My experiance with the gentic testing: I am 36 and wanted the Harmony or MaterniT21 test, and the first OB I went to acted like I had three heads when I asked for it and sent my for the NT scan and Quad.
Next OB I went to, in the same practice, asked why I did the NT scan and Quad when I could have done the MaterniT21 test????? UGG I wanted to scream.
So he referred me to the high-risk clinic and I got the MarteniT21 test done and got my results in 7 calender days - negitive and a girl
at Spina Bifida And Neural Tube Defects tests also came up negitive and being a carrier of the Cystic Fibrosis mutation, the husband came up negitive.
I didn't have to pay anything out of pocket except the $25 co-pay for DH's cystic test, but I am still waiting to see if I will for the MaterniT21, but it will only be about $200 and I am okay with that.
After all those SIMPLE blood tests and scans, I can enjoy the rest of my pregnancy with a clear mind and shop for
Whatever you decide on any of these tests, I wish you all the luck in the world
OH and P.S. Just had my 20 week scan and she is perfect and STILL a girl!