If god loved everybody equally like he apparently does then churches/god should accept gay marriage
He loves everyone and desires all to attain to repentance, but that doesnt mean he accepts all lifestyles etc.
The bible is very clear on this, he details what is acceptable and what is not. There are laws, morals etc that we are to live by to be acceptable to him.
If you believe in God then you accept that as our creator he knows what is best for us, even if we cant see it ourselves or may not even necessarily agree with it.
To answer the OP. If the catholic church are to adhere to Gods standards and truly live by his word the bible, then no, they shouldn't allow gay marriage in their churches.
But remember the bible was written by men, not by God himself. I am a catholic, but honestly i believe God loves and accepts all of us no matter what our sexual preference is. Its human beings who discriminate.
Slightly different but wondering what your opinion would be on this. I got married when i was 34 weeks pregnant. I didnt get married in a church, but should i have been allowed?
Yes it was penned by men but as you know as it says in 2 Timothy 3:16 - " All Scripture is inspired of God and beneficial for teaching, for reproving, for setting things straight, for disciplining in righteousness" so i firmly believe that.
You may personally believe that God accepts all lifestyles but i was pointing out thats not what the bible says at all. Its not discrimination, but rather adhering to Gods standards, not humans.
As far as your marriage, you were married according to the law so why not?
As Jesus teaches religion and politics shouldnt mix, so if the law passes to allow Gay marriage then i wouldnt vote for or against, its up to God to judge , not me. But as the question was should it be allowed in a catholic church, well thats up for the church to decide but if they do, they are going against the very word the whole religion is based on and are bowing to popular opinion and mans standards, not Gods. The bible warns of this very thing and is one of the things God foretold would happen in the time period we are living in.
So, as a christian i dont agree with it and just thought id back up as to why. I respect that its not a popular stand and i also respect that many dont believe in God and / or the bible.
I dont want to offend anyone here by stating what the bible says, but thought its relevant in this particular discussion
If i have upset anyone, please let me know and i will respectfully remove my posts, thank you.