Yes, this show is confusing! So glad my boyfriend Theon is back and shirtless at that. Unfortunately he's being tortured however. Although my brother says that's the best part of the show

I'm curious to know where they're going with this and I think they may deviate from the books quite a bit based on the preview for next week. Whatever, if I can have more Alfie Allen in my life I'll take it even if it's not true to it's original source
For those who have read the books, I thought the scene with Tyrion and Shae was some nice foreshadowing (hope I'm not giving anything away). I really do love their chemistry
Margery Tyrell rocks. Girl knows how to get what she wants (and seriously Sansa could take a lesson from her).
I could not care less about the whole Bran story line. I know he's a big character in the show and books, but I find the whole thing so boring. Hopefully it gets better with the introduction of these new characters.
Oh, and with the Theon story line I'm really hope to see Yara (Asha) again. I love the tough girls in this show.
Speaking of tough girls, I didn't really miss Dany... I'm ready for her to do something. She's been all talk for some time now