From WTT to BFP: Teaup & Brenn are best buddies!

I got a BFP! :wohoo: Here is a pic of it! Potential due date: 10th August 2014!

I really hope this one sticks! I will test again on Sunday to make sure the line is darker.

I had a quite a few drinks at the weekend because I was at a music festival (3 drinks on Friday and 3 drinks on Saturday). Do you think the drinks may have harmed my little bean?

Hope everything is okay with you Brenn! xx


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I got a BFP! :wohoo: Here is a pic of it! Potential due date: 10th August 2014!

I really hope this one sticks! I will test again on Sunday to make sure the line is darker.

I had a quite a few drinks at the weekend because I was at a music festival (3 drinks on Friday and 3 drinks on Saturday). Do you think the drinks may have harmed my little bean?

Hope everything is okay with you Brenn! xx

Yayyy!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I knew this was your cycle!!! I just had a great feeling about it!!! :cloud9: Congrats!!!

The drinks definitely won't affect LO- I had a friend who got a surprise BFP and was drunk the night before her BFP. Doc assured her what you eat/drink doesn't cross the barrier to the placenta until after 5 weeks because you're not giving blood to the LO yet! She was so scared, so we all knew exactly what the doc said. She called several of us crying because she was so scared and felt bad! He is perfect and extremely smart! No worries!!

August is a great month, fall for you guys right? What a lovely due date!! How are you feeling besides the tender boobs and occasional twitches? I hope you don't get any morning sickness, that really was horrible for me. I wouldn't want anybody else to ever have to deal with it! :dohh: Completely worth it though!

As for me: went to the doc last week and I've developed a heart murmur, which he said is completely normal and no worries- just extra fluid buildup around my heart caused by pregnancy. I had heart palpitations in a store too and he got onto me for not resting enough, said it was likely exhaustion. I haven't had any since then, so I'm guessing he was right :dohh: Moving and cleaning and working, it was just all too much! I've had some crazy hunger this week and really bad round ligament pain, so I'm guessing my LO is having a super growth spurt! I'm 23 weeks today, so she is right about the time to put on some serious weight! Also, when I was at the doc at 21+3, I was measuring 23 weeks, so a couple of weeks ahead- and her legs/head were measuring a week ahead at the ultrasound at 19 weeks so I'm not surprised!

We scheduled our 4d ultrasound for late January, a few weeks before our baby shower in early February! We are having our maternity pics in mid January, too! The next few months will be crazy busy for us, with the holiday season then all the baby stuff and then LO making her arrival, hopefully in April!!! :happydance:

A couple of days ago, while laying in bed, I was pressing on her trying to tell which was her head and her feet, and talking about how big she is getting (over a foot long!!), when she pushed her little hand up against my fingers!!!! I could distinctly feel her tiny little hand and she wasn't hitting my stomach, just pushing up against my hand telling me to stop squishing her :haha: It was such a sweet little thing, it just made this seem all the more real and I am even more anxious for her to get here!!

Hope you're feeling well and yay on the BFP!!!!! :happydance:
Yayyy!!!! :happydance::happydance::happydance:
I knew this was your cycle!!! I just had a great feeling about it!!! :cloud9: Congrats!!!

The drinks definitely won't affect LO- I had a friend who got a surprise BFP and was drunk the night before her BFP. Doc assured her what you eat/drink doesn't cross the barrier to the placenta until after 5 weeks because you're not giving blood to the LO yet! She was so scared, so we all knew exactly what the doc said. She called several of us crying because she was so scared and felt bad! He is perfect and extremely smart! No worries!!

August is a great month, fall for you guys right? What a lovely due date!! How are you feeling besides the tender boobs and occasional twitches? I hope you don't get any morning sickness, that really was horrible for me. I wouldn't want anybody else to ever have to deal with it! :dohh: Completely worth it though!

As for me: went to the doc last week and I've developed a heart murmur, which he said is completely normal and no worries- just extra fluid buildup around my heart caused by pregnancy. I had heart palpitations in a store too and he got onto me for not resting enough, said it was likely exhaustion. I haven't had any since then, so I'm guessing he was right :dohh: Moving and cleaning and working, it was just all too much! I've had some crazy hunger this week and really bad round ligament pain, so I'm guessing my LO is having a super growth spurt! I'm 23 weeks today, so she is right about the time to put on some serious weight! Also, when I was at the doc at 21+3, I was measuring 23 weeks, so a couple of weeks ahead- and her legs/head were measuring a week ahead at the ultrasound at 19 weeks so I'm not surprised!

We scheduled our 4d ultrasound for late January, a few weeks before our baby shower in early February! We are having our maternity pics in mid January, too! The next few months will be crazy busy for us, with the holiday season then all the baby stuff and then LO making her arrival, hopefully in April!!! :happydance:

A couple of days ago, while laying in bed, I was pressing on her trying to tell which was her head and her feet, and talking about how big she is getting (over a foot long!!), when she pushed her little hand up against my fingers!!!! I could distinctly feel her tiny little hand and she wasn't hitting my stomach, just pushing up against my hand telling me to stop squishing her :haha: It was such a sweet little thing, it just made this seem all the more real and I am even more anxious for her to get here!!

Hope you're feeling well and yay on the BFP!!!!! :happydance:

Aww what a lovely story about your baby girl pushing her hand against yours through your tummy! That's so sweet! :cloud9:

August is our hottest month here - but still not half as hot as where you are! It's our final summer month. It starts getting cooler mid September.

Glad to hear that the drinks were unlikely to affect our bean! :thumbup:

My boobs aren't quite as sore as a couple of days ago (but still more sore than last time I was pregnant). It worries me because of what happened last time, so I'm taking it pretty easy. I'm doing another test tomorrow morning and hope it's going to be darker than my first BFP. Other symptoms - I have been quite a bit more tired in the evenings and sleeping like a log. Haven't had many crampy feelings for a few days, just a couple before I got my bfp and the occasional one if I stand up too quickly. I remember last time I was pregnant I had loads of cramps, one really painful one that lasted several seconds.

I told my Mum and one of my sisters that we were expecting a baby again, I knew that I would tell them both anyway if I miscarried so I thought I may as well deliver good news first this time! (last time I didn't tell anyone until the miscarriage)

My sister-in-law sadly miscarried recently, I asked my Mum if she had told my brother about my miscarriage and she said she had (which I'm okay about as it might help him to know I went through something similar) but then she also blurted out that she told my older sister too. :growlmad: I didn't want everyone in my family to know, when I got pregnant again I wanted it to be surprise news, now they know I had a miscarriage they'll just be expecting me to say I'm pregnant. Now I just feel like everyone has been gossiping behind my back! If I knew this before then I wouldn't have told Mum I was pregnant again - I don't trust her to keep secrets anymore. I told her millions of times not to tell anyone else about my miscarriage! My oldest sister had no reason to know about it, she is pregnant with her second due this month and has never had a miscarriage. She is also mean to me. :growlmad:

Rant over!

I hope you are taking things easy and that you don't get anymore heart palpitations! So great to hear baby is getting nice and big! You'll need to post another pic soon! xx
Aww what a lovely story about your baby girl pushing her hand against yours through your tummy! That's so sweet! :cloud9:

August is our hottest month here - but still not half as hot as where you are! It's our final summer month. It starts getting cooler mid September.

Glad to hear that the drinks were unlikely to affect our bean! :thumbup:

My boobs aren't quite as sore as a couple of days ago (but still more sore than last time I was pregnant). It worries me because of what happened last time, so I'm taking it pretty easy. I'm doing another test tomorrow morning and hope it's going to be darker than my first BFP. Other symptoms - I have been quite a bit more tired in the evenings and sleeping like a log. Haven't had many crampy feelings for a few days, just a couple before I got my bfp and the occasional one if I stand up too quickly. I remember last time I was pregnant I had loads of cramps, one really painful one that lasted several seconds.

I told my Mum and one of my sisters that we were expecting a baby again, I knew that I would tell them both anyway if I miscarried so I thought I may as well deliver good news first this time! (last time I didn't tell anyone until the miscarriage)

My sister-in-law sadly miscarried recently, I asked my Mum if she had told my brother about my miscarriage and she said she had (which I'm okay about as it might help him to know I went through something similar) but then she also blurted out that she told my older sister too. :growlmad: I didn't want everyone in my family to know, when I got pregnant again I wanted it to be surprise news, now they know I had a miscarriage they'll just be expecting me to say I'm pregnant. Now I just feel like everyone has been gossiping behind my back! If I knew this before then I wouldn't have told Mum I was pregnant again - I don't trust her to keep secrets anymore. I told her millions of times not to tell anyone else about my miscarriage! My oldest sister had no reason to know about it, she is pregnant with her second due this month and has never had a miscarriage. She is also mean to me. :growlmad:

Rant over!

I hope you are taking things easy and that you don't get anymore heart palpitations! So great to hear baby is getting nice and big! You'll need to post another pic soon! xx

For some reason I was thinking August was fall- preggo brain. It is a very real thing! I was giving my address to a friend for a baby shower and got it messed up! Sheesh! Anyway, you'll be having your LO at a lovely time, hopefully s/he will be big enough before fall truly hits to fight off those germies and get out of the house!

I still get worried about our LO and miscarriage/losing the baby so its unlikely that worry will ever go away for you, especially after your loss :hugs: But my breasts were sore some days and not others; in fact, they still are. Some days my breasts/nipples are sore and other days they feel fine! And there is nothing like first tri sleepiness :haha: I was sleeping from 6pm to 7am most days, until the morning sickness hit too hard for me to sleep that long.

I'm not sure what it is about pregnancy that makes people think they are somehow entitled to info or sharing info that they don't deserve! :dohh: I'm sorry your mom didn't keep your secret :hugs:

As soon as I take another pic, I will get it uploaded! I usually take them on Fridays when my weeks change over but this week I stayed home due to snow/icy weather, which we in the south are very much NOT accustomed to, and my office was closed. I didn't want to take a pic because I didn't want to put a bra on :haha:

Last night, I had OH put his hand on her because I could feel her feet and her knee- she didn't like me touching her feet so she curled up and we could feel her knee poking up through my belly! OH was pushing on it and she would push and kick back and he started pushing more, making her move in my belly! They stayed playing with each other like that for about 5 minutes, I really wish I had gotten a pic of OH's face when she pushed against him. She has kicked him but not pushed that way, and it is really special when she does.. just a reminder she is completely real and has this little personality already! OH was completely in awe and I hope I remember that moment forever, his whole face just completely lit up when she pushed against his hand! He didn't want to stop, but eventually she rolled over!

How are you feeling and how much darker did your line get??
For some reason I was thinking August was fall- preggo brain. It is a very real thing! I was giving my address to a friend for a baby shower and got it messed up! Sheesh! Anyway, you'll be having your LO at a lovely time, hopefully s/he will be big enough before fall truly hits to fight off those germies and get out of the house!

I still get worried about our LO and miscarriage/losing the baby so its unlikely that worry will ever go away for you, especially after your loss :hugs: But my breasts were sore some days and not others; in fact, they still are. Some days my breasts/nipples are sore and other days they feel fine! And there is nothing like first tri sleepiness :haha: I was sleeping from 6pm to 7am most days, until the morning sickness hit too hard for me to sleep that long.

I'm not sure what it is about pregnancy that makes people think they are somehow entitled to info or sharing info that they don't deserve! :dohh: I'm sorry your mom didn't keep your secret :hugs:

As soon as I take another pic, I will get it uploaded! I usually take them on Fridays when my weeks change over but this week I stayed home due to snow/icy weather, which we in the south are very much NOT accustomed to, and my office was closed. I didn't want to take a pic because I didn't want to put a bra on :haha:

Last night, I had OH put his hand on her because I could feel her feet and her knee- she didn't like me touching her feet so she curled up and we could feel her knee poking up through my belly! OH was pushing on it and she would push and kick back and he started pushing more, making her move in my belly! They stayed playing with each other like that for about 5 minutes, I really wish I had gotten a pic of OH's face when she pushed against him. She has kicked him but not pushed that way, and it is really special when she does.. just a reminder she is completely real and has this little personality already! OH was completely in awe and I hope I remember that moment forever, his whole face just completely lit up when she pushed against his hand! He didn't want to stop, but eventually she rolled over!

How are you feeling and how much darker did your line get??

Aww that's sweet you can both feel baby through your tummy, it must be such a lovely moment! :cloud9:

This morning didn't go too well I'm afraid. :( I woke up at 6am and tested with fmu and it was such a faint line it was almost a BFN, so I went back to sleep and woke up 4 hours later, and OH went into town and bought some more tests and I did another one which was a darker positive than the one at 6am - but about the same darkness as my first test a week ago, so still very faint. :cry: To top it off, I went to the loo again an hour or so later and I had brown cm when I wiped. I think very faint positives at 5 weeks is not a good sign especially with spotting too. I had a cry about it this morning but am feeling more level headed now. I'll make an appointment at the doctors next week and see if they can test my blood levels. I'm thinking of myself as not pregnant now, and if I'm proved wrong I'll be thrilled. xx
Aww that's sweet you can both feel baby through your tummy, it must be such a lovely moment! :cloud9:

This morning didn't go too well I'm afraid. :( I woke up at 6am and tested with fmu and it was such a faint line it was almost a BFN, so I went back to sleep and woke up 4 hours later, and OH went into town and bought some more tests and I did another one which was a darker positive than the one at 6am - but about the same darkness as my first test a week ago, so still very faint. :cry: To top it off, I went to the loo again an hour or so later and I had brown cm when I wiped. I think very faint positives at 5 weeks is not a good sign especially with spotting too. I had a cry about it this morning but am feeling more level headed now. I'll make an appointment at the doctors next week and see if they can test my blood levels. I'm thinking of myself as not pregnant now, and if I'm proved wrong I'll be thrilled. xx

I'm sorry :hugs: In the US, after your second loss, the doc starts testing in order to discover the reason so they can prevent future losses, if possible. Is this how they do it there?

Of course, maybe you're still preggo- spotting is common, but it doesn't sound good with a not-darker BFP. :hugs:

I feel like a jerk yapping about her knee last night when you logged in to tell me about this. I'm sorry! :dohh:

Let me know how things go!
I'm sorry :hugs: In the US, after your second loss, the doc starts testing in order to discover the reason so they can prevent future losses, if possible. Is this how they do it there?

Of course, maybe you're still preggo- spotting is common, but it doesn't sound good with a not-darker BFP. :hugs:

I feel like a jerk yapping about her knee last night when you logged in to tell me about this. I'm sorry! :dohh:

Let me know how things go!

In the UK you have to graduate to three miscarriages to get tests etc. I'm seeing the doctor tomorrow to tell her. I started heavily bleeding yesterday, and had awful low back ache, and now today I have bad tummy ache and still heavy bleeding. :(

I'm going to be so paranoid next time I fall pregnant, I really don't like all the pain and heavy bleeding, let alone the miscarriage itself! :cry:

I have to baby sit today, not really in the mood.

I imagine babysitting is the last thing you're up for! I hope you never find out what has caused this, then and your next one is your sticky one :hugs:
I saw the doctor yesterday who suggested I had some routine blood tests just to check for any problems, so I have made an appointment for January. She offered me a scan, but I said I think everything is okay as I hadn't had any bad pains that day. So she said to come back for a scan if I'm still bleeding in a week.

She said they don't normally investigate further unless you have three miscarriages, so I suppose I'll have to wait until I have another one before I find out why. :( She also said there are things they can do to help support a pregnancy early on, so I think she meant progesterone pills maybe.

Perhaps if I fall pregnant again I'll ask for the progesterone pills? :shrug: I heard they don't do any harm but can help prevent another hormone related miscarriage.

She asked me if I was okay about everything in myself and I just broke down crying (embarrassing!) :blush: I said I felt fine, but it's just a bit raw still so I'm a bit emotional. :cry:

How are things with you? Are you all ready for Christmas? I've finished my Christmas shopping already, was very organised this year! x
I saw the doctor yesterday who suggested I had some routine blood tests just to check for any problems, so I have made an appointment for January. She offered me a scan, but I said I think everything is okay as I hadn't had any bad pains that day. So she said to come back for a scan if I'm still bleeding in a week.

She said they don't normally investigate further unless you have three miscarriages, so I suppose I'll have to wait until I have another one before I find out why. :( She also said there are things they can do to help support a pregnancy early on, so I think she meant progesterone pills maybe.

Perhaps if I fall pregnant again I'll ask for the progesterone pills? :shrug: I heard they don't do any harm but can help prevent another hormone related miscarriage.

She asked me if I was okay about everything in myself and I just broke down crying (embarrassing!) :blush: I said I felt fine, but it's just a bit raw still so I'm a bit emotional. :cry:

How are things with you? Are you all ready for Christmas? I've finished my Christmas shopping already, was very organised this year! x

I would definitely ask for any pills they might give you to keep your next pregnancy going! I've had a couple of friends IRL on them and many on here, so it seems like something worth trying!

Of course you cried! That is completely normal, you've had a lot to process and I'm sure you're not the only one to do that!

I've still not finished my Christmas shopping! :dohh: We are planning on getting done on Sunday.

25 weeks today, I'm in disbelief! Only 15 weeks or 105 days to go!! After Christmas/New Years, we are getting everything ready for our little girl! We have so much to do!!! I'm freaking out a bit :haha:
Hi Brenn! How are you? Did you have a good Christmas? Happy New Year! :happydance:

I'm reaaaally broody now. :( I don't think I even ovulated this time because I didn't get a positive opk (and then ran out of opks at about cycle day 21) and I also haven't had my usual tender boobs since cycle day 18 - in fact I've had no symptoms at all!

If I'm not pregnant this time - which I very much doubt I am - then I'll be really trying next cycle! So fed up of this now! I've been pregnant twice in the last 4 months and all I have to show for it is a chubby tummy. :cry: I'm usually quite a slim build but since the miscarriages I have grown a spare tyre.

I have my blood tests on Monday just to check everything is okay hormone wise. Maybe the results might find a reason for the miscarriages, but my doctor said they usually find no reason.

How are things going with you and your little baby girl? You will be meeting her in just a few months! :happydance:

My sister had a baby boy yesterday, her second baby. Not really helping my broodiness! x
Hi Brenn! How are you? Did you have a good Christmas? Happy New Year! :happydance:

I'm reaaaally broody now. :( I don't think I even ovulated this time because I didn't get a positive opk (and then ran out of opks at about cycle day 21) and I also haven't had my usual tender boobs since cycle day 18 - in fact I've had no symptoms at all!

If I'm not pregnant this time - which I very much doubt I am - then I'll be really trying next cycle! So fed up of this now! I've been pregnant twice in the last 4 months and all I have to show for it is a chubby tummy. :cry: I'm usually quite a slim build but since the miscarriages I have grown a spare tyre.

I have my blood tests on Monday just to check everything is okay hormone wise. Maybe the results might find a reason for the miscarriages, but my doctor said they usually find no reason.

How are things going with you and your little baby girl? You will be meeting her in just a few months! :happydance:

My sister had a baby boy yesterday, her second baby. Not really helping my broodiness! x

Our Christmas was pretty nice, but I ended up very sick with bronchitis and (unrelated) a UTI the day after Christmas, so I missed two of our family celebrations the weekend after :dohh:

On Christmas and the day after, I had a LOT of braxton hicks contractions. I mean, a LOT. I called the doc Friday morning, the first morning they were open and they had me come in. I had a UTI and was "mildly" dehydrated, causing the braxton hicks. That afternoon, I started coughing, and had a sore throat! Monday, after a terrible weekend feeling AWFUL, I had to go back to the doc to get a second antibiotic to fight off that infection! I was sick from Friday to Wednesday, and called in sick every day! I am still sick, but just a cough and sore throat, stuffy nose now. Being that sick while preggo isn't great, I couldn't take any cough syrup or any of the good make you sleep right through it meds!

Happy New Years to you, too! 2014 is off to a great start, we got the crib up and sorted quite a bit of our house, which is still a mess from the move. We have 1/2 a garage left to unpack, hopefully we'll get it done in the next few weeks. We have our baby shower, maternity pics, and 3d/4d ultrasound coming up in the next 4 weeks so we're going to be really busy but I am feeling some serious nesting urges to get this house in order before baby makes her appearance!

The cycle I fell pg, I didn't think I was going to ovulate and ovulated late, so maybe you're just having a wacky cycle? There is still hope! FXed you ovulated without knowing it!

I'm so glad you got some hormone testing done- friend of mine just had a blood disorder causing hers, a pill was all she needed until she fell pg, then she just needed injections! Easily fixed and she got pregnant the first month! I hope you are either perfect or have just a little hormonal problem!

All the babies around you, including me, have to be making the broody worse! I'm sorry, teacup! I really hated being around preggos/babies until we got pregnant. I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone, and I definitely understand it so please keep venting to me, I'm here for you! :hugs:
Hi Brenn! How are you? :flower:

I am on cycle day 40! :wacko: My AF isn't showing after the last miscarriage, and I have done two tests - both BFN so I'm sure it's just my confused hormones after the mc that have delayed it. It's really frustrating because I want to start on the next cycle and look forward but I'm stuck in limbo!

My blood tests came back normal, but I am waiting on one other (I forgot to phone today). So I'm guessing I have just had bad luck with two pregnancies having chromosome issues maybe. If I miscarry a third time then the doc will finally do some proper tests to find out whats wrong.
Hi Brenn! How are you? :flower:

I am on cycle day 40! :wacko: My AF isn't showing after the last miscarriage, and I have done two tests - both BFN so I'm sure it's just my confused hormones after the mc that have delayed it. It's really frustrating because I want to start on the next cycle and look forward but I'm stuck in limbo!

My blood tests came back normal, but I am waiting on one other (I forgot to phone today). So I'm guessing I have just had bad luck with two pregnancies having chromosome issues maybe. If I miscarry a third time then the doc will finally do some proper tests to find out whats wrong.

I've been doing well, baby girl is growing wildy, causing me to have shortness of breath and terribly bad heartburn! She has been flipping and moving a lot which is normal but she is getting so big it hurts!! Third trimester insomnia is kicking my tush and I've been having a ton of headaches. All in all, it has been wonderful!! I can't believe she'll be here in the next 10 weeks or so! Our first baby shower is tomorrow, and I can't wait for it! I'm so ready to get our house done so we can have it all done and be ready for her!

I'm glad your blood results were normal, I hope AF has shown for you this week! :hugs: I truly hope you don't need any more tests!

I have a baby shower for a friend today, so I'm off for the day! Let me know how you're doing, teacup!
I was just wondering how you're doing, checking in with my buddy!! :hugs:
I was just wondering how you're doing, checking in with my buddy!! :hugs:

Hi Brenn! I'm ill at the moment - I have tonsilitus. Just in time for the weekend! :cry: I had a positive opk on Tuesday, and despite me feeling quite ill OH and I BD'd! So hope we caught the egg. I'll be testing next Friday!

How are you? I hope you and baby are well! :flower: Anything special planned for Valentines day? OH and I are going out for a curry (if I don't feel too ill!).
Cautiously excited...

10/11 dpo:


11/12 dpo:


Potential due date is 5th November, which is 9 days after my birthday! My birthday is 9 days after my OH's birthday so that will be funny if all our birthdays will be 9 days apart!

How are you? Any news? I hope you and your baby girl are well. :flower:
Ohh, that is so exciting!! I'm so happy for you, what great BFPs! Congrats, Nov is a lovely month to be due, my bday is in Nov too!

We are doing well, at home due to a UTI and contractions today but they have eased off a lot. Apparently UTIs are super easy for me to get, as this is my second time this pregnancy! I don't have any symptoms either, so that's weird! Anyway, we at doing well and she will be here before long! Measuring perfectly and chugging along!

How are you? What symptoms do you have? FXed for you, teacup!
Symptoms wise, I have tender boobs which seem worse when I'm in bed at night, there is a little blood in my snot when I blow my nose, strange little twinges in my lower back area and hips, bloating, and very hungry all the time.

I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning and I'm going to ask for an early scan, for about 7 weeks. I've been feeling very anxious because of what happened with my two previous pregnancies. But at least I had a nice dark positive line this time, my previous pregnancies I had very faint positives.

Sorry to hear you have been getting BH lots! I hope your baby girl waits a little longer before greeting you both. I hope your UTI clears up too! xx
Symptoms wise, I have tender boobs which seem worse when I'm in bed at night, there is a little blood in my snot when I blow my nose, strange little twinges in my lower back area and hips, bloating, and very hungry all the time.

I have an appointment with the doctor tomorrow morning and I'm going to ask for an early scan, for about 7 weeks. I've been feeling very anxious because of what happened with my two previous pregnancies. But at least I had a nice dark positive line this time, my previous pregnancies I had very faint positives.

Sorry to hear you have been getting BH lots! I hope your baby girl waits a little longer before greeting you both. I hope your UTI clears up too! xx

I'm on bedrest! You're probably going to get tired of all my posting now :dohh: Did you get the early scan you wanted?

Obviously the BH and contractions have not gone, because that is why I'm on rest until next week but my UTI is gone! I thought maybe it was the UTI causing the BHs but nope! They were very frequent yesterday, even when I walked/bathed/laid. Everything caused them :dohh: They're noticeably slower today though, so bedrest is exactly what she needed!

How is everything going? :hugs:

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