Game of Thrones!

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You scored 160 Adaptability, 190 Humor, 90 Integrity and 80 Activity!

You are Cersei Lannister.

In your mind, you were born to rule. You've got huge ambitions and aren't afraid to play the game in order to achieve them. However, your excessive amounts of anger and fear are not helpful to any cause, including your own. You have confidence in yourself (inside and out), but you have difficulty trusting others. There are few other people you truly care about, but you are capable of strong feelings of love, especially to those who look to you as a parental figure. You feel as though you have been oppressed, so you enjoy power more than most. You are ambitious, intense, and independent.

You are also similar to Theon Greyjoy and Tywin Lannister. Your polar opposite is Oberyn Martell.
Worryingly OH guessed I'd be Cersai before I'd even finished the test! I don't agree with some of it, I'm not born to rule or particularly ambitious and definitely don't have confidence in myself but the rest I can apply to me. He says it's cos I'm a bitch, very manipulative and verging on evil :haha:
Mine is hilarious!

ou scored 240 Adaptability, 300 Humor, 180 Integrity and 130 Activity!
Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength, then it can never be your weakness.

You are Tyrion Lannister.

Also known as The Imp, you are a likeable person that many people can relate to. However, you are prone to feelings of loneliness. You have a romantic nature that is often hidden under your need to constantly show off your intelligence and sense of humor. You often get into trouble due to your inability to control your tongue - you can't resist making a clever comment when the opportunity arises, no matter what the consequence may be. You often feel like an outcast and you have great sympathy for outsiders in general. You are capable of great kindness, but you are also capable of serious malice. You have a tendency to use underhanded tactics to achieve your goals, but, for the most part, you do your best to fit your own idea of a good person. You have a strong sexual appetite. You are isolated, dynamic, and witty.
Interesting! I got

Tyrion Lannister
You scored 240 Adaptability, 310 Humor, 230 Integrity and 100 Activity!
Never forget who you are, for surely the world will not. Make it your strength, then it can never be your weakness.

You are Tyrion Lannister.Also known as The Imp, you are a likeable person that many people can relate to. However, you are prone to feelings of loneliness. You have a romantic nature that is often hidden under your need to constantly show off your intelligence and sense of humor. You often get into trouble due to your inability to control your tongue - you can't resist making a clever comment when the opportunity arises, no matter what the consequence may be. You often feel like an outcast and you have great sympathy for outsiders in general. You are capable of great kindness, but you are also capable of serious malice. You have a tendency to use underhanded tactics to achieve your goals, but, for the most part, you do your best to fit your own idea of a good person. You have a strong sexual appetite. You are isolated, dynamic, and witty.

You are also similar to Olenna Tyrell and Jaime Lannister. Your polar opposite is Davos Seaworth.
You scored 160 Adaptability, 190 Humor, 90 Integrity and 80 Activity!

You are Cersei Lannister.

In your mind, you were born to rule. You've got huge ambitions and aren't afraid to play the game in order to achieve them. However, your excessive amounts of anger and fear are not helpful to any cause, including your own. You have confidence in yourself (inside and out), but you have difficulty trusting others. There are few other people you truly care about, but you are capable of strong feelings of love, especially to those who look to you as a parental figure. You feel as though you have been oppressed, so you enjoy power more than most. You are ambitious, intense, and independent.

You are also similar to Theon Greyjoy and Tywin Lannister. Your polar opposite is Oberyn Martell.
Worryingly OH guessed I'd be Cersai before I'd even finished the test! I don't agree with some of it, I'm not born to rule or particularly ambitious and definitely don't have confidence in myself but the rest I can apply to me. He says it's cos I'm a bitch, very manipulative and verging on evil :haha:

Haha, if you really are all of those things you'd think your OH would know better than to point it out to you! :haha:
Totally jealous of the Tyrions! I was hoping to get him :blush:
Hmmm....will try not to take this too personally!! :haha:

Your result for The Song of Ice and Fire Personality Test ...
Samwell Tarly

You scored 220 Adaptability, 230 Humor, 230 Integrity and 160 Activity!

You are Samwell Tarly.

Also known as "Sam the Slayer", you are often a big mess. You are easily scared and less than enthusiastic toward any sort of physical activity. However, you have plenty of other talents. You are a highly intellectual person and you love to read. You are kind and gentle and willing to go to great lengths to care for those you love. You are also willing to face your fears when absolutely necessary. You are insecure, affectionate, and well-read.

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark. Your polar opposite is Sandor Clegane.
You scored 160 Adaptability, 190 Humor, 90 Integrity and 80 Activity!

You are Cersei Lannister.

In your mind, you were born to rule. You've got huge ambitions and aren't afraid to play the game in order to achieve them. However, your excessive amounts of anger and fear are not helpful to any cause, including your own. You have confidence in yourself (inside and out), but you have difficulty trusting others. There are few other people you truly care about, but you are capable of strong feelings of love, especially to those who look to you as a parental figure. You feel as though you have been oppressed, so you enjoy power more than most. You are ambitious, intense, and independent.

You are also similar to Theon Greyjoy and Tywin Lannister. Your polar opposite is Oberyn Martell.
Worryingly OH guessed I'd be Cersai before I'd even finished the test! I don't agree with some of it, I'm not born to rule or particularly ambitious and definitely don't have confidence in myself but the rest I can apply to me. He says it's cos I'm a bitch, very manipulative and verging on evil :haha:

Haha, if you really are all of those things you'd think your OH would know better than to point it out to you! :haha:

Nah he knows it's okay to say cos I'm fully aware of what a cow I can be lol.
Your result for The Song of Ice and Fire Personality Test ...
Brienne of Tarth
You scored 80 Adaptability, 140 Humor, 290 Integrity and 280 Activity!
Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it’s always summer in the songs.

You are Brienne of Tarth.
Arguably the only "true knight" in the entire series, you have many great qualities that unfortunately go unnoticed due to your strange appearance and insecurities. You are not yet comfortable with yourself, yet you are willing to go to great lengths to help others. You push yourself to be the best you can be in all areas of life, and you are incredibly moral. You are able to endure a lot. However, you may be a bit naive...and take things a tad too seriously. You are noble, loyal, and honest.

You are also similar to Eddard Stark and Davos Seaworth. Your polar opposite is Petyr Baelish.
Your result for The Song of Ice and Fire Personality Test ...
Brienne of Tarth
You scored 80 Adaptability, 140 Humor, 290 Integrity and 280 Activity!
Should we die in battle, they will surely sing of us, and it’s always summer in the songs.

You are Brienne of Tarth.
Arguably the only "true knight" in the entire series, you have many great qualities that unfortunately go unnoticed due to your strange appearance and insecurities. You are not yet comfortable with yourself, yet you are willing to go to great lengths to help others. You push yourself to be the best you can be in all areas of life, and you are incredibly moral. You are able to endure a lot. However, you may be a bit naive...and take things a tad too seriously. You are noble, loyal, and honest.

You are also similar to Eddard Stark and Davos Seaworth. Your polar opposite is Petyr Baelish.

Strange appearance?!! Haha!! :haha: part way thru I thought "I bet I get brienne of tarth!" Wouldn't mind being able to swing a sword like her! Like a boss ;)
Bran Stark

You scored 260 Adaptability, 140 Humor, 310 Integrity and 120 Activity!
When I sleep I turn into a wolf. Do wolves dream?

You are Bran Stark
You have big dreams in life, and you get frustrated with those who think you are unable to achieve them. You love to explore and wish for more adventure in your life. You are generally introverted when it comes to interacting with others, though you have you have been known to have a few rather crazy outbursts. You love animals and feel connected to them. You have psychic tendencies and you know far more about life, and the world, than you let on. You are adventurous, perceptive, and resolute.

You also similar to Catelyn Stark and Robb Stark. Your polar opposite is Asha Greyjoy.
Your result for The Song of Ice and Fire Personality Test ...
Sansa Stark
You scored 240 Adaptability, 220 Humor, 150 Integrity and 110 Activity!
Soothe the wrath and tame the fury, teach us all a kinder way.

You are Sansa Stark.

You are a dreamer, first and foremost. You love to live in a fantasy world whenever possible, though you are able to face reality when it is required. You are graceful and polite, always able to make a good impression on those you meet. You are gentle and wish the world weren't such a violent place. Your desire to be kind to all does have its downside, though - you don't think a lie can be harmful if it is meant in kindness. That is not always the case. You are romantic, courteous, and composed.

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Bran Stark. Your polar opposite is Jon Snow.


This is so far off the mark, I don't know where to begin! :haha:
Samwell Tarly
You scored 280 Adaptability, 210 Humor, 200 Integrity and 150 Activity!
Sobbing, he took another step.

You are Samwell Tarly.

Also known as "Sam the Slayer", you are often a big mess. You are easily scared and less than enthusiastic toward any sort of physical activity. However, you have plenty of other talents. You are a highly intellectual person and you love to read. You are kind and gentle and willing to go to great lengths to care for those you love. You are also willing to face your fears when absolutely necessary. You are insecure, affectionate, and well-read.

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Sansa Stark. Your polar opposite is Sandor Clegane.
I got...

Olenna Tyrell
You scored 240 Adaptability, 260 Humor, 310 Integrity and 150 Activity!
All men are fools if truth be told, but the ones in motley are far more amusing than the ones in crowns.

You are Olenna Tyrell.

Also known as the Queen of Thorns, you have quite the acerbic wit. Despite your unstoppable smart mouth, it is clear that you have a great amount of love for your family and friends. You are blunt and honest to those you like, but you don't think it's necessary to be truthful to those you don't. You are very perceptive and you have a fair amount of wisdom when it comes to people and politics. You can get away with being devious due to your innocent appearance. You enjoy social events, if only for how silly they are, and you always know how to make a grand appearance. You are caustic, calculated, and classy.

You are also similar to Tyrion Lannister and Oberyn Martell. Your polar opposite is Tywin Lannister.

Sounds fairly accurate though I'm not so sure about the "classy" part... ;)
I got...

Olenna Tyrell
You scored 240 Adaptability, 260 Humor, 310 Integrity and 150 Activity!
All men are fools if truth be told, but the ones in motley are far more amusing than the ones in crowns.

You are Olenna Tyrell.

Also known as the Queen of Thorns, you have quite the acerbic wit. Despite your unstoppable smart mouth, it is clear that you have a great amount of love for your family and friends. You are blunt and honest to those you like, but you don't think it's necessary to be truthful to those you don't. You are very perceptive and you have a fair amount of wisdom when it comes to people and politics. You can get away with being devious due to your innocent appearance. You enjoy social events, if only for how silly they are, and you always know how to make a grand appearance. You are caustic, calculated, and classy.

You are also similar to Tyrion Lannister and Oberyn Martell. Your polar opposite is Tywin Lannister.

Sounds fairly accurate though I'm not so sure about the "classy" part... ;)

Is that the old lady? I love her!
My result, this was a fun one!

Oberyn Martell
You scored 220 Adaptability, 280 Humor, 290 Integrity and 250 Activity!
Have they told you who I am?

You are Oberyn Martell.

Also known as the Red Viper, you are a willful person as well as a courageous one. You are progressive in your beliefs and attitudes. You are always willing to try new things, in any area of life, from food to romance, and you have a more than healthy libido. You take charge of situations easily. You have a wicked sense of humor and you would make a great friend, lover, or parent. If anyone harms your loved ones, no one can stop you from taking revenge. You are a natural teacher and you have great skills when it comes to the athletic side of life. You are open-minded, hot-blooded, and thorough.
Sansa Stark
You scored 330 Adaptability, 140 Humor, 150 Integrity and 120 Activity!
Soothe the wrath and tame the fury, teach us all a kinder way.

You are Sansa Stark.

You are a dreamer, first and foremost. You love to live in a fantasy world whenever possible, though you are able to face reality when it is required. You are graceful and polite, always able to make a good impression on those you meet. You are gentle and wish the world weren't such a violent place. Your desire to be kind to all does have its downside, though - you don't think a lie can be harmful if it is meant in kindness. That is not always the case. You are romantic, courteous, and composed.

You are also similar to Catelyn Stark and Bran Stark. Your polar opposite is Jon Snow.

i would not have predicted i would be sansa, i actually find her a little annoying
Raven, I wouldn't have pegged you as a Sansa! :haha:

Okay, so I haven't yet watched, but I heard my boyfriend lost a very important *ahem* part last night.

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