frozen vs. fresh transfer


Jan 16, 2024
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I have had 3 failed IVF rounds. None of our embryos survived in order to be tested and transferred. My dr. now wants to try another round and do immediate transfer which is scary because we can't do genetic testing. She feels they have a better chance of survival in my body. Has anyone had that experience? She wants to do a luteal phase retrieval since that was my most successful, but in that case we would have to freeze embryos immediately and transfer after my period cycle. Any downfall to freezing vs. a fresh transfer?
In IVF, both fresh and frozen transfers have their advantages. Some studies suggest that frozen embryos may have a slight edge in success rates, as they allow your body to recover from stimulation before transfer. However, immediate transfer can be beneficial if embryos struggle to survive in the lab. The idea of transferring without genetic testing can be daunting, but it's a common practice with its own success stories. It's crucial to trust your doctor's expertise, as they're tailoring the approach based on your specific history and responses to previous treatments. Remember, each IVF journey is unique, and what works best for one person may not for another.
So many unknowns! But that’s the nature of this journey. Thank you for your response!
I have had 3 failed IVF rounds. None of our embryos survived in order to be tested and transferred. My dr. now wants to try another round and do immediate transfer which is scary because we can't do genetic testing. She feels they have a better chance of survival in my body. Has anyone had that experience? She wants to do a luteal phase retrieval since that was my most successful, but in that case we would have to freeze embryos immediately and transfer after my period cycle. Any downfall to freezing vs. a fresh transfer?
Hi Dear! I had done 2 fresh IVF cycle back in 2020. One was in May (failed) & 1 was in Sept (positive). Both cycles we had frozen eggs. 1st cycle we got 19 eggs but only 1 able to freeze. Our 2nd cycle we got 25 eggs and 9 eggs able to freeze at Day 5 Blastocyst stage. I recalled my 2nd cycle i had 3 kinds of drugs given to me to be injected. GONAL F, Menopur, Orgalutran. During the 2nd cycle, i really was cautious on my food intake. Less to no sugar drinks n no junkfood, alot of fresh 0 sugar soyamilk intake, red date drinks to keep the womb warm.

The downfall for freezing that is if the frozen egg is successfully survive the thawing process. During my 1st cycle, i know the egg that freeze isnt a good quality which made me to go for a 2nd fresh cycle with proper physical changes made. It made tons of difference on the eggs itself.. i hope that u go thru it smoothly dear! Hugs!

You can check my blog on it. :)
Hi Dear! I had done 2 fresh IVF cycle back in 2020. One was in May (failed) & 1 was in Sept (positive). Both cycles we had frozen eggs. 1st cycle we got 19 eggs but only 1 able to freeze. Our 2nd cycle we got 25 eggs and 9 eggs able to freeze at Day 5 Blastocyst stage. I recalled my 2nd cycle i had 3 kinds of drugs given to me to be injected. GONAL F, Menopur, Orgalutran. During the 2nd cycle, i really was cautious on my food intake. Less to no sugar drinks n no junkfood, alot of fresh 0 sugar soyamilk intake, red date drinks to keep the womb warm.

The downfall for freezing that is if the frozen egg is successfully survive the thawing process. During my 1st cycle, i know the egg that freeze isnt a good quality which made me to go for a 2nd fresh cycle with proper physical changes made. It made tons of difference on the eggs itself.. i hope that u go thru it smoothly dear! Hugs!

You can check my blog on it. :)
Thank you for sharing! And happy you had good outcomes the second time. I would be freezing embryos not eggs, so my situation is different. The more I am learning is that eggs survive thawing at much lower rates than embryos do.
when it comes to fresh or frozen transfers, doctors often have differing approaches. Personally, I make it a point to thoroughly discuss all the pros and cons with my doctor. Additionally, I always double-check information on trusted websites, such as fertially: IVF With Donor Eggs – Are Fresh Eggs Better Than Frozen?. It's important to gather as much reliable information as possible to make informed decisions about fertility treatments. Hope this helps.
I will need to try frozen due to my past results and the protocol my doctor has chosen. Fingers crossed!
I completely agree with edshyrest, and it's worth noting that even doctors can have different approaches. I participated in a webinar not too long ago, and I believe it could be really beneficial for you if you're looking to gain a deeper understanding.

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