Okay, so I watched! I have an early work meeting but I got up to get on the computer specifically to discuss this with you girls, so you better appreciate me
I loved this episode!
I'm not crazy about Robb's girl, but I thought that whole scene was really hot/sweet.
I like the dynamic between John Snow and the red head (I can't spell her name) and I think the cultural element brings an interesting twist to their story.
So Tywin is basically running the kingdom without Joffrey. Nice move. I love how they're underestimating the dragons because their "people" are giving them bad intelligence. It's a nice parallel with modern politics, especially in the US.
I didn't realize that Gendry didn't know he was Boratheon's *******. I also think Arya is safer with the Hound than those other guys. I was remembering how kind he was to Sansa.
Jamie + Brianne = awww. I can't believe I'm beginning to like the man who pushed an innocent kid out a window and paralyzed him. Oh and I don't care about Brann's storyline. Hope it gets more interesting. On a side note, that actor has aged 10 years since the beginning of the show. Ah, puberty.
I love, love, love the Sansa and Margery scene. I have a girl crush on Marge. They have great chemistry. When Marge told Sansa she knew about sex because her mother told her I almost died! Thought she made a good point, also - Sansa could do way worse than Tyrion. I have a feeling that things aren't going to go well between him and Shae...
Dany is full of awesome-ness, as per the usual. I love that she's like queen of the people now. Khaleesi!!!! And she looked great. Seriously, this show could turn me onto women if it weren't for Alfie. Which brings me to...