Scan tomorrow wooohoo! If we dont find out then we will for sure find out Jan 31st
We went out and bought some boy clothes today (we had a lot of girl stuff bought) lol.
Carters has a great return policy so we can exchange the clothing for whichever!
Thanks for making this fun! If anyone wants add in go ahead
im not sure lol heartbeat sounds like girl but pic looks like boy so im going with first thought boy..but my two girl had the same heartbeat 165 and up, with this pregnancy the heartbeat has been like 140 and they said girl but im not convinced lol goodluck
This next week needs to fly by I just am so excited!!! The feeling of knowing is going to be crazy I know my fiance and I are going to be talking each other ears off the drive home about all our ideas! Tonight we went and looked at some baby gear for ideas!
Anymore guesses are welcome! I'm excited to get to update you all soon!
This is from 13 weeks doc forgot to give it to me I got it at my 14 week appt. The amblical cord is going between the legs and the legs are streched out baby was kicking but I thought it would be fun to add!
5 more sleeps until I find out
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