mummy3; I'm so glad you asked that!
before the gastrostomy; Jude was extremely delayed. He was 10 months and completley static; he didn't sit, couldn't roll, only kicked with one leg and even when you sat him up and held him he wouldn't be able to sit-he would topple over. They actually told me there was a chance he wouldn't walk unaided, ever. he also cried PERMENANTLY. literally constantly; it was soul destroying.
TWO DAYS after the gastrostomy, Jude was able to sit up, unaided for the first time. I'm not kidding. he has gone from strength to strength, he is still slightly delayed still now but he's walking!!!!!

he was very malnourished before the procedure, he was aspirating severely but nobody at my local hospital had noticed until we went to a bigger one in London. the procedure saved his life.
In answer to your question; yes Jude is small for his age; and his head ultrasound was negative to anything major. (we are going to great Ormand street hospital for children in 2 weeks though where it will be reviewed by specialists). The only issue we're having at the moment is, due to Jude's lack of swallow, he doesn't actually say anything yet. he's pretty mute. I think it's to do with the muscles though and I'm hoping it'll get better with time. Jude has severe respiratory issues due to his aspiration too which can make him really poorly extremely quickly- he has just had his 3rd collapsed lung.
I'm adamant that the button saved his life;and although I'm finding adjusting to life with a tube hard to get my head around sometimes, now it is part of him and I'm quite fond of it!