Fussing while on the breast


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2012
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My son is 4 weeks today. For the past few days he constantly wants to nurse, which I am providing. But on some occasions he is fussy on my breast crying/whining while pulling on my nipple while keeping suction on the nipple (ouch!). If I take him off he SCREAMS. Around this time I also noticed an increase in spitting up. Not sure if it is all related. Any ideas what could be wrong? I left a message for the doctor today, but wanted to see what you ladies thought. Thanks!
Would be really interested in the reply - my five week old is the same except we have no spit up.

When she lurches with my nipple in her mouth it kills!!
yes, it is awful! does she do it often? I was thinking maybe my milk is coming out slower and he wants more- I dont know.
She has been doing it a fair bit the last two days and on both sides. Half way through the last feed, when she was thrashing, I burped her and it seemed to help her a little.

Yesterday I thought it was tummy ache as she hadn't done a poo. Yet even after two massive poos she still fussed.

At night she was fine and first thing.

I think she is getting milk as she has milky chops and lots of wet nappies.

I just wish she would let go of boob whilst she thrashes!
My guess would be that baby is trying to increase your supply so just keep nursing as much as poss! I found burping my baby helped with the fussing a bit and tummy rubs for wind. But mainly just keep bfing.
Could be gas. My LO arches his back and pulls away when he is gassy. Also gets fussy and won't nurse until the gas passes. I noticed the worst weeks were 5&6 when their digestive symptoms are finally maturing. Try burping more during feeds, gripe water and gas drops.
Thanks! I increased burping him too. It helped last night, but not today. The strange thing is that while fussing/crying he still wants to nurse. Maybe he is just a fatty with a bellyache ;) Based on poo/pee output he is getting plenty of milk. I noticed an increase in comfort nursing. Do your babies want more comfort nursing when their stomachs hurt?
Yep - she definitely wants to nurse more when she has wind issues.
My 2 week old has done the same thing since she came out of her newborn coma. I couldn't take dealing with her kicking and scratching and screaming, plus she always acted unsatisfied, even after 45 minutes of feeding. When I would pump, I would get anywhere from 2-5 oz, depending on how often, so I know she was getting enough. If I pumped 2 ounces and fed her, she would be perfectly fine. Oh, and her latch is ok. My doctor said she probably just doesn't like nursing straight from the breast.

I started formula after she failed her third weight check, and I'm trying to reintroduce expressed milk, but I'm only getting about an ounce a day. I know it'll take some time for my supply to build up again though.
LO has just started throwing herself around again so I put her in the rugby hold (under my arm on the side I'm feeding on) and she's munching away calmly.

No idea why it worked? But I'm not complaint.
Argh! After a great day yesterday feeding and overall not very fussy he is at it again. For the past 1.5 hours he is nursing and throwing himself off my breast. All day today he nursed frequently (but not pulling off). Could my supply be much lower in the evening? In the morning my breasts are very full and leak often, but not later in the day. Now I notice during these "bad" evenings I do not hear much swallowing.
Sounds like a growth spurt. Google it and see if your lo is showing signs of one. Sometimes they are fussy bc they want more milk right now! Keep themon, your body wont run out and it signals yourbody to make more. I'm going through one now at 6 weeks, its tough!
It has been going for quite a few days now. Shouldnt I be making more milk by now? It has been only an evening thing, but now it has been happening since 11AM (its 1 PM now). He is crying and tugging really badly. Its heartbreaking.
Have you tried the football hold?

I've also found she tugs more just before a poo.
Sounds like a growth spurt but I think they can go hand in hand with wind (as sucking on an empty breast or getting frustrated and latching badly can lead to wind).

Nursing soothes painfull wind/reflux and also stimulates milk production so whatever the cause I'd say nurse, nurse, nurse for another few days. If it still hasn't passed I see a doctor about possible reflux but if it passes then it's classic growth spurt and you'll get another in a couple of weeks time!

Feeling like supply is low in afternoon evening is common for a few reasons:
1)night milk production is high, so even if LO feeds often at night you will wake up engorged in a way that doesn't happen in the middle of the day.
2)cluster feeding takes place typically in afternoon and evening so the breasts never get time to feel full, but they do keep producing milk, it is just snapped up by LO!
3)stress is higher at the end of a tiring day and this affects milk production
I tried the football hold and he SCREAMED horribly. I used to use that position all the time too. It seems like this happens every other day, maybe for the past 7-10 days. But yesterday was the first time it was all day. I have a gut feeling that he has reflux. I took him to the doctor on Friday who said it sounds like "normal reflux" and since he gained a ton of weight she did not want to medicate him. He went from 7lbs 12oz to 9lbs 7oz in a little over 2 weeks. It made sense then, but he was doing better. I also think it could be a combo of a growth spurt/slow flow and being overtired. I was finally able to bounce him to sleep yesterday. But I was worried that by putting him to sleep I was starving him or something. Like I as just soothing him instead of feeding him. I know that sounds crazy, but does that make sense at all? I should have an insane amount of milk coming in after yesterdays nearly 12 hour marathon cluster feeding.haha.
I was worried that by putting him to sleep I was starving him or something. Like I as just soothing him instead of feeding him.

If he was genuinely hungry he'd wake up, or not be able to sleep in the first place. Sleep is important too!
I was worried that by putting him to sleep I was starving him or something. Like I as just soothing him instead of feeding him.

If he was genuinely hungry he'd wake up, or not be able to sleep in the first place. Sleep is important too!

Thanks I think I needed to hear that. I think he only knows how to fall asleep on the boob and uses it for that. Maybe the thrashing around is just frustration from being overtired. Now I need to figure out how to get him to stop because my nipples hurt!!

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