! Very common sense stuff!

Good luck with your BDing plan!! This cycle definitely feels so lucky!!! :happydance:

Thanks Brenn! Wow - 45C IS hot! I can't cope when it gets too hot, I'm glad our climate is fairly cool. We decided against buying that house next to the pub in the end - the idea made me far too anxious, which can't be right. Feel relieved now that we aren't going for it. So we're looking at another house tomorrow that has just come on the market - it's really small but very cute looking and in a quiet area. :flower:

Hope everything is okay with you, can't wait to hear what sex the baby is! Only 5 days to go! :happydance:
Good luck at that house!! It sounds like a good one for you guys! We will close tomorrow on our house, got the news yesterday! I can't believe it!!

I'm just dying to know the sex, I can't wait- I keep picturing a boy then a girl but I can't decide which one "feels" right to know which we are having :haha: No mother's intuition here!
Team :pink:

Our little girl looks perfect!!!! Big update later!!
I was right! Congratulations! I bet you can't wait to buy lots of pretty dresses! :happydance: xx

We have been dying to get started on buying our little girl things but have held off because we finally closed on our house (the 11th!) and just got moved in last weekend, then had Thanksgiving yesterday and I haven't had a spare moment since the 11th! :wacko:

I've been extremely tired and conking out early because of how active we were, working all day then cleaning/packing at night. We moved this weekend and still haven't finished the rent house up (just cleaning supplies and replacing a window blind my cats messed up). Moving while preggo is a horrible horrible idea. :sleep:

Sorry I've been such a terrible buddy, I haven't even looked at your siggy to see if there have been any changes! I just posted to check it out :haha:

Are you testing soon?? Any good signs? I've felt like this was your lucky cycle, so let's hope I'm right!

I can't wait to hear how this cycle has been!
I was right! Congratulations! I bet you can't wait to buy lots of pretty dresses! :happydance: xx

We have been dying to get started on buying our little girl things but have held off because we finally closed on our house (the 11th!) and just got moved in last weekend, then had Thanksgiving yesterday and I haven't had a spare moment since the 11th! :wacko:

I've been extremely tired and conking out early because of how active we were, working all day then cleaning/packing at night. We moved this weekend and still haven't finished the rent house up (just cleaning supplies and replacing a window blind my cats messed up). Moving while preggo is a horrible horrible idea. :sleep:

Sorry I've been such a terrible buddy, I haven't even looked at your siggy to see if there have been any changes! I just posted to check it out :haha:

Are you testing soon?? Any good signs? I've felt like this was your lucky cycle, so let's hope I'm right!

I can't wait to hear how this cycle has been!

Hi Brenn!

Congratulations on getting into your new house! :happydance: You must be so excited with everything! Did you have a nice Thanks Giving? :flower:

I have only just got back from holiday, we went to Paris for 5 days and then a festival in the UK at the weekend - very exhausted now! I am on day 34 of my cycle and 17/18 dpo! I have a VERY good feeling! Tender achey boobs, the odd twinge in my tummy when I cough and weeing a lot. Will be testing tomorrow morning if I can bring myself to go into town and buy a test today! :sleep: We BD'd the night before my positive opk this cycle, so I'm hoping our timing was perfect! I'll update when I have tested/if AF shows! :flower:

How are things with you? Did you have a good weekend? xx

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