My DH are both 36 and have been referred to the FS after a year of unsuccessful trying.
We have had preliminary tests that show i am ovulating but DH SA came back first time at 1% normal and second time 3% normal (although there was only a month between the SA tests). The GP mentioned that they look for at least 2% but didn't explain what that meant but she came across like it wasn't a problem .
However after some reasearch i believe that you really need over 14% to have normal chance of concieving so our 3% looks pretty slim.
Can any of you ladies offer any advice on what to expect at our FS appt? My understanding is that they would probably want a CD3 test from me and maybe one of them tests to check tubes etc but if DHs count doesn;t improve then is it likely they will offer ivf with ICSI or would they offer IUI first?
Thanks in advance, MrsRSx
We have had preliminary tests that show i am ovulating but DH SA came back first time at 1% normal and second time 3% normal (although there was only a month between the SA tests). The GP mentioned that they look for at least 2% but didn't explain what that meant but she came across like it wasn't a problem .
However after some reasearch i believe that you really need over 14% to have normal chance of concieving so our 3% looks pretty slim.
Can any of you ladies offer any advice on what to expect at our FS appt? My understanding is that they would probably want a CD3 test from me and maybe one of them tests to check tubes etc but if DHs count doesn;t improve then is it likely they will offer ivf with ICSI or would they offer IUI first?
Thanks in advance, MrsRSx