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Hi Bunnyg82.

Do you have to go for a pre-op assessment? If so - ask them if there are any alternative medications you can be given so you don't have to leave it so long before feeding LO. They can check the half life of the drugs (how long it stays in your system).

If there aren't other drugs, you'll have to express as close to the normal times LO would feed normally, and dump the milk if it's contaminated with the drugs. This will ensure your supply stays ok. Even if it drops a little bit because you miss a few pumping sessions, when you get LO back on the breast they will act like it's a growth spurt to up your supply again. So don't worry that you'll dry up or anything.

Expressing wise- have you got a pump? If not, ask your HV if there is anywhere you can borrow an electric pump from. Some SureStart centres have them. If not, you can either buy one, or buy a manual one (harder work and some women struggle with them, but cheaper). I'd probably pump first thing in the morning, while LO is feeding is best because your other boob will let down too and milk will flow easier, or after LO has finished if you haven't got enough hands to do both at once! Try and pump any other chance you get while/after LO feeds.

For two days you'll probably want at least 50-60oz frozen. To start with you might not get much when you pump, but it should increase as your breasts get used to it. Anything you pump on the same day can be added into the same freezer bag and stored.

As for bottles, I've always used tommee tippee closer to nature ones, your LO is at the age where hopefully they take to the bottle well. I'd try offering a bottle 2-3 times a week just to keep them used to it, and maybe get your OH or someone else to do it - if you do it then LO can get frustrated because they can smell you and your milk. Pump while LO is having the bottle to keep your supply normal.

That's all I can think of! Let me know if you've got any more questions!
Hi, I'm currently on day 8 of ebf. My DD hasn't been off me for more than 10 mins today. The latch on looks good and the pain is minimal. Am I doing somthing wrong? It is difficult getting her on as her hands are always in the way. Please could I be assigned a champion?

i'm thinking she's dozing off then wanting back on when you go to move her...?
if you notice her dozing try to keep her focused by blowing on her face, tapping your breast near her mouth, dabbing her face with a damp cloth... this will spring her back into action if she's still hungry, but if not move her away so she doesn't get used to constantly being attached!

alternatively she may be cluster feeding. little babies cluster feed for several hours a day and although its usually in late afternoon/evening so they can go longer at night between feeds, some babies get confused and start cluster feeding during the day instead
Yes she is dozing off. I think she's cluster feeding as last night she slept for 4 hours solid, a 2hour feed and then another hour and a half. She cries hysterically until she's back on like I've not fed her at all! I hope she sleeps for 4 hours again, I need the rest!
Feel free to PM me if you need to talk x

Quick question, have you been looking after yourself enough? Ie eating and drinking enough? I found having a glass of water and a choc biscuit when I fed really help. If you've nor been looking after yourself it might be effecting your let down and LO could be hanging on for that. But also wss^^^ to.

I had a lot of days when James was just attached to me permanently! Those days it's best to curl up on the sofa stick a DVD on and try and relax as much as possible. Great that your latch seems good :)
Cocoamad, thanks so much for the advice, that really helps xx

We've had a go already and he's taken to the bottle really well and when I've expressed during the morning feed I've got a great amount out which is now starting to be collected in the freezer so fingers crossed it all works out! x
This is a great idea!!
i would love a breast feeding champion.
I have been breast feeding my baby now for 4 weeks, even though she is my 5th baby she is the only one i have stuck with breast feeding with. I have struggled with sore nipples etc in the beginning. I am expressing my milk morning and night so she has a small feed in a bottle with her gaviscon in as she has a reflux.
Mel x
This is a great idea!!
i would love a breast feeding champion.
I have been breast feeding my baby now for 4 weeks, even though she is my 5th baby she is the only one i have stuck with breast feeding with. I have struggled with sore nipples etc in the beginning. I am expressing my milk morning and night so she has a small feed in a bottle with her gaviscon in as she has a reflux.
Mel x

Give me a PM if you like, James had reflux as well so hopefully can offer some advice! xx
Hi, wonder if anyone can help. My supply is drying up :( my son is 4 months old and since I got AF back I've noticed my supply drop off :( I had him weighed and he's lost 2oz in 4 weeks. I have tried everything; fenugreek, increased feeding day and night, expressing after feeds, breast compressions during feeds. I am so sad. I really dont want to turn to formula. He is my third child and I BF my daugters for 9 months each. I've asked the doctor for domperidone but he wasnt happy to prescribe it and is asking other professionals (paeds) for advice. Is this completely out of the realms of normal? thanks xx

I would love to have support from a BF champion, hopefully someone that specialises in re-lactation, as thats where I am currently.

A little bit about us...
LO is 4 weeks tomorrow and I BF for the first 6/7 days exclusively. I had a traunatic and long birth, which culminated in tearing my neck ligaments through delivery and me having only 5 hours broken sleep in 5 days. This was extremely painful and stressful, I could not look down or move my head most of the time. This made BF hard and with the sleep deprivation I was having a horrible time. Due tot he stress and pain, we moved to FF on day 7. The pain was so bad paracetamol was useless, I moved to codeine after finishing BF.
LO has thrived on formula but tbh my 'guilt' at not BF has stayed around. I REALLY don't want to go back to those horrible days and I am hoping that without the tension and terrible pain in my neck, which has now gone, it will be easier. I haven't had any pain killers since last week (7 days)and I went from codeine to Ibuprofen and finished on paracetamol so no worries there.
I have a manual breast pump which I am using and currently only getting about 3 ml a time. Baby is being offered my breasts before each feed but is getting stressed and refusing as its not quick enough, or no flow.
Oh and my full milk supply never properly came in, I was told this was prob due to stress, high blood loss during delivery (1.3 litres) and generally being under the weather.

I'll stop waffling now, think i;ve covered everything. Help!!:wacko:
hi all, Firstly I am being a bit premature as i still have 5 or so weeks left before due date, but i am getting worried about breastfeeding.

I am convinced there is something wrong with my nipples - they just dont look the same as others i see on TV/in pictures.

Both of them appear very flat, however when stimulated (ie pulled and squeezed) they do stick out a little bit more - but not a lot, and one definately more than the other.

i havent had any leaking at all as yet and the very tip of my nipples (both) seem to have an indent.

my hubby thinks there is nothing wrong with them but im really worried and want to be prepared.... should i start wearong nipple shells for the last few weeks??

Also (I know its a bit wierd) but if there is a lactation specialist here somewhere - would it be possible for me to send through some pictures for them to examine whether or not they think i have flat/inverted nipples??
Hi there - I'm hoping someone can give me some advice.
I had a pretty traumatic birth a week ago - induction, long labour, followed by a failed forceps/ventose attempt and ending in an emergency c-section. After delivery baby seemed to make a good attempt at feeding, so wasn't too concerned. However, since then things have gone downhill. It took longer for milk to come in (probably due to birth, although I wish someone had warned me of this at the time!) and we started to have some real problems latching on. I think we've just about resolved these now, but even when on, baby only stays on 5-10 seconds, then stops sucking. Might stay on and do a few more token efforts, but often just pulls away.

He doesn't feed very often, so I know that when he's wanting food he is actually hungry. I've tried expressing and giving him formula (his birth weight dropped and we thought he was going to get re-admitted to hospital) so that he doesn't starve, but I can't carry on like this. I really want to breastfeed, but I don't know where to turn. I've tried all sorts of different b/f positions, tried expressing a bit to entice him, but nothing seems to make a difference. Even the NCT b/f woman can't seem to offer any advice...
I am desperately in need of advice from a breast feeding champion.

I am Sue. I just had my first child 7 weeks ago. I am trying to BF my son ever since he was born, but had no luck with latching him right. I had to give him formula from the second day he was born, as he was very dehydrated in the womb. With the nipple confusion, he won't be happy feeding at my breast and would scream like crazy when I try to offer him the breast. I have been pumping since my milk started. But I was making very little milk. I was only making about 1 oz from both the breasts. I have tried fenugreek and blessed thistle, but it didn’t seem to work at all. Now, the milk supply has come down to ½ oz from both breast every 3 hrs. With the time I spend for pumping and the quantity I make, i feel like giving up BF. Somebody please give me some support and encouragement .
hi all, Firstly I am being a bit premature as i still have 5 or so weeks left before due date, but i am getting worried about breastfeeding.

I am convinced there is something wrong with my nipples - they just dont look the same as others i see on TV/in pictures.

Both of them appear very flat, however when stimulated (ie pulled and squeezed) they do stick out a little bit more - but not a lot, and one definately more than the other.

i havent had any leaking at all as yet and the very tip of my nipples (both) seem to have an indent.

my hubby thinks there is nothing wrong with them but im really worried and want to be prepared.... should i start wearong nipple shells for the last few weeks??

Also (I know its a bit wierd) but if there is a lactation specialist here somewhere - would it be possible for me to send through some pictures for them to examine whether or not they think i have flat/inverted nipples??

My nipples were a bit flat but soon as baby got here, they are now more prominent. I don't think you should have a problem but if there are any doubts, do talk to a lactation consultant
Hi there - I'm hoping someone can give me some advice.
I had a pretty traumatic birth a week ago - induction, long labour, followed by a failed forceps/ventose attempt and ending in an emergency c-section. After delivery baby seemed to make a good attempt at feeding, so wasn't too concerned. However, since then things have gone downhill. It took longer for milk to come in (probably due to birth, although I wish someone had warned me of this at the time!) and we started to have some real problems latching on. I think we've just about resolved these now, but even when on, baby only stays on 5-10 seconds, then stops sucking. Might stay on and do a few more token efforts, but often just pulls away.

He doesn't feed very often, so I know that when he's wanting food he is actually hungry. I've tried expressing and giving him formula (his birth weight dropped and we thought he was going to get re-admitted to hospital) so that he doesn't starve, but I can't carry on like this. I really want to breastfeed, but I don't know where to turn. I've tried all sorts of different b/f positions, tried expressing a bit to entice him, but nothing seems to make a difference. Even the NCT b/f woman can't seem to offer any advice...

Is it possible for the hospital to give you a syringe to feed the baby with? What you would do is insert the tube in the baby's mouth and get him to latch on to the breast. That can sometimes influence a baby to get use to the breasts. I'm sorry I am no expert but have seen the advice given on this site. I hope things work out for you soon
I am desperately in need of advice from a breast feeding champion.

I am Sue. I just had my first child 7 weeks ago. I am trying to BF my son ever since he was born, but had no luck with latching him right. I had to give him formula from the second day he was born, as he was very dehydrated in the womb. With the nipple confusion, he won't be happy feeding at my breast and would scream like crazy when I try to offer him the breast. I have been pumping since my milk started. But I was making very little milk. I was only making about 1 oz from both the breasts. I have tried fenugreek and blessed thistle, but it didn’t seem to work at all. Now, the milk supply has come down to ½ oz from both breast every 3 hrs. With the time I spend for pumping and the quantity I make, i feel like giving up BF. Somebody please give me some support and encouragement .

I want to share the same advice offered to the lady above. Maybe try a syringe while the baby is latched on to the breast. I had a few weeks were my supply dropped and I ate oatmeal every morning which really helped to up my supply a bit. Also, drinking water helps ALOT. So make sure you are guzzling that stuff down. And I need clarification, is the baby already experiencing nipple confusing or you are just stating that he will? Please don't give up :hugs:
Hi, wonder if anyone can help. My supply is drying up :( my son is 4 months old and since I got AF back I've noticed my supply drop off :( I had him weighed and he's lost 2oz in 4 weeks. I have tried everything; fenugreek, increased feeding day and night, expressing after feeds, breast compressions during feeds. I am so sad. I really dont want to turn to formula. He is my third child and I BF my daugters for 9 months each. I've asked the doctor for domperidone but he wasnt happy to prescribe it and is asking other professionals (paeds) for advice. Is this completely out of the realms of normal? thanks xx

Have you tried eating oatmeal? Not the instant but the rolled oats that come in the big ol container? That helped my supply alot. I had went from 5oz from a breast down to 2 oz and it did wonders for me. Also with your Af back, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
Ok. So I stopped breast feeding my son when he was about a month old (due to work). He is not almost 7 months. So Its been 6 months since I have done that. I have read online that I can breast feed again. That there are herbal supplements out there that can increase milk supply. Last night I went and got "Fenugreek" and "Motherlove: More Milk Plus." Does anyone know which of these is better? And since I dont have milk now, do I start pumping and just trying that for a few days? Idk where to go from here really. I want to give him breast milk but I need a little more direction and help please.
Hello, I really need advice on relactation. My baby is just 2 months and 3 weeks ago my supply was so low that I just stopped bothering to put her to the breast. Now I really regret it and just want a second chance. I have read up a bit on relactation but from what I've read it's basically pumping for 30 mins each breast every two hours! I have had a bit of PND and am just starting to meet up with other mums and feel better about myself - I really don't want to have to stay indoors for weeks pumping. Is it possible to do this and get out of the house from time to time? How long approx will it take? Will it definately work?

Please help!
Hiya. I'm desperate for some advice. I've been bf for nearly 6wks solely bf ! It's been nearly a week that vie been suffering from realllllly sore/tend breasts. As if they r bruised and I am constantly feeling sharp pains in them. ESP wen my lil one begins to feed. This may be the let down reflex but it's only stArted to happen a wk ago since breasts started to become Tender.

I've got no redness, inflammation, white dots, cracked nipples. It's just the whole breast.

On top of this, I had postnatal bleeding for approximate 30days. It started to become browny colour and whitish discharge( sorry for too much detail), then since then (without a break) i started bleeding heavily again with clots. It's day 40 now since birth.

I've spoken to two health visitors, breastfeeding support group& midwife. They all said it can't be mastitis or thrush as I don't have those symptoms ( although I do get a temperature now and then, this might be due to tiredness) and my latching is fine And got a good bra on.

The bleeding - some said it doesn't sound normal 2 b like that & hvisitor said it's a period. Which might explain the soreness of breasts but not the sharp pains.

I have to see gp but have got earliest appo next wk. I'm. Agony...I've read bf is not supposed to hurt. Any one suffered something similar or advice. It's a nightmare !

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