I'm sorry Noelle but I hate Theon's storyline. Especially when Dany gets bumped.
The ending was a little confusing to me too... What was Littlefinger going on about?
Am I the only one getting sick of having to watch Theon being tortured for a few minutes every episode? I wish something else would happen with him!
Ditto to both of you. I adore Alfie, but I too am getting tired of this story line. Okay, we get it, this guy is a sadist! But is something going to happen? Poor kid, they should either kill him (please God NOOO) or set him free. Let's move this along.
I had NO IDEA what the hell evil weirdo Little Finger was talking about. All I heard was "Blah, blah, blah... I'm evil... Blah, blah, blah... I'm a liar... Blah, blah, blah... THEY KILLED ROS OH NO!". Very bizarre, though he said these things with some vigor! I was eating a delicious apple pie while watching this scene, so maybe I just tuned it out.