Gamers group!

oops, i meant bloodhoof.

im not on as much recently, started back at work yesterday. but hopefully my lag has calmed down and i can be a wow'er again at weekends
il be back again soon! got into playing on arathor again lol and have raided a few times this week, apparently "raiding jo" has been missed lol

does anyone play starcraft? and if so whats it like? ive just seen the trailer for starcraft 2 and it looked amazing
I was able to play with the Starcraft II beta. It's pretty cool, but since I'd never played Starcraft I was at a disadvantage as I'd lose the game just as I was figuring out how to do things, but I was starting to pick things up a bit near the end of it.
OH got a small package from Amazon in the mail today. Said I couldn't open it. That means it's my birthday present and knowing my OH and what he'd buy for me, it's the lego HP game :happydance:

I just sold that on Ebay, didn't like it and I love HP and the lego games :(
My mage on Bloodhoof is called Missboo, I went to Bloodhoof because it's where my OH has his chars so I could steal me some gold Mwahaha :p xXx
OH got a small package from Amazon in the mail today. Said I couldn't open it. That means it's my birthday present and knowing my OH and what he'd buy for me, it's the lego HP game :happydance:

I just sold that on Ebay, didn't like it and I love HP and the lego games :(

That's a shame. I love the lego games so far. Maybe I should try out the free trial download before opening the package. I hear its a lot more open ended and I like that in a game. I'm a big GTA fan.
Can I join? :D

I have a 360, Wii and DS as well as the retro consoles (cube, SNES, Megadrive, etc)

I particularly like playing co-op games. Can you guys reccomend some good ones?
Seity I'm a big GTA fan.[/QUOTE said:
I LOVE GTA! Ever since playing GTA1 when I was like 11, I've loved them. Vice City is my favourite
Vice City is my favorite as well, although I have a soft spot for San Andreas because I grew up in Southern California and it's modeled after that area.
hiya just spoted this group, we are big call of duty fans play on the ps3 at the mo x
my char on bloodhoof is callde razzmatazz :lol:
I'd join you ladies on Bloodhoof but I'm concentrating on doing Loremaster on my main... I must crazy!
wow you will never guess what ladies.

i got an email the other day saying i had been chosen to test beta of cata. i didnt believe it so i went to battlenet and there it was!!! its really good! having so much fun. oh its gonna be great x
Anyone still playing? How are you getting on?
My mage on horde side, Bloodhoof server is now 38 (dinged last night) and is a tailor and enchanter. xXx
Anyone still playing? How are you getting on?
My mage on horde side, Bloodhoof server is now 38 (dinged last night) and is a tailor and enchanter. xXx
YAY grats Nik :D I shall be on tonight if you want another run thru? xXx

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