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George Osborne's £10 burger


Baby Abby 11 weeks early
Jan 7, 2009
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So, Chancellor of the Exchequer, George Osborne, was working late and ordered in a take away burger and it cost £10. This is apparently something the media thinks is outrageous and we should all be disgusted by it.

I personally don't see it. We have a gourmet type burger place close to my work and if I'm working through dinner it costs me close to a tenner for a burger. Most hotels i've been to charge a similar price. If I'm working late a Mickey Ds just wouldn't cut it. And anyway, they're not so cheap in the City either.

I get that £10 can be a lot of money to someone who has none, but given he probably claimed on expenses, is it really the terrible abuse of taxpayer's money the media are making out?
No, it's ludicrous.

It will have been claimed back on expenses and to be honest £10 for dinner is very little. I claim dinner for myself when on business that's usually upwards of £30-£40.

The way he's had to justify it just makes me laugh.
The media will be disgusted with me then...I usually order £17 worth of chinese....for me and only me!

Nah, £10 for a burger is not that much. Hardly news worthy stuff
I take it this is in the sun? Or the daily mail? *rolls eyes*
the sun :haha:

Its stupid! £10 in a burger-so what?! Mans gotta eat :haha:
the sun :haha:

Its stupid! £10 in a burger-so what?! Mans gotta eat :haha:
It's silly the media is getting so worked up over this. Surely there is more newsworthy stuff to publish? Sometimes it's as if they're trying to tell people how they should feel about stuff and trying to create a huge outcry over a £10 burger!

I don't think that £10 for a good quality burger is over the top. A lot of meals cost a lot more than that. It's not like he had a four course meal with lots of champagne, it's a mere £10 burger!
As long as he got chips with it. :smug:
£10 burger in central London remember doesn't sound so horrible
It was pretty much every newspaper. And even in Osbornes interview on Radio 4 they brought it up. Crazy stuff.
Honestly, it really doesn't bother me!
They made such a big deal out of how he could have got a 99p one from McDonalds! But then they would have moaned that he was promoting unhealthy food!
I'd rather pay for his burger than for whaterfaces husbands porno!

If it was claimed on expenses then yes, it would bother me as 168,000 schoolchildren on are going to lose their free school meals soon. I feel it would say a lot about his character if the man with the very hefty salary that comes with organising our own cuts and inevitable sacrifices feels entitled to a free meal for working overtime. Hopefully, he forked out for it himself though which is therefore none of our business.

And he lied about it, saying he only didn't get a McDonalds because it didn't deliver (when staff went to go pick up his burger because Byson doesnt deliver) so he kinda looks like a dick for that too.
This kind of outrage happens over my business from time to time - I do sales and event planning for a hotel. Recently a news publication freaked out over the government hosting a meeting and paying $12.00 for a "muffin", which was really a continental breakfast and coffee/tea/decaf. They don't understand that so much goes into that price - food costs and a markup for profit, labor costs, administrative costs, etc. Hotels are huge employers of people of all walks of life.

Anyway, a 10 pound burger doesn't sound that outrageous to me either. Agree with the others that said it must be a slow news day :haha:
I thought the reason this photo caused outrage was because he tweeted it? Not sure if that's true or not I don't bother reading stories like that, but that was the impression I got from This Morning lol. Doesn't bother me either way, can't believe that was the only front page worthy story that day. Byron's isn't exactly Claridge's if we're talking expenses, if it's his own money who gives a damn, this isn't a communist society if he can afford Byron's so be it! Never eaten there myself, must try it.
I would almost guarantee that he will claim it on expenses, of which he is fully entitled to do. So what if he earns a 'hefty salary' if he's entitled to claim for dinner whilst working outside business hours then that's exactly what he should do.

I claim every expense I spend through the company I work for, of which the conpany will claim tax on from the Gov money pot....and I spend a hell of a lot more than £10 when someone else is picking up the tab.

I also very much disagree that he should have chosen some shite to eat like McDs if thats something he did not want.

Honestly, I'd just laugh at anyone 'outraged' by this.
Hahaha, this is so funny. To me it isnt even that expensive, a kebab without chips costs about £6-£8 here so £10 for a burger isnt that much. As for saying he could of got one for 99p (pretty sure they arent 99p any more but any way) from McDonalds, those things are tiny and the one he had looked quite big compared, a McDonalds hamburger wont fill you up.
I think the real issue some people have is he tweeted the photo of eating a burger as 'I am one of you' type of tweets/photo and then it was from some where people consider posh/expensive.

I just looked and the cheapest option is apparently £6.75 for a burger, to me that is pretty average :wacko:
Thats nothing compared to the rest the stuff they claim back off the tax payer. That makes me more sick.
That's CHEAP! £17.50 for steak burger & fries in my village pub....which I think is pretty reasonable :shrug:

I suppose it's deemed 'expensive' by others if they wouldn't choose to spend that much, or go to McDs which is a cheaper alternative.

I do think the hoo-hah is rather hilarious. EVERYBODY should have something more important to moan about than some blokes dinner :rofl: :rofl:

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