Hey ladies,
I hope I'm putting this in the right place.
I am currently feeding my 3rd baby now, and in the past I have never ever had any problems BF anywhere at all. However, it is made very difficult for me to BF Emily at my inlaws and as a result, I've stopped going round there.
I dont want to do this, but they make it so hard for me to feed round there, that I just cant put myself or Emily through it anymore.
The lounge is basically FIL's room, and nobody is allowed in there, so I cant feed her there (plus he is super uncomfortable with the idea of me feeding her myself)
I cant do it in the kitchen because my MIL will literally pull Emily off my lap when she pauses during a feed claiming she has wind, even though she is not a windy baby, which causes her to scream blue murder, then it's hard for me to get her back. Plus, the dining chairs are really uncomfortable and it puts too much strain on my back, and because i cant get comfy, Emily cant get comfy, wont feed, gets dragged off by the MIL, viscious cycle ensues.
They are both incredibly unsupportive of my decision to BF as they have no experience of anyone doing it and it is apparently "unnatural". Because I now live 500 miles away from my family, they are the only family support we have up here, and with my hubby working in Germany, there are times when I need them. (my other 2 arent his!)
To be honest, their whole attitude is pushing me close to giving up feeding Emily, and I really really really dont want to do that.
My hubby has tried speaking to them, but they dont listen, they aren't too bad when he is there, but he isn't home often so I dont have his physical support.
Emily seems to be going through some kind of spurt again (at 10 weeks, is this normal?) and at night, she cant seem to get enough satisfaction from my breasts. She pulls and pulls at them as though she isnt getting what she wants fast enough, and never appears full enough to fall into a deep sleep. I dont want to give her a bottle, but she just seems so unhappy that I cant bear to be the route of it.
If anyone can tell me anything I can do, especially about feeding Emily at night, I would appreciate it more than you can ever know.
Similarly if anyone has experiences of not being able to feed in certain places, I would love to hear from you too.
Thanks so much xxxx