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I would add in another position every few feeds if it doesn't make things worse. That way you aren't over using one part of the nipple.

Airing them out is good, but too much can cause dryness in my experience. Definitely use the cream right before a feed, let it air out a bit, then apply more cream and cover up. Then apply more cream whenever they are dry or every few hours or so. Hopefully the bleed will clear up soon.

:hugs: You are doing a great job! You really are!!
I would add in another position every few feeds if it doesn't make things worse. That way you aren't over using one part of the nipple.

Airing them out is good, but too much can cause dryness in my experience. Definitely use the cream right before a feed, let it air out a bit, then apply more cream and cover up. Then apply more cream whenever they are dry or every few hours or so. Hopefully the bleed will clear up soon.

:hugs: You are doing a great job! You really are!!

Thanks again x x I am determined to keep going and appreciate all the advice you girls have given x x

Just noticed your tickers, Our LOs are about the same age and congratulations on expecting again! x
Thanks so much ladies, I have been distraught, don't want to stop BF. Was so painful when first healing , think I'm worrried it will get like that again. I have been using Lansinoh after feeding and in my breast pad, but hadn't thought to use before he feeds will try this right away. It had started to heal so well and still looks a hundred times better than it did last week. I spent a lot of time yesterday with no top on to get some air to it ( had Lansinoh on at the time) do you think this may have caused the bleed today if part has got too dry.

Since last week I have fed from the sore side in rugby ball hold, do you think I should alternate positions rather than sticking to same one, This seemed to have worked til the bleed today however. Also do you think a breast shell would help or just continue to put LAnsinoh in breast pad?

Really appreciate your help, i have been beside myself!

yeah i wouldn't have thought of it before a feed but saw a lactation consultant who advised me to do this as its safe for LO to swallow and it really helps cos not only does LO work the ointment into cracks as they drink, but also it stops LO latching onto your dry nip and reopening the wound...when its moist it doesn't crack again so easily :)

keep this up and all of a sudden you'll find its healed (i kept thinking mine would never heal then all of a sudden one day they were fine!)

just airing them a little after a feed should be fine

breast shells can also help but you can only wear them for 40 mins at a time so they're not the ultimate answer but could give some relief

you could try swapping positions if it means LO isn't drinking on sore is good to alter position anyway as LO draws milk from different parts of the boob that way so it reduces chance of blocked duct and so on (have to admit i don't do this with isabel though!)
p.s. you've said putting lansinoh in breast pad...i wouldn't bother putting it on pad, just warm it a little between fingers then slather it generously on nips
Thanks so much ladies, I have been distraught, don't want to stop BF. Was so painful when first healing , think I'm worrried it will get like that again. I have been using Lansinoh after feeding and in my breast pad, but hadn't thought to use before he feeds will try this right away. It had started to heal so well and still looks a hundred times better than it did last week. I spent a lot of time yesterday with no top on to get some air to it ( had Lansinoh on at the time) do you think this may have caused the bleed today if part has got too dry.

Since last week I have fed from the sore side in rugby ball hold, do you think I should alternate positions rather than sticking to same one, This seemed to have worked til the bleed today however. Also do you think a breast shell would help or just continue to put LAnsinoh in breast pad?

Really appreciate your help, i have been beside myself!

yeah i wouldn't have thought of it before a feed but saw a lactation consultant who advised me to do this as its safe for LO to swallow and it really helps cos not only does LO work the ointment into cracks as they drink, but also it stops LO latching onto your dry nip and reopening the wound...when its moist it doesn't crack again so easily :)

keep this up and all of a sudden you'll find its healed (i kept thinking mine would never heal then all of a sudden one day they were fine!)

just airing them a little after a feed should be fine

breast shells can also help but you can only wear them for 40 mins at a time so they're not the ultimate answer but could give some relief

you could try swapping positions if it means LO isn't drinking on sore is good to alter position anyway as LO draws milk from different parts of the boob that way so it reduces chance of blocked duct and so on (have to admit i don't do this with isabel though!)

Brilliant I will definitely try this. Off to get some breast shells this morning hope they will give a bit of help between feeds. Fed him in the night with Lansinoh on and think it helped. Still feels a bit sore this morning but been squished up in a breast pad all night! Hope like you say this will do the trick and will be healed before I know it!

Thanks for your advice ladies, it is improving slowly but surely now . Really appreciate your help I don't think I would still be BF without it I was really getting stressed and your kind words helped me through a tough time x x x :hugs:
really glad it's getting better hun...most of us have suffered in one or many ways so you're not alone, but we all come through it one way or the other in the end ... a lady on this forum was a massive help to me and helped me continue so i'm glad i'm helping others now :)
Well just as one boobie getting better I woke this morning with a milk blister on the other aaargh! I'm thinking positive thoughts and doing all the things I should to clear it up. Hopefully won't leave such a big crack this time and will heal quickly.

Has anyone else had recurrent blisters? Any tips? LO's latch seems to be OK, so not sure where I'm going wrong

I haven't had recurrent blisters. :shrug: Is LO comfort sucking loads? Maybe cut back on the comfort sucking if they are....?

I'm glad things are going better in general! You continue to do a fantastic job, hon. :hugs:
I haven't had recurrent blisters. :shrug: Is LO comfort sucking loads? Maybe cut back on the comfort sucking if they are....?

I'm glad things are going better in general! You continue to do a fantastic job, hon. :hugs:

Thanks x x x :hugs:
I've nevr had reoccuring blisters either but wanted to send big :hugs:
I've nevr had reoccuring blisters either but wanted to send big :hugs:

Thanks x x

The blister cleared when I fed LO this morning and have now fed him twice from it. There is a small crack but hope to have it healed in a couple of days.

Hopefully by the weekend I will be back to normal!

LO is 6 months on Sunday, so will be over the moon to be BF him that long.

Will start feeding solids first then BF after shortly, did anyone find it easier once it got to this stage? x x x
:yipee: for 6 months!!!

Otter just turned 6 months. I think how much "easier" you find it depends on what kind of weaning you do and how well they take to it. We do BLW, so Otter doesn't eat much in the way of solids yet (even though they are offered). So, his milk feeds haven't really changed yet. He still eats every 3 hours around the clock! :wacko:
:yipee: for 6 months!!!

Otter just turned 6 months. I think how much "easier" you find it depends on what kind of weaning you do and how well they take to it. We do BLW, so Otter doesn't eat much in the way of solids yet (even though they are offered). So, his milk feeds haven't really changed yet. He still eats every 3 hours around the clock! :wacko:

Lucas was feeding every 3 but have been feeding him every 2 and a half to make it gentler on the boobies! Think will be fine back on 3 hours next week hopefully will be easier as moving to 3 meals then too.
Yea i agree with TL, I was lucky my Lo took quite well, it was a bit :cry: actually
Hello ladies, not sure how this thread works, but I have a few questions the champions might be able to help with. Through blocked ducts, very sore nipples and a bad latch, we have somehow managed to BF for 4 weeks now. I am very stubborn and determined to BF as long as possible, my initial aim being 6 months and my ideal being the first year, but right now I'm aiming for a day at a time.

By day 10 I had my first blocked duct, we were snowed in but the MW talked me through clearing it, the second blockage happened a few days later. Due to the pain of these, we ended up latching badly, I was in so much pain just getting LO anywhere near me, so didn't really care how he was on. The end result being very sore nipples.

The NCT BF adviser at the baby clinic help show us ways to improve the latch and we are getting much better. After nearly 2 weeks my nipples are starting to recover. I've used nipple shields for some feeds to ease the pain a little and used kamillosan after every feed until a couple of days ago. Most feeds are just one boob and Alex is gaining weight following a line between the lowest 2 centile lines. He was only 6lb at birth, but the HV is happy with his weight gain. He tends to fall asleep after 10-20 mins on the breast and very little wakes him enough to have more.

I have a skin condition (chronic urticaria) and wondered if that contributes to the soreness, I need to chat to my allergy specialist at my next appt but that isn't until april.

My questions are:

Is shooting pain in the boob normal between feeds?
Are allergies to kamillosan/lanolin common?
Are there any lanolin free creams?
How do I know if he has emptied my boob?

I'm sure there was something else, but I've forgotten :dohh:

Thanks in advance
hey tigger, firstly congratulations! its not easy and you're doing the right thing taking one day at a time :hugs: you've come so far already though so should feel proud of yourself!

re your questions:
Is shooting pain in the boob normal between feeds?
No, this is not normal...some women (me included) experience a very strong letdown which is like strong pins and needles in my nips, but not an actual shooting pain. Is this a frequent thing or occasional? Is it when LO hasn't fed for a while? In the early days I used to have occasional shooting pains when my supply wasn't regulated and my boobs were really full

Are allergies to kamillosan/lanolin common?
Yes! My aunt for example is allergic to lanolin, so whereas most people find this extremely moisturising, it in fact dries her skin out and makes it sore and cracked

Are there any lanolin free creams?
Sorry i can't help you on this :( but i'm sure google and/or pharmacy/GP can advise (GP will be able to give you a prescription for a cream/ointment if there is one)

How do I know if he has emptied my boob?
For me, i can tell if i push the side of my boob gently it feels mega squishy compared to the firmness of the side isabel didn't feed from. Also, if i squeeze the nipple gently milk doesn't flow very freely from it
hey tigger, firstly congratulations! its not easy and you're doing the right thing taking one day at a time :hugs: you've come so far already though so should feel proud of yourself!

re your questions:
Is shooting pain in the boob normal between feeds?
No, this is not normal...some women (me included) experience a very strong letdown which is like strong pins and needles in my nips, but not an actual shooting pain. Is this a frequent thing or occasional? Is it when LO hasn't fed for a while? In the early days I used to have occasional shooting pains when my supply wasn't regulated and my boobs were really full

Thanks for all that. The pain is only in my left boob and I've only noticed it the last 24 hours ish, it happens several times and doesn't seem to have a pattern. I guess I should call the dr or mw tomorrow to check. It is all such a minefield, looking after babies is easy IMO as I've been a nanny for 14 years, but breast feeding is all new to me and is hard work and painful, it might be natural but it isn't easy.
aww hun, it does get better i promise! i had a horrendous time starting out then about 3.5 weeks in we clicked the latch and my nips healed, then by 9 weeks in my supply was regulated and we were pro's! its so easy now and such a massive contrast from starting out! but you're can something natural be so awful and depressing at first!!!!!!!
p.s. does your left boob feel firm all over, or in places? if so try putting a warm flannel on it for a few mins then gently massaging the breast (upwards strokes). the warmth loosens up the milk so you can massage easier and if there's a blockage or excess somewhere it can help to clear it

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