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Try pumping more often, you might not get much out but you will be stimulating milk production. The thing with bottles is that the milk comes fast and they don't have to work hard for it. Maybe ditch the bottle for a few days until you get back on track?
Hello. I'm Darcy Mum to William born at 29 weeks. I've just begun expressing but I am struggling with techinques on how to express both using a pump/hand, I'm also really nervous about actually having such a little mouth with such "big boobs" on the latching etc. I have a while to go but would love to be reassured and able to speak to a breastfeeding champion please!
Hello. I'm Darcy Mum to William born at 29 weeks. I've just begun expressing but I am struggling with techinques on how to express both using a pump/hand, I'm also really nervous about actually having such a little mouth with such "big boobs" on the latching etc. I have a while to go but would love to be reassured and able to speak to a breastfeeding champion please!

Hi there :) I Breastfed a preemie, ill help however i can :)
Hello. I'm Darcy Mum to William born at 29 weeks. I've just begun expressing but I am struggling with techinques on how to express both using a pump/hand, I'm also really nervous about actually having such a little mouth with such "big boobs" on the latching etc. I have a while to go but would love to be reassured and able to speak to a breastfeeding champion please!

Hi hun,

I will pair you with BlondeShorty - she has experience of all the things you're concerned with.

...........Although I see Lisa is offering assistance too :thumbup::flower: you can always have more than 1 champion on side. :hugs:
Darcy, I exclusively pumped for my preemie for a year, and was able to start nursing her at about a year, still going strong :) Let me know if I can help at all.
Hi, Im Jo, FTM. Emelia is 2 weeks old today and I am currently exclusivly BF her. She is latching great and we have no issues with the technique at all BUT... I am coming accross the following obstacles.

1) I cant keep my eyes open at midnight and 3am feeds... I'm so scared I'm going to fall asleep with her. I sit up right on the bed but my eyes still get so heavy.

2) We stayed at my parents to get a break for the weekend but with BF I didn't really get a chance to catch up on sleep. To make matters worse my mum used one ofmy neices dummys to quieten her whilst I slept... I was furious as I really dont want her to touch them if it can be helped.

3) Im getting alot of pressure put on me by family to express and bottle feed. "If you do that you can go out and we can feed her" I'm not interested in going out and I'm certainly not wanting to introduce teats yet.

I'm getting down because i am tired and fed up of the lack of support from my family

My target is 6 months exclusivly BF... has anyone of the champions done this? Can I get some support please.
Hi, Im Jo, FTM. Emelia is 2 weeks old today and I am currently exclusivly BF her. She is latching great and we have no issues with the technique at all BUT... I am coming accross the following obstacles.

1) I cant keep my eyes open at midnight and 3am feeds... I'm so scared I'm going to fall asleep with her. I sit up right on the bed but my eyes still get so heavy.

2) We stayed at my parents to get a break for the weekend but with BF I didn't really get a chance to catch up on sleep. To make matters worse my mum used one ofmy neices dummys to quieten her whilst I slept... I was furious as I really dont want her to touch them if it can be helped.

3) Im getting alot of pressure put on me by family to express and bottle feed. "If you do that you can go out and we can feed her" I'm not interested in going out and I'm certainly not wanting to introduce teats yet.

I'm getting down because i am tired and fed up of the lack of support from my family

My target is 6 months exclusivly BF... has anyone of the champions done this? Can I get some support please.


I exclusively BFed for six months (we introduced solids ten days before she turned six months but these were just small spoonfuls in the beginning). My daughter is also bottle-resistant. She wouldn't take it, and that was it. So no, you do not have to express if you don't want to. Presumably it would help if you got sick or super-tired and wanted someone else to feed her, but you seem determined enough, so that's fine.:thumbup: I've had the nastiest, most painful case of UTI, two cases of mastitis, a pretty wounded nipple and a cold and kept BFing as normal. :thumbup: That said, if you do plan to introduce the bottle eventually, don't delay it for too long. I delayed introducing it for far too long (6/8 weeks) and by then it was too late. Didn't make any difference though. I love my daughter, a few "sacrifices" (big deal) are so worth it. So no, don't let anyone pressure you into doing things. Tell them to back off and leave you alone already.

Re night feeds, it's perfectly normal, I've experienced it, too. There were times I would hold her in my arms and my eyes would just close no matter how hard I'd fight it. The only thing I can tell you is hang on, it will get better eventually.

As for the soother, I tried to give my LO one the first month and she kept spitting it out. She only took an orthodontic, natural rubber soother when she turned four, and she is not dependent on it at all. We just use it occasionally for comfort/to help her fall asleep, but she will eventually spit it out. In any case, another baby's soother, no matter how well-washed or sterilised (they have to be sterilised before six months anyhow) in your LO's mouth is not a very good idea anyway.

I'm here if you have any more questions.:hugs:
Hi, Im Jo, FTM. Emelia is 2 weeks old today and I am currently exclusivly BF her. She is latching great and we have no issues with the technique at all BUT... I am coming accross the following obstacles.

1) I cant keep my eyes open at midnight and 3am feeds... I'm so scared I'm going to fall asleep with her. I sit up right on the bed but my eyes still get so heavy.

2) We stayed at my parents to get a break for the weekend but with BF I didn't really get a chance to catch up on sleep. To make matters worse my mum used one ofmy neices dummys to quieten her whilst I slept... I was furious as I really dont want her to touch them if it can be helped.

3) Im getting alot of pressure put on me by family to express and bottle feed. "If you do that you can go out and we can feed her" I'm not interested in going out and I'm certainly not wanting to introduce teats yet.

I'm getting down because i am tired and fed up of the lack of support from my family

My target is 6 months exclusivly BF... has anyone of the champions done this? Can I get some support please.

Hi Jo,

Congratulations on little Emeila! :happydance:

It is very common to struggle to stay awake during the night feeds. The way that i got through it is by co-sleeping. It can be done safely if you follow the guidelines. :thumbup: It's safer if you are prepared to fall asleep with baby than if you accidentally fall asleep. :thumbup:

I think you need to make it well known to your family that you do not intend to use dummies or bottles until you are ready. You are mummy and they should respect your desicion. :thumbup:

I EBF till 5.5 months when I introduced solids. I continued to BF till LO naturally weaned at 24 months. :thumbup: Since birth she has never had formula and never accepted a bottle or a dummy. It is totally possible for your baby to thrive without formula or bottles and if that's what works for you then so be it. Your family can help feed once weaning to solids begins. In the meantime they need to respect your desicion to EBF. :hugs:
LilOopsy, I agree with Lownthaite about co-sleeping, falling asleep prepared has got to be safer than falling asleep accidently. Here are a couple of helpful links for you:

hth and remember you can always get support here, maybe find out if you have a local bf support group in your area if you're not getting support at home? I started going to mine when dd was 2 weeks and we still go 18 months later, we have made some great friends there x
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention I co-sleep too. Although until my LO was 4/5 months, BFing in the lie-on-the-side position didn't really work for us because I was too scared of her choking- I woke up to her coughing a couple of times. Now I just release the boob and fall back asleep.:haha:
hello...i dont really know what i want to say...i am enjoying BF. It isnt something i ever thought i would do but its great. ATM i am making a bit much and keep leaking everywhere - i have just got some proper nursing bras(the ones i got didnt fit!) and have ordered breast shells. in general its going really well but it is hard and sometimes, i dunno, i just get a bit down/demoralised about it (mainly when ive leaked everywhere AGAIN!) or if LO isnt feeding very well (she can be a bit fussy sometimes, but we usually get it sorted with patience...but thats hard at 3 am!) ahould mention ive only been at this for 9 days...anyway - hi :)
hello...i dont really know what i want to say...i am enjoying BF. It isnt something i ever thought i would do but its great. ATM i am making a bit much and keep leaking everywhere - i have just got some proper nursing bras(the ones i got didnt fit!) and have ordered breast shells. in general its going really well but it is hard and sometimes, i dunno, i just get a bit down/demoralised about it (mainly when ive leaked everywhere AGAIN!) or if LO isnt feeding very well (she can be a bit fussy sometimes, but we usually get it sorted with patience...but thats hard at 3 am!) ahould mention ive only been at this for 9 days...anyway - hi :)

Hello Islander!:flower:

The first few weeks of BFing can be hard work. Clusterfeeding, leaking boobs, exhaustion, and it is usually painful, too. But I guarantee it gets far better, more comfortable and enjoyable. Your boobs won't be as swollen or leaky for ever, clusterfeeding is a two-month reality usually (well, that's how long it's been for us), and the further you go the stronger your bond with your baby gets. Please keep that in mind, it gets easier and better!

hello...i dont really know what i want to say...i am enjoying BF. It isnt something i ever thought i would do but its great. ATM i am making a bit much and keep leaking everywhere - i have just got some proper nursing bras(the ones i got didnt fit!) and have ordered breast shells. in general its going really well but it is hard and sometimes, i dunno, i just get a bit down/demoralised about it (mainly when ive leaked everywhere AGAIN!) or if LO isnt feeding very well (she can be a bit fussy sometimes, but we usually get it sorted with patience...but thats hard at 3 am!) ahould mention ive only been at this for 9 days...anyway - hi :)

Hello Islander!:flower:

The first few weeks of BFing can be hard work. Clusterfeeding, leaking boobs, exhaustion, and it is usually painful, too. But I guarantee it gets far better, more comfortable and enjoyable. Your boobs won't be as swollen or leaky for ever, clusterfeeding is a two-month reality usually (well, that's how long it's been for us), and the further you go the stronger your bond with your baby gets. Please keep that in mind, it gets easier and better!


I echo LaRockera. :thumbup:

It's not difficult forever and it does get SO much easier. :happydance:

We're all here to help and support you. :hugs:
I had my lo on the 10th October :)
I am breast feeding and to start with he was feeding for between 30-40 mins every 4 hours. Over the last week and half he has changed to feeding anywhere from between 1-3 hours but usually only in bursts of 10-15 mins, he will then stop then sometimes wants more in the next hour. He is waking in the night every 2-3 hours but again only having around 15 mins. Is this normal, I'm worried he sint getting enough? He will be 3 weeks this coming wednesday.
Thanks for your help. xx
Need advice please!

My baby is two months old and is currently combi fed till i get my milk supply up enough (exclusively pumping) I gave him just formula one day due to not pumping enough. Now he won't take my breast milk :( He will happily drink from breast but within ten minutes he will spit it up (but he doesn't really even spit it up it just leaks out) I tried mixing it with formula and the only way he will take it is 75% formula and 25% breast milk at the most. Why won't he take the breast milk? He has no problem with the formula
Suze, he might be going through a growth spurt. Cluster feeding is also very common. As long as enough wet and dirty diapers are being put out, the amount is fine. Just keep offering the breast.

Kat, is there a temperature difference between the formula and breast milk? Why don't you just breastfeed directly if he will take it?
Suze - all this sounds completely normal. Newborns tend to sleep more during the day hence the spaced feedings, but as they grow, and esp. the first two months, clusterfeeding is absolutely normal. Your baby will let you know when he/she is hungry, just go by it. As long as he has plenty of wet diapers you have nothing to worry about.:thumbup:

Kat-I've heard that the problem with combi feeding is that babies will reject the BM eventually. That said, I also know you can very well start them on BM again, only I don't really have respective experience. My advice is to either contact Nervous (first poster on this thread) or go through the list of 'champions' and find someone with similar experience and get in touch with them straight away. There should also be BFing consultants in your area?

I would love a breastfeeding champion!

My name is Molly, I gave birth to my daughter Stella 2 months ago and have been breastfeeding ever since. When I was in the hospital my nipples were really flat so they gave me a nipple shield and it works brilliantly, she gets plenty of milk but I still feel like a failure at breastfeeding because she has a tough time latching without it. I know she can do it but she prefers the shield so I just dont think we will ever get rid of it. Because of this I have started pumping half the time because I dont enjoy the breastfeeding as much as I did a month ago. My mom who never breastfed either me or my sister gives me a hard time about the nipple shield and it really upsets me. I would really appreciate the advice of a champion. Thank you!

I would love a breastfeeding champion!

My name is Molly, I gave birth to my daughter Stella 2 months ago and have been breastfeeding ever since. When I was in the hospital my nipples were really flat so they gave me a nipple shield and it works brilliantly, she gets plenty of milk but I still feel like a failure at breastfeeding because she has a tough time latching without it. I know she can do it but she prefers the shield so I just dont think we will ever get rid of it. Because of this I have started pumping half the time because I dont enjoy the breastfeeding as much as I did a month ago. My mom who never breastfed either me or my sister gives me a hard time about the nipple shield and it really upsets me. I would really appreciate the advice of a champion. Thank you!


Hey hon,

I don't have similar experience per se but would like to say well done to you for working around it instead of just giving up. :thumbup: I'm sure one of the ladies will be able to help you more than me (you can also scan through the list of champions on the very first page and find a match?) but in the meantime, be strong, you're doing your very best. I did read that your can help inverted nipples with a syringe, but someone else may know more. I'm sorry to hear your mother isn't being helpful. Plainly tell her to knock it off, and if she doesn't get the message perhaps you can distance yourself for a while until the situation changes somewhat. You are being a great mum, and one way or the other, your baby is getting breastmilk, which is very, very important.:hugs:
Hey hon,

I don't have similar experience per se but would like to say well done to you for working around it instead of just giving up. :thumbup: I'm sure one of the ladies will be able to help you more than me (you can also scan through the list of champions on the very first page and find a match?) but in the meantime, be strong, you're doing your very best. I did read that your can help inverted nipples with a syringe, but someone else may know more. I'm sorry to hear your mother isn't being helpful. Plainly tell her to knock it off, and if she doesn't get the message perhaps you can distance yourself for a while until the situation changes somewhat. You are being a great mum, and one way or the other, your baby is getting breastmilk, which is very, very important.:hugs:

I really appreciate the encouragement. I just want what's best for my baby and though I love my mom, she knows nothing about breastfeeding. My doctor didn't seem to concerned about it but I still would love to get rid of the shield for good. I'm proud of the accomplishment of making it 2 months and now I just need to set my eye on the next goal of 3 months and keep going from there.

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