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sophie has started getting like this hun excellent feeding at night but in the day can sometimes be a bit of a battle. i offer her it and if she starts crying about it i just put my boob away put her down and try again 15mins later. 9 times out of 10 she will take it the 2nd time i offer it.
Laughing Girl - don't bear yourself up. It's not anything you've done honey.
It does sound as though she's hit the 'nosey' stage! They are monkeys when they start to realise there are other things going on.
This may sound silly, but try wearing a big, colourful necklace that is safe for lo to play with whilst they're feeding. If you search 'breastfeeding necklace' on eBay or Google, you'll find some designed specially for this purpose xx
Could really use some kind of support from someone. Having a hard day today.
My full story is in my parenting journal in signature, but short version is I have chronic low supply for undetermined reasons. Basically my days are some combination of feed from breast, feed formula from bottle, try and find time to pump in the hopes of increasing supply, repeat (not to mention sterilise, wash, make bottles etc). I really feel like I'm running in place and wonder if I can keep this up. Been doing it for 3+ weeks now (Lucy was exclusively Bfed until 2 weeks when she was still -10% BW) and I really doubt I'll ever be able to bf her exclusively, but the pumping on top of everything else is really wearing on me. It feels like such a chore because I need both hands to pump (have to do some serious massage and breast compression to get the measly 20-30 mls I get per session) and I still get so little even though I've been pumping every day for almost 5 weeks now.
I just feel like I'll lose my tiny supply altogether if I stop pumping.
At times in the day and sometimes at night my 10 day old will go red in the face and bring his knees up, but cry for the breast. he will root like mad until latched on but then push himself back off by bringing his knees up etc. I think it might be wind, but I try hard to wind him and even if he burps etc he will still do the same. This can go on for up to 2 hours of him crying out and getting frustrated. He latches perfectly and feeds ace when he doesnt do this. Any advice or clues to the cause? Thanks.
Just wonfdering if there is anyone on here who had experiance of BF after c-section under general??
I was wondering if there is anyone available to help me with some questions that I have. I do have alot of them and would take someone patient with a new mother. I would be very grateful.

ETA: Sorry forgot to add my questions

1. I made the mistake of using a heating pad on my breasts during engorgement and they became massively large. I have hardness on the underside and near the cleavage of my breasts but no pain. However, the hardness has me worried. The center of my breasts are soft as they were before engorgement. I am praying this is not mastitis and just blocked ducts or something. Any advice on how to make this go away?

2. Is there a link to how much a newborn, on the average, takes in ounces for feeding?

Those are the two most important questions that I have at the moment.
bky - I am going to mak a phonecall to someone tomorrow to ask her advice on your sitiuation. I'm Unicef trained, and have heard a lot of stories, but I've not known anyone who's actually been diagnosed with a chronically low supply. I promise I'll do what I can to help - please hang in there.

gorgeousmumof - could your lo be straining? Try giving them a good winding before, during and after. Ask your HV to show you sone tummy massage too, as it may just relax lo a little more, but it's difficult to say without seeing him.

Stephwiggy - I had an emergency c-sec under general - feel free to pm me. I know how hard it can be to establish feeding after a GA....

Tickledpink3 - the best advice I can give you is to hand express (if lo won't take it) and you're engorged and breast massage. I'd recommend a wide toothed comb, start at the top of the breast and work down towards the nipple, moving round the breast as you do it. This will help any blocked ducts, but the best cure really is feeding - feed, feed, feed and more feed!!

Also, as regard ounces, do not worry. There aren't any comprehensive charts, because there doesn't need to be. Every baby is different and will take what it needs for that feed. Everytime you put your baby to the breast, it places an order for the next feed (i.e. A bit more protein please!) and your body adjusts.
So long as your lo is alert, has wet and dirty nappies and has access to the breast whenever they want it, they should be fine :)

HTH - sorry for the delay xxxx
Just to update: The massaging helped along with alot of feeding. Also I made sure to stay hydrated and the symptoms relieved themselves after a day and a half. Thank you again for your help
I am struggling so much. baby is feeding constantly. i feel so mean to my 2 year old.
he will feed... for anywhere between 2-40 minutes.. then fall asleep and latch off. i will keep offering the breast to see if he wants more and he will ignore it. while im holding him he will sleep. as soon as i put him down he will cry and root and if i put him on the breast he will repeat the above. he sometimes emptys both breasts and his tummy is constantly swollen. he is always trumping and always has wind but i rarely get burps out of him.
also he will cry for the breast but when he latches on he will tense up, red face, legs up from wind which knocks him off the breast. he will then be unable to get back on even if i put the nipple in his mouth because he is stressing so much. i have tried infacol which made him worse and then tried him on nothing. he is now on dentinox. i dont think its helping. i have had to buy a dummy so i can go out occassionally. but even then it pops out constantly and then he will cry all over again.

please help :( i want to keep up the breastfeeding. but feel my older son is being left out. and some nights im up the entire night trying to feed or soothe.
Oh sweetie. It will get better. It does sound as though lo is suffering with bad trapped wind. You could maybe try using a sling, the upright hold and closeness to you will help with the wind and with comforting lo.
I know Moby's are great for newborns. You might find your also able to nurse in a sling and so then you're hands free for your toddler.

As regards feeding at night - have you looked into safely co-sleeping? It might give you the rest you need? There is a guide in the Natural Parenting section (in the stickies).

HTH honey xx
I bought a sling but he seems to just cry in it, I am not sure if I am using it right. Am now trying colief in hopes the helps.
Last night I gave in and co slept. but didnt felt comfortable enough sleeping too close.
So had his top half on the pillow to raise him slighlty. and his blanket cover him with his arms tucked over it so it wouldnt move. and i put a pillow near the wall for just incase.
I am a single mum with a single bed so he had half the bed and neither of us moved.
I even bought a swing but he screams in that too :(
Hi there,I would love to have a champion to help me! Im breast feeding my 5 day old and finding it a bit tough at times,worrying about whether Im doing it right etc.Would be excellent to have some support!
Ladies, i really need some advice please. My LO is just over 4 months old and will feed 2-3 hourly in the day. She used to have 3 naps in the day and sometimes wouldnt go to bed till 10 so my mum told me to cut out naps after 4pm and she would go to bed by half 7.
Well i have cut out the nap after 4pm, i bath her and feed her in bad and she is asleep by half 7 8 ish but gauranteed within an hour she will be awake again:shrug:

So i feed her back to sleep again and once she is asleep i will move her to her moses. (which is getting a bit small now)

Then throu the night she will wake anything from 3-6 times a night. Once she starts waking and moaning i bring her straight into bed (OH is a lorry driver and i dont want her to disturb him as he cant go to work tired)

She will feed and go straight back to sleep next to me. Once she is a sleep i used to move her back to her bed again but just recently it seems like as soon as i move her she wakes and if i lay her back next to me she will go back to sleep:dohh:

Im so tired surely she is not waking because she is hungry??
I have considered that if i give her formula before bed will she sleep longer? but i dont want to do that because if it doesnt work i would of given up breast feeding for nothing :cry: (i only plan on breastfeeding till about 6 months anyway)

We are going to try her in her cot in her own room so i can leave her a bit longer once she starts waking but i just know she wont settle herslf back to sleep.

I just feel that we are now going to have her in our bed for ever. Are all breastfed babies like this??

I know this isnt really a breast feeding question as such but is all this related to breast feeding??

Hi gals! I was wondering if anyone was available to answer a couple questions regarding my LO's 3 week growth spurt and my supply. I posted a thread in the BF forum but didn't get any responses. Just one from a mom who had the same questions.
Anyway my LO has been going thru her 3 week spurt the past 4 nights. We spent several hours in the evening cluster feeding. She'll eat on each side for 1 hour then start all over. She's pulling at the breast, fussy, and sleepy during the day. I've been increasing my pumping as she's sleeping a bit more now. My question is, how long will it take before my supply increases to meet her demands? I haven't noticed a huge increase yet. I'm trying to pump to increase my freezer stash as I will be returning to work eventually.
My other question is if we are co-sleeping at night, should I be rotating baby from one breast to the other? If I don't this means that one breast won't be stimulated all night. Would this cause that breast to produce less? I really appreciate any answers you can give me. Thanks!
gorgeousmumof - sorry the sling isn't working :( you could try doing a search onlne for a local 'Sling Meet'. You'll get to meet other mums who babywear and can try diffeent types (and get loads of advice) and meet loads of lovely new people.
As regards the co-sleeping - it's best to avoid pillows. Take all pillows away from lo's head. Could you try using a baby sleeping bag so l has ther own covers?

lukesmum - there is a list of bf'ing champions on the first page. Have a little looksie & pm whoever you'd like ;)

gemgti - it can feel draining when they are feeding regularly through the night. It does ease up though, just that some have night feeds for longer than others. I still co-sleep with George, as he still feeds in the night.
Westbraja - you probably won't find that you feel fuller or that you're necessarily leaking. George still has a good feed at bedtime. He's stocking up for the night. He will feed lots, then wake after about three hrs for a top up, and so on.

As regards co-sleeping and which boob - yes, it's worth trying to alternate when possible. You might not have to swap sides oftbe bed though. I usually just lean onto my front more IYKWIM?xxxx
I posted on Bfing but saw something similar to mine and their response was to try this forum.

My problem is that LO is sleeping longer at night (4-7 hours) and the longer sleeps I get engorged and end up getting up to pump. I couldn't wait for LO to sleep longer so I could get more sleep (I am exhausted and am going back to work in a month) but I am ending up getting up to pump. Any suggestion to let me sleep longer? Is this a selfish request on my behalf? Should I just accept that I am never going to sleep longer than 4 hours again until I stop BFing?
I posted on Bfing but saw something similar to mine and their response was to try this forum.

My problem is that LO is sleeping longer at night (4-7 hours) and the longer sleeps I get engorged and end up getting up to pump. I couldn't wait for LO to sleep longer so I could get more sleep (I am exhausted and am going back to work in a month) but I am ending up getting up to pump. Any suggestion to let me sleep longer? Is this a selfish request on my behalf? Should I just accept that I am never going to sleep longer than 4 hours again until I stop BFing?

Not entirely sure about that as we're still having night feeds between every two to five (if we're really lucky!) hours. The only thing I could suggest is maybe a savoy cabbage leaf or two in your bra before bed?

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