Gallery of preggies

Caffeine dehydrates you. Sugar can be dehydrating, even the sugar in Gatorade can dehydrate you. I think sugar is safer than aspartame though. I think Amanda hot the nail on the head, choosing the lesser or two evils. If you have to drink caffeine or sugar to stay hydrated then so be it. But it's better not to, of course. Decaf tea sounds Luke a great idea. I don't know the process the tea goes through to become decaffeinated. Does anyone know that? Again choosing the lesser of the evils, but if you have ms bad enough to not be eating or driinking to the point of being dehydrated, I still think watered down Gatorade is a good choice, diluted juices, and even tea when it gets to that point. A little bit of sugar in your drink gets to a point of supplying some calories and sometimes sugar can actually make you feel hungry.

Everything we do we have to make choices. Sometimes we have to do things that are not so good but it's always weighing the risks and benefits. I just wanted to point out the caffeine thing, it's said to hinder implantation and that seems kinda serious to me. Not that I'm not kicking myself for not stopping it say a month ago. What if? You know? Anything you can do to keep your baby is worth the effor if at all possible.
Beckie, I'm pretty sure if you called they would compensate you for the faulty test.

Andella, that sounds really scary. Is it the fibroids causing the bleeding? What does your dr say? Is it one of those things if you get to a certain point then it won't be as much of a concern? It sounds like you have so much going on right now. I think you made a good choice.
BTW megg are you sure your in Gallifrey, last I heard that was blown up a LONG time ago LOL Plus they didnt seem like very nice people. You seem alot nicer then the stories I've heard about "those" people lol

Haha! Uhm... Perhaps I'm FROM Gallifrey but I don't currently live there! You never suspected I was a Time Lord? I'm a good Time Lord... I promise!

Caffeine dehydrates you. Sugar can be dehydrating, even the sugar in Gatorade can dehydrate you. I think sugar is safer than aspartame though. I think Amanda hot the nail on the head, choosing the lesser or two evils. If you have to drink caffeine or sugar to stay hydrated then so be it. But it's better not to, of course. Decaf tea sounds Luke a great idea. I don't know the process the tea goes through to become decaffeinated. Does anyone know that? Again choosing the lesser of the evils, but if you have ms bad enough to not be eating or driinking to the point of being dehydrated, I still think watered down Gatorade is a good choice, diluted juices, and even tea when it gets to that point. A little bit of sugar in your drink gets to a point of supplying some calories and sometimes sugar can actually make you feel hungry.

Everything we do we have to make choices. Sometimes we have to do things that are not so good but it's always weighing the risks and benefits. I just wanted to point out the caffeine thing, it's said to hinder implantation and that seems kinda serious to me. Not that I'm not kicking myself for not stopping it say a month ago. What if? You know? Anything you can do to keep your baby is worth the effor if at all possible.

That's why I'm trying to avoid caffeine as much as possible right now. I should have sooner... but I'm doing it now. I don't want to kick myself later for not giving it up. My clinic seems to be okay with 2 caffeinated drinks per day still though. So, I suppose there has to be some reason for that? I think maybe it takes large quantities to do harm... but no reason not to give it your best shot, right?

Also, I'm not saying that its not better to drink something rather than nothing. I just don't like how misleading advertising is... They would have you think that sports drinks are the most hydrating fluids on the planet... and they're just not the BEST choice. They're much better than nothing. Don't get me wrong. lol
well then, can I be from Gallifrey too? Or at least own a tardis? ill share :D lol
well then, can I be from Gallifrey too? Or at least own a tardis? ill share :D lol

Of course! Especially owning a TARDIS! I want a TARDIS so bad... and a sonic screwdriver! That thing has endless uses! :)

P.S. Tested BFN today @ 10dpo... Pics for your viewing pleasure.


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Why did you have to go and put it all in one post ! I cant like (thank) the post cause of the tests LOL But I can love the doctor who

I do see very faint lines but that could be me just searching for them :) Once you have eye line its hard to get rid of it LOL

BTW did you get elton john pictures?
i see summit in the middle :)

I didnt get a line until 11dpo so there time yet :happydance:
Why did you have to go and put it all in one post ! I cant like (thank) the post cause of the tests LOL But I can love the doctor who

I do see very faint lines but that could be me just searching for them :) Once you have eye line its hard to get rid of it LOL

BTW did you get elton john pictures?

You can thank it. Its fine! I'll understand! :)

I think sometimes I see something if I look really, really hard. But, I don't count it if I have to look that hard to see it anyway. If its there, it'll be better on Friday. If not, then it won't.

Yes! Elton pics on FB and in my journal... I can link you to the post in a second. I have to find it.

i see summit in the middle :)

I didnt get a line until 11dpo so there time yet :happydance:

I know its still early. I'm not flipping out too much yet. LOL
Elton John post is here:
When I was pregnant with Alec, I had doctor's order to drink 64 oz of Gatorade everyday before noon. I didn't do it and I thought they were crazy, lol.

This time, after my mc in February, i was actually drinking an excessive amount of energy drinks and taking "energy" pills right up until I had my next BFP, because we weren't trying and BFP#2 was a bit of a surprise. So then I decided to stop all caffeine and it has totally killed me!! I allow myself a bit when I need it, but it's one of those things I didn't worry about my first pregnancy and I am paranoid now.
Megg, I'm so sorry about the bfn. Are you sure it's a bfn? Can you tweak or get someone to tweak it for you? I think I see something, I also know that I really want to see that line for you.

I looked up OHSS last night and how the Gatorade works with all of that. It's so complicated. It's something about the fluids leaking into the abdomen which is dehydrating. The fluids are still there, but not where they are supposed to be. I think the intent is to encourage peeing, right? I still don't see how that will pull the fluids out of the abdomen though. It also recommended eating high protein, I didn't understand that part either. I don't understand how sodium works with the blood pressure so much either. Or why they limit salt when you're swollen becuase salt makes you pee more. I know this is an area that doesn't always make sense to me. I still think that Gatorade is second to Pedialyte when there is dehydration because the salt are also electrolytes. Hey, did you know that there are recipes to make your own Pedialyte? I thought that was pretty cool. It's all interesting, I love learning new stuff. I must admit though, I had nighmares last night about OHSS. I was scared to death, it sounds just terrible. I whine and cry about O pain, waaa, it's nothing compared to this.

Megg, are you waiting until Friday to test again?

I'm glad you are off of the energy drinks Andella. I think I'm finally over the caffeine hump. I went to Happy Hour at Sonic today and got a water with lime, it was pretty good even. But I found a whole 2 liter of Diet Coke in my kitchen I forgot I had, do I dare pour it down the drain?

Amanda, I just have to tell you. My dh and 16yo dd are in San Francisco right now. This evening, there were 7 older men riding bicycles in the buff. My dd was shocked.

Night ladies.
i read 7 men and buff :fool: i was like yummy! and then read older :haha:

Last day at work today until Tuesday :yipee:
hear bay heartbeat toay really clearly:) and it flashes up 150-170 then goes away but have just looked at some vids and hb doesnt sound the same :grr:
Megg, I'm so sorry about the bfn. Are you sure it's a bfn? Can you tweak or get someone to tweak it for you? I think I see something, I also know that I really want to see that line for you.

I looked up OHSS last night and how the Gatorade works with all of that. It's so complicated. It's something about the fluids leaking into the abdomen which is dehydrating. The fluids are still there, but not where they are supposed to be. I think the intent is to encourage peeing, right? I still don't see how that will pull the fluids out of the abdomen though. It also recommended eating high protein, I didn't understand that part either. I don't understand how sodium works with the blood pressure so much either. Or why they limit salt when you're swollen becuase salt makes you pee more. I know this is an area that doesn't always make sense to me. I still think that Gatorade is second to Pedialyte when there is dehydration because the salt are also electrolytes. Hey, did you know that there are recipes to make your own Pedialyte? I thought that was pretty cool. It's all interesting, I love learning new stuff. I must admit though, I had nighmares last night about OHSS. I was scared to death, it sounds just terrible. I whine and cry about O pain, waaa, it's nothing compared to this.

Megg, are you waiting until Friday to test again?

I'm glad you are off of the energy drinks Andella. I think I'm finally over the caffeine hump. I went to Happy Hour at Sonic today and got a water with lime, it was pretty good even. But I found a whole 2 liter of Diet Coke in my kitchen I forgot I had, do I dare pour it down the drain?

Amanda, I just have to tell you. My dh and 16yo dd are in San Francisco right now. This evening, there were 7 older men riding bicycles in the buff. My dd was shocked.

Night ladies.

I can't explain OHSS and Gatorade any better. Its all quite complicated. :shrug: I know that most of us would do anything we could to avoid it though.

I'm not going to try and see anything on the test from yesterday. I'll just do one in the morning. Not worth getting my hopes up if its just because its over tweaked and stuff. I used a cheapy today... I'll post a pic later. Nothing exciting.
So, the thing I "might" see in real life isn't showing up in my pictures. *sigh* I think I'm imagining it. I'm calling it BFN, either way. Considering wasting another FRER and having to go buy more today! LOL


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You think I'm imagining it too? LOL Its okay.. I'm sure I am.

I did a FRER again. *sigh* So, it doesn't quite look positive in real life... but it doesn't quite look negative either. And, this is all within the time limit, mind you. I took pics... but I'm not calling it anything. We both sort of maybe see the hint of something that might eventually be something... but I'm not sure and I'm certainly not getting my hopes up just yet. I have a sneaking suspicion that I'm going to have to to wait until my betas... because I'm out of town all weekend. :(

The thing I sort of see only shows up in the 2nd pic... and only barely at that. I think I'm making it up!


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No Megg that ..... was not directed at you or anyone. I just rethought what I was going to write and it wouldn't let me delete it outright.

To be honest if I Tilt my screen I think I see something on the FRER, but hard to see if there is color??? :shrug: I think it's just still too early to see a good line. I hope you have a good weekend though. I'll be out of town too. Will check back with you on Sunday night and Monday Morning.
Gotcha. I'm calling it negative, obviously. So, I went and had a good cry because its probably not worked this time. I have to face that possibility at least. But I'm so sad at the thought. Kevin says I'm "acting pregnant" again, because I supposedly get like this when I'm pregnant. I guess we'll see. I'm seriously considering just waiting on my betas now.
babyhopes, your baby sounded different in rhythm or just the way it sounded?

Megg, I see it on the second picture too. I hope and pray this is it. Maybe you should just not test until your beta. If it was anyone else I'd say test, but it's not like you to test like this anyway. You seem to be falling into what the rest of us were already in too deep to 'fall' into. This is a scary and a bit vulnerable time, do what you have to, just take care of yourself. And I agree with Kevin, you are acting pregnant.

I could use some input from anyone who has btdt. I have a friend, she is almost 38 weeks. She lost her first baby to a heart condition on 5/4 last year, she was 18 months. She sees two dr.s, her OB and a specialist. Two days ago she went to the hospital with contrax, she was dilated to 3 and progressed to 5 and stopped. She told the nurses something was leaking. They told her it was only the gel they used to check her. They sent her home, and there was a little puddle on her pad on the bed. They looked at it and said it was nothing, they never even checked it. So she goes to see two dr.s every week, one is doing sonos every week. Her amniotic fluid went down from 11 to 4 since last week. So she has an appointment already scheduled at 1pm today and it's just a few hours away and she called and asked for them to see her sooner, but they said if she was that worried about it she should go to the hosp. Does anyone know about the amniotic fluid levels? I've never been through any of that. Any input is appreciated.
i dont know,mine was like my heart beat rate then then was one faster but didnt sound as fast as doppler vids at 10 weeks :( now me worried :(
Megg i see lines on all of them! argh hope its not jsut my line eye playing wait for betas now megg :hugs::dust:

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