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Hello ladies! :wave:

My apologies for not being about for the LONGEST time, I returned to work and shortly after I became pregnant again and have suffered from HG this time around. All my spare time (like I have much of that with a toddler! :haha: ) has been spent sleeping, but I am slowly getting some energy back so I promise to check on here more often!

I am going to be updating the list of champions in about a weeks time, so if you'd like to become a champion pm me a few details about the areas you feel you can pass on some knowledge/advice to others (e.g. co-sleeping/thrush/allergies/self-weaning to name a few!). The only real requirement to being a champ is 3+ months of feeding (or pumping if you've gone down that route), and a willingness to reply to any pms you receive asking for help.

If you are listed as a champion and wish to be removed from the list, again please pm me and let me know.

Thanks! :flower:

Hi Nervous! :hi:

Long time no see! Although must admit to being guilty of that too! :dohh: Due to a new pregnancy as well! :haha::flower:

I'm still happy to assist in the thread; pairing champions with mums in need - and also acting as a champion still. :thumbup::winkwink:

Off work for leave shortly so will be about much more. :thumbup:

When are you due? :hugs:
Thanks bbygurl and nervous1,

I would defo like to be paired with someone. Defo need help. Im stuck in d house not driving after my section so cant access any support groups in the area. No one i know has breastfed so am just googling everything. Havent a clue what im doing really!

He has only just returned to his birth weight but my latch wasnt good. I didnt realise i had to wake him to feed him either at d start. (Still not sure on this point). Im feeding on demand during d day and waking him at night every 3 and a half hours. Do i need to do this?

Thanks again for d replies ladies.

Hi Nuff,

Congratulations on your new little one. :happydance:

Was your baby born full term?
Is your latch correct now?

I had an emergency section with my DD so I understand how it is to be stuck in feeling unable to get out. :hugs:
Hi Lownthwaite! :wave: good to see some old faces are still here!

I'm due on Nov 13th, on team pink! You?
I have no idea why you were told to do compressions, I've never heard that before!! It was my experience that around this age baby is simply more curious about the world around them and want to be exploring it, yet at the same time they aren't ready to forego the feeding :haha:

Feeding in a darkened room with no distractions can help, or you could try a nursing necklace (google them) so that they can play with that while concentrating on the feed. I did the latter and it worked a treat for me! :flower:

A nursing necklace is a good idea, I hope my LO is just distracted. She just seems SO fussy right now, its hard to feed her at all during the day. By some miracle I was able to feed her in the waiting room at the doctors office even though it was busy! It was quite the accomplishment :)
I agree I think its just distraction. My DD2 IS going to b 7 months on Monday and everything u explained is the same thing she does. And in my month group a lot of breastfeeding moms saying there little ones r doing it too..
I agree I think its just distraction. My DD2 IS going to b 7 months on Monday and everything u explained is the same thing she does. And in my month group a lot of breastfeeding moms saying there little ones r doing it too..

Good, I think i knew that was the case deep down, but I needed the reassurance. Thanks!
I thought by 8 months i'd have been through all the problems and it would be smooth sailing by now, but she just keeps throwing me for loops!
I understand I was feeling the same way until all my other DEC mommies started asking if anyone else's littles r doing such n such...
Janers, I have had supply issues all the way through so I think I don't have a heavy flow. But, I really think it is more of a distraction thing. Today I did compressions in the late morning and choked my poor LO as it was too much. That was the first time that happened.

Nervous, I think Dr. Jack Newman likes breast compressions in general when the baby has stopped actively drinking. He has a lot of info on his site with videos and such. If you google Jack Newman breast compressions lots will come up. I also tried different necklaces and it helped for a few days a bit, but then it didn't. :(
I have never had supply issues, even when i was exclusively pumping, so I bet its just distraction. Today she was actually a lot better, she was much more focused. Phew!
hi lownthwaite,:flower:

Cngrats on d pregnancy! :happydance:

no he wasnt full term. he was born by elective section at 37+6. I hated the section and recovery! i had low lying placenta and alot of bleeds from 32 weeks so they were happy to get it that far. i think my latch is better now. i was told recently to look at my nipple when it comes out to check the shape to make sure its a good latch. ive found it really useful doing that.

im bummed out today as doc weighed baby and he hasnt gained weight since last week so she says i need to give him formula. i really dont want to but not sure what im doing wrong.:shrug: im going to nurse like crazy and weigh him thursday to see if theres a difference. Then I'll have to supplement asi don't know what else to do.:nope:

Thanks bbygurl and nervous1,

I would defo like to be paired with someone. Defo need help. Im stuck in d house not driving after my section so cant access any support groups in the area. No one i know has breastfed so am just googling everything. Havent a clue what im doing really!

He has only just returned to his birth weight but my latch wasnt good. I didnt realise i had to wake him to feed him either at d start. (Still not sure on this point). Im feeding on demand during d day and waking him at night every 3 and a half hours. Do i need to do this?

Thanks again for d replies ladies.

Hi Nuff,

Congratulations on your new little one. :happydance:

Was your baby born full term?
Is your latch correct now?

I had an emergency section with my DD so I understand how it is to be stuck in feeling unable to get out. :hugs:
Nuffmac can they do a weight before and after to check to see if he is getting enough milk? Some babies just don't grow as quickly, especially that early! Plus different scales and whether your LO peed/BM just before the weight can make a differed of a few ounces.
Nuffmac can they do a weight before and after to check to see if he is getting enough milk? Some babies just don't grow as quickly, especially that early! Plus different scales and whether your LO peed/BM just before the weight can make a differed of a few ounces.

Thank darling me, :thumbup:
That's a good idea. Never thought of that. He had just had a Wet and dirty nappy about 2 minutes before being put on the scales alright. It is a different scales too than the last few times he was weighed.

I just felt she didn't know anything bout breastfeeding either and was pro formula. I can bring him somewhere else on Thursday and have him weighed again. They should be able to do the before and after feeding weight there as well.
I'm feeding my newborn on demand, he has a tongue tie and I have sore nipples. He is only 5 days old - will my nipples toughen up? If so how long does this usually take? I don't want him to have his TT snipped unnecessarily. Thankyou in advance for any help!!
I'm feeding my newborn on demand, he has a tongue tie and I have sore nipples. He is only 5 days old - will my nipples toughen up? If so how long does this usually take? I don't want him to have his TT snipped unnecessarily. Thankyou in advance for any help!!

Although I don't personally have any experience with tongue tie, I just wanted to say in general what you can do to help with the sore nipples.

Firstly, I recommend using lansinoh lanolin for each feed. It's totally safe to leave it on and feed baby and can really help to heal nipples fast. The only reasons for not using this would be if you or baby has a lanolin allergy, or if you have thrush as the bacteria can thrive in the lanolin.

Secondly, are you taking any painkillers? It's safe to use paracetamol and/or ibuprofen when breastfeeding, and might help with the early days when the pain is at it's worst.

Thirdly, even though your son has a tongue tie, I'd recommend getting the latch checked over and over to try and make it as perfect as possible, which will minimise any further pain you are in. Don't be afraid to harass the midwives/health visitors/whoever else you can get hold of about this until you feel you have perfected it! :haha:

Lastly, things will improve for you, hopefully in the next week or so, as both you and baby learn how to breastfeed successfully. It might be nature's way, but mother nature forgot to give us the manual on how to do it perfectly right from square one! ;)

Hope someone answers soon regarding the tongue tie, and hope I've managed to suggest something that hasn't been mentioned to you before :flower:
I'm feeding my newborn on demand, he has a tongue tie and I have sore nipples. He is only 5 days old - will my nipples toughen up? If so how long does this usually take? I don't want him to have his TT snipped unnecessarily. Thankyou in advance for any help!!

Sorry you are having such a rough time! I encourage you to looks the long term effects of a tongue tie. Beyond nursing complications, toddlers will often have speech delays/difficulties, texture problems with foods, and the gap between their teeth and extra skin flap can pocket foods/bacteria leading to early tooth decay/cavities.

The procedure is painless, there are no nerves in the extra skin. The discomfort from being held for the procedure is the traumatic part, but its quick, in office procedure and you can nurse immediately after. Good luck with whatever you decide!
Thankyou for the info. I didn't realise it can cause tooth decay - ds2 has problems with his teeth and he has a TT. Ok, I will ask the midwife about it again on Monday.I wasn't sure I'd be able to feed straight afterwards so that's encouraging. Thanks again
I really hope someone can help me as I'm at my wits end here. My son was born full term but had to spend the first two weeks in the NICU. He's now 9 weeks and I pump and give him the bottle. Occasionally he will nurse, but for the most part he refuses the breast and only takes the bottles of expressed breast milk. I really want to exclusively breastfeed, but I have no idea how to get him to take the breast consistently. I've tried only offering the breast, but he either flat out refuses to suck or he'll suck for a few minutes and stop. I thought maybe he was full, but I offered a bottle after he finished nursing once and he took down 2 ounces in a matter of minutes. I've tried just offering the breast and not supplementing with a bottle but after he goes a few hours without a good feed I give him the bottle because he's so hungry.

Is there anything I can do to encourage him to take the breasts? Could I be doing something wrong? He only has a good nursing session if he's very sleepy. I really want to exclusively breastfeed because it is so difficult trying to find the time to pump and clean while taking care of him but I can't just let him go hungry when he won't nurse. Anyone successfully make the switch from bottle to EBF? Any tips for how I can make the transition?
I don't have any experience with the switch from bottle to ebf, but I just wanted to say that baby is likely to be refusing the breast because it's hard work to get the milk compared to a bottle!

The only thing I can think of that might help you is to get some nipple shields. That way your "nipple" will feel like a bottle's teat, and he might be persuaded to feed. Then once he's feeding well like that just remove the shields. Some people experience supply problems if they use shields long term, but I used them almost exclusively (with the odd "naked" feed) for three months and my supply was fine. If you do have problems with supply you can feed baby as normal and once the feed is over pump for 10-15 mins, even if you get nothing out, because that will signal to your body that more milk is needed.

Hope this helps! :flower:

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