Gamers group!

Anyone still playing? How are you getting on?
My mage on horde side, Bloodhoof server is now 38 (dinged last night) and is a tailor and enchanter. xXx
YAY grats Nik :D I shall be on tonight if you want another run thru? xXx

Great, yes please, I dinged last night, didn't get on till gone 11 and was only on for an hour cos madam decided to stay awake until 11.30 last night little moo! I'll make sure I get me enchanting to the required level first so at least I can speck to the trainer in there :D xXx
Nik I'm pretty sure you can talk to an enchanting trainer in a major city, they changed it in a patch a little while back.. the ones in the cities are supposed to be able to train you up to Artisan (300) I dont mind doing another Uldaman run tho, was funny getting lost the other night :lol:
This is copy n paste from Wow Wiki about the enchanting trainer in Uldaman...

*Annora <Enchanting Trainer> is a friendly level 54 human and is an artisan enchanting trainer. She lives most inconveniently in the Uldaman instance beyond a crowd of scorpids.

She only trains recipes up to skill 295, so no need to visit her again if you were at 295 or higher and took all the recipes. Annora will spawn when the scorpids in her room are dead. No other mobs in the zone must be dead.

Most players will want to train at the enchanting trainer in capital cities, as it is much easier then going into Uldaman.*

There ya go darlin, you should be able to train at UC when you're the right lvl :hugs:
Ah cool, I'll check it out later, IF i'm allowed lol :) Thanks Nik xXx
No problem darlin :) Hopefully Jess'll let ya play tonight eh ;) xXx
ooh can i join? I love games! :)

I used to play WoW, FFXI, DDO and loads of free MMO's. now a PS3 addict. My PSN username is Sashmung. I dont have too many games that go online atm, but hoping to get more back soon.

Also getting Final Fantasy 14 on its PS3 release date (in March) if anyone else is going to play it would be nice to have an Eorzian companion :)
Are there also any girls who play sportsmanagement games such as

if there are : i am morri on battrick and from the pavilion as well as on blackoutrugby :D
Can I join? :D

I have a 360, Wii and DS as well as the retro consoles (cube, SNES, Megadrive, etc)

I particularly like playing co-op games. Can you guys reccomend some good ones?

for xbox red dead redemption is awesome!!!

btw xbl is mizz lizzy
lol the cube a retro console :haha: that must make us feel old :haha:, I played only on freinds nes, super nes, and segas, but I always had a own game boy, gba and ds :D. I also have a playstation, with final fantasy VIII on it and still havet finished it (I am on the last disc though)
lol the cube a retro console :haha: that must make us feel old :haha:, I played only on freinds nes, super nes, and segas, but I always had a own game boy, gba and ds :D. I also have a playstation, with final fantasy VIII on it and still havet finished it (I am on the last disc though)

:rofl: retro :rofl:
So, I probably shouldn't admit that we had the Coleco Telstar Arcade when I was growing up and I remember being so jealous of my friend who's parents bought her the Atari when it first came out! I got the original NES when I was in college.
I have a steam account :

Play mainly L4D 2
Anyone else still playing horde side on Bloodhoof? My mage is now level 46 :D I'm really enjoying playing again too :) I do feel like a noob again, I had to ask directions to swamp of sorrows yesterday, and didn't know a mage could have portaled me lol xXx
Heya everyone, kinda missing playing again now :dohh: I'm having a baby in 7 days though! but what server are you all on now? I think I might start playing again soon!
Heya everyone, kinda missing playing again now :dohh: I'm having a baby in 7 days though! but what server are you all on now? I think I might start playing again soon!

Hiya Bekz, I still play Bloodhoof horde side with Mynx, I tried aliiance on the other server but really couldn't get on with it, I'm much happier a hoardie lol. Hope you are keeping well, you're so close now!! xXx
Heya everyone, kinda missing playing again now :dohh: I'm having a baby in 7 days though! but what server are you all on now? I think I might start playing again soon!

Hiya Bekz, I still play Bloodhoof horde side with Mynx, I tried aliiance on the other server but really couldn't get on with it, I'm much happier a hoardie lol. Hope you are keeping well, you're so close now!! xXx

I should also have said my name in game is Missboo. Feel free to add me!
Dinged 48 last night!!! :happydance:
I had no idea there was a gamer forum on bnb :thumbup:

I've been obsessed with DQIX lately, when i rest the ds on my tummy baby likes to kick it. :D

This is my 2yr old 'playing' red dead redemption (PS3) last month...
hey ladies! i been very very naughty and not been on bnb in over a month! and also ended up making a new druid bakc on arathor, mainly because a friend of mine had a toon the same lvl so we been grping up for instances, easily done with me as a tank and him a healer! and also been doing a spot of raiding, which i feel a total noob at now! lol hope your all having fun!

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