Gay marriage in catholic church

but I don't understand why any church who supposedly follows the bible should be having anything to say on the matter? when homosexuality is listed as a "sin" along with fornication, idolatry etc? isn't it just confusing matters? how can one church in the same religion openly accept gay marriage, when the one down the road shuns it?


This is actually an entirely different debate. The thing about the bible is that it has been traslated many times and from ancient languages at that. Often words do not have direct translations, so they just have to do their best. Oftentimes the politics of the day come into play as well. There is a lot of debate in the scholarly world as to whether the original text of the bible meant to deem homosexuality in the way we understand it today as a sin.
i agree that certain translations have been adjusted, but i actually own a bible of the christian greek scriptures which word for word translates it as it should be. its a very specific and descriptive language.

also, why would the bible say to be no part of the world, then have politics play a part in its interpretation? how can a Godly inspire book possibly endorse man made politics, when many of them go against what the bible says?

i know its OT now but my original point wasnt. the OP asked should gay couples be able to get married in a catholic church. my answer is no, simply coz the church should follow bible teachings. the bible is supposed to be the basis for their whole religion, they cant pick and choose which part they do and dont want to follow. you either follow it all or not at all, surely?

I'd suggest the bible when written and translated was very much rooted in the politics of the day. I smile when I hear people say we should separate politics and religion. Religion IS politics. But that's a whole other debate!
I think that is a very black and white way of viewing religion. There are religious modernists who believe that some parts of the Bible don't really apply to modern society and of course a lot of Christians take the Bible as metaphorical rather than literal. Of course some Christians also accept that the Bible was written by men, not God, and therefore open to interpretation. I think you can believe in the fundamental messages in the Bible and still question a lot of the detail.

(I'm not a Christian by the way - even though it sounds like it by this post :haha:)
I totally agree Lou. I think that's what many people do. They decide the bits of the bible which make them sinners are irrelevant and decide the other bits are bits they will adhere to. Leviticus is a great example of this. According to that we're pretty much all going to hell. :haha:
I think that is a very black and white way of viewing religion. There are religious modernists who believe that some parts of the Bible don't really apply to modern society and of course a lot of Christians take the Bible as metaphorical rather than literal. Of course some Christians also accept that the Bible was written by men, not God, and therefore open to interpretation. I think you can believe in the fundamental messages in the Bible and still question a lot of the detail.

(I'm not a Christian by the way - even though it sounds like it by this post :haha:)

I am Catholic and agree with you. I love my faith and yes I pray every night.
I also feel everyone has the right to live their life the way they want to, I have no problem with gay marriage or contraception, it doesn't make me a sinner and it doesn't make me think i am going to hell either, LOL. I feel I can still love my faith yet still not agree with some of it. Who is to say if jesus lived now that he wouldn't be accepting of how people lived their life as long as they did the right thing in life? I don't feel like just cause I don't agree with all parts of Catholicism that I am not a true believer in my faith. Do believe in the fundamental message of the bible but I also have my beliefs as a human being.. :thumbup:
i think its fab u have a faith Andrea, its not something you see much now really, not where i live anyway.

my belief is that the whole bible is there for consideration, otherwise parts of it wouldnt exist. like i said tho thats just part of my beliefs, based on what ive read, and i totally respect yours too hun
I think all churches should be given the decision based on the indivdual circumstance. the same with divorce, remarriage, marriage out side the faith and many other daily issues. no one should make anyone do anything...if there is a particular priest or vicar who is willing to marry them then so be it, if not then the couple regardless of who they are should accept that.

my parents were asked to leave one church for having sex outside of marriage and then refused to be married (as both had been divorced before) by there new pastor...and that was those leaders choice, and my parents acceptd there beliefs. i know it not the same but is along the same line of thinking.

each to there own way of thinking. according to scripture 'God made everyone in his image' and i think that phrase alone shows what God's point of view on it wud be.
I am not Catholic, but for those that say the Catholic church does not accept gays is wrong. They are open to all, but they do require you to repent and turn from sin (as most churches). They do realize that people are homosexual, but the sexual act is what is a sin and not the person. Just like unmarried sex is a sin. Unmarried people are required to remain chaste until they are married. This is impossible for homosexuals to be married in the Catholic Church because they don’t recognize this as a marriage.

I for one respect the Catholic Church because they have remained steadfast and unchanging in their beliefs (G~d has never changed, Jesus has never change and the Holy Spirit has not changed). They do what they believe is pleasing to G~d, not man.
I don't think the church will ever allow it, just as they will never allow women to hold any positions of power, and also how they will never eradicate the child abuse problem which is pervasive in the catholic church. they hate change, they resist it at every turn.

i was born and raised catholic, no longer practicing.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage
I am 100% in favor of legalising gay marriage in every state/country. However, I don't think a religious organization should be forced to compromise their beliefs. That would just make it discrimination of a different kind.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.[/


well so much for everyone being "equal" then.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.

But isn't there so many 'rules' in the Bible which followers of Christianity willfully ignore? There is no way you could live life in the modern world following the bible by the word. Why are some considered worse than others?
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.

But remember the bible was written by men, not by God himself. I am a catholic, but honestly i believe God loves and accepts all of us no matter what our sexual preference is. Its human beings who discriminate.

Slightly different but wondering what your opinion would be on this. I got married when i was 34 weeks pregnant. I didnt get married in a church, but should i have been allowed?
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.

But isn't there so many 'rules' in the Bible which followers of Christianity willfully ignore? There is no way you could live life in the modern world following the bible by the word. Why are some considered worse than others?

Its quite straight forward really.

The old testament was a set of laws and hygiene practices given to the nation of Israel at the time, to protect them. Its not a set of instructions but a historical record of Gods dealings with his people.

The new testament brought the new covenant from Jesus, and what still applied from the mosaic law was restated.

There are sins that are listed several times in the new testament such as murder, stealing, drunkenness, adultery, fornication and idolatry to name a few. These are said to be sins that will stop a person from inheriting Gods kingdom they are that serious. Homosexuality is mentioned in particular as well as fornication which would include homosexuality as Jesus stated that the marriage arrangement was instituted by God and was between a man and a woman.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.

But remember the bible was written by men, not by God himself. I am a catholic, but honestly i believe God loves and accepts all of us no matter what our sexual preference is. Its human beings who discriminate.

Slightly different but wondering what your opinion would be on this. I got married when i was 34 weeks pregnant. I didnt get married in a church, but should i have been allowed?

Yes it was penned by men but as you know as it says in 2 Timothy 3:16 - " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness" so i firmly believe that.

You may personally believe that God accepts all lifestyles but i was pointing out thats not what the bible says at all. Its not discrimination, but rather adhering to Gods standards, not humans.

As far as your marriage, you were married according to the law so why not?

As Jesus teaches religion and politics shouldnt mix, so if the law passes to allow Gay marriage then i wouldnt vote for or against, its up to God to judge , not me. But as the question was should it be allowed in a catholic church, well thats up for the church to decide but if they do, they are going against the very word the whole religion is based on and are bowing to popular opinion and mans standards, not Gods. The bible warns of this very thing and is one of the things God foretold would happen in the time period we are living in.

So, as a christian i dont agree with it and just thought id back up as to why. I respect that its not a popular stand and i also respect that many dont believe in God and / or the bible.

I dont want to offend anyone here by stating what the bible says, but thought its relevant in this particular discussion :flower:

If i have upset anyone, please let me know and i will respectfully remove my posts, thank you.
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.[/


well so much for everyone being "equal" then.

Its his followers that dont :shhh:
If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage

He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.

The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.

If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.

To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.

But remember the bible was written by men, not by God himself. I am a catholic, but honestly i believe God loves and accepts all of us no matter what our sexual preference is. Its human beings who discriminate.

Slightly different but wondering what your opinion would be on this. I got married when i was 34 weeks pregnant. I didnt get married in a church, but should i have been allowed?

Yes it was penned by men but as you know as it says in 2 Timothy 3:16 - " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness" so i firmly believe that.

You may personally believe that God accepts all lifestyles but i was pointing out thats not what the bible says at all. Its not discrimination, but rather adhering to Gods standards, not humans.

As far as your marriage, you were married according to the law so why not?

As Jesus teaches religion and politics shouldnt mix, so if the law passes to allow Gay marriage then i wouldnt vote for or against, its up to God to judge , not me. But as the question was should it be allowed in a catholic church, well thats up for the church to decide but if they do, they are going against the very word the whole religion is based on and are bowing to popular opinion and mans standards, not Gods. The bible warns of this very thing and is one of the things God foretold would happen in the time period we are living in.

So, as a christian i dont agree with it and just thought id back up as to why. I respect that its not a popular stand and i also respect that many dont believe in God and / or the bible.

I dont want to offend anyone here by stating what the bible says, but thought its relevant in this particular discussion :flower:

If i have upset anyone, please let me know and i will respectfully remove my posts, thank you.

Shana dont worry, i dont think you have upset anyone. This is what this whole section is about, debating and hearing other people's opinions from a different point of view. You have explained your reasoning well and without offeding anyone :flower:

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