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Thanks ladies! I'll try your advice wishing and if I'm still having problems I'll try and find that assist thing, silver. :D

What kind of pump are you using at work? Have you always had trouble pumping, or is a recent problem? Have you ever tried to hand express?

You can also up the number of feeds LO gets when you are home. My DD reverse cycles. She goes 5-6 hours between feeds during the day when I am at work, but goes 2-3 hours when I am at home. Of course, that might mean less sleep at night. :wacko:

Here's a blinkie

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i use to express when my son was a couple of months old but then i just didnt need to anymore, i was using the tommee tippee manual pump, i feed my son as often as i can when im home but he dosnt get full now, think its drying up :cry:[/QUOTE]

I see he is 7 months old, right? Do you have him on a fair bit of solids yet?

Can you give me a run-down of your typical day? When you work, when he feeds, how much he takes in a bottle, how much you manage to express, what he eats in the form of solids... napping, sleeing at night... all those general things. It would help me help you, I think.

I have been exclusively BF my LO since birth without any real issues until about a week ago. He started making sucking noises whilst feeding. I can only presume there is something wrong with the he is also needing to be winded more, brings up more wind and has been sick more than before (not at every feed). He is getting very restless whilst feeding, wriggling, grunting, arching his back and stopping feeding to cry. The crying isn't happening at every feed but the other things are. He has the odd expressed bottle when OH is home (he works away a few nights a week) and seems happier taking the bottle feed which is upsetting :-( but he is still mainly BF. He is always fed on demand and used to go 2-3 hrs between feeds but the last couple of days he just wants to be stuck on me all day and night feeding, the lack of sleep is killing me :-( I guess this could be a growth spurt at his age though? I spoke to my HV who just explained how he should latch on, which I already know. I just find it hard to check his position as I can't see much with his head in the way so the HV wasn't really much use. I've also been advised the wriggling and crying may be colic or a tummy bug...I'm finding it all v.upsetting to the point where I am considering giving up BF to soley express my milk for him as the stress of feed times is getting too much :-(

He has plenty of wet and dirty nappies so I am happy he is getting enough milk (its just taking longer to feed him) and was 11lb 4oz when he was weighed on Wed this week.

Any advice would be appreciated, thanks x
Sounds like the 6 wk growth spurt to me hunni, as they grow their mouths change shape and Ej went through a patch where it was almost like he had to relearn how to feed caus his latch changed which was irritating but getting it sorted really helped us, this video helped me get his latch right. also giving him a break when he started fussing and coming back to the feed helped alot too, and i found when i had anything with alot of Garlic in it till he was bout 4 months old it would give him bad wind so has your diet changed? some babies are more sensitive to what mum eats than others
So..... i'm feeling like a complete failure...
we had to go out in the third week, so i gave my parents a bottle of breast milk for Rayne whilst we were out....
Ever since, she's been too lazy and won't go on the breast anymore; she get's too fussy and frustrated since it's not coming out quick enough like a bottle.. Lazy.
Ive tried countless times to keep her on the breast, i got an electric breast pump to see if that would work with expressing easier (first time we did it was a manual).... i hardly got 20oz... maybe 10?... Now, if i squeeze my nipple, if i'm lucky i'll get a few drops... I'm going dry and my boobs don't feel heavy anymore, because bub won't take the breast... it's really upsetting me, because i really wanted to continue with BF since it was getting easier (painless etc)... I have an appointment with the health care doctors with Rayne on the 8th of April...and i'll see what they say, but... i can barely get anything from my breasts anymore, nothing comes out... just small drops...
I don't want to feel so down, but it really is upsetting as ive tried everything i can to stimulate them since she just won't suck enough etc...
She's been on Formula now for around 1 1/2 weeks and i feel like a complete failure...... like i've let her down.


any sort of help would be muchly appreciated... <3

Increasing Supply


These are the names of the members who have offered to help as breastfeeding champions in the area's that you probably need the help in hun, id PM one of them ( there are links to their profiles in the first post ) and ask them for some help as they have experience in these areas
So..... i'm feeling like a complete failure...
we had to go out in the third week, so i gave my parents a bottle of breast milk for Rayne whilst we were out....
Ever since, she's been too lazy and won't go on the breast anymore; she get's too fussy and frustrated since it's not coming out quick enough like a bottle.. Lazy.
Ive tried countless times to keep her on the breast, i got an electric breast pump to see if that would work with expressing easier (first time we did it was a manual).... i hardly got 20oz... maybe 10?... Now, if i squeeze my nipple, if i'm lucky i'll get a few drops... I'm going dry and my boobs don't feel heavy anymore, because bub won't take the breast... it's really upsetting me, because i really wanted to continue with BF since it was getting easier (painless etc)... I have an appointment with the health care doctors with Rayne on the 8th of April...and i'll see what they say, but... i can barely get anything from my breasts anymore, nothing comes out... just small drops...
I don't want to feel so down, but it really is upsetting as ive tried everything i can to stimulate them since she just won't suck enough etc...
She's been on Formula now for around 1 1/2 weeks and i feel like a complete failure...... like i've let her down.


any sort of help would be muchly appreciated... <3

if you go back a page or two there's some posts tigerlady and I have replied to on difficulty latching as baby is opting for the ease of bottle instead...have a read of them and post again if you're still needing input

i'm sure you'll get through this and on track again :hugs:
So..... i'm feeling like a complete failure...
we had to go out in the third week, so i gave my parents a bottle of breast milk for Rayne whilst we were out....
Ever since, she's been too lazy and won't go on the breast anymore; she get's too fussy and frustrated since it's not coming out quick enough like a bottle.. Lazy.
Ive tried countless times to keep her on the breast, i got an electric breast pump to see if that would work with expressing easier (first time we did it was a manual).... i hardly got 20oz... maybe 10?... Now, if i squeeze my nipple, if i'm lucky i'll get a few drops... I'm going dry and my boobs don't feel heavy anymore, because bub won't take the breast... it's really upsetting me, because i really wanted to continue with BF since it was getting easier (painless etc)... I have an appointment with the health care doctors with Rayne on the 8th of April...and i'll see what they say, but... i can barely get anything from my breasts anymore, nothing comes out... just small drops...
I don't want to feel so down, but it really is upsetting as ive tried everything i can to stimulate them since she just won't suck enough etc...
She's been on Formula now for around 1 1/2 weeks and i feel like a complete failure...... like i've let her down.


any sort of help would be muchly appreciated... <3

Firstly you haven't let her down at all! It is really common for babies to prefer a bottle - it is just easier. That doesn't make you a failure!

Is LO totally on formula now or are you still b/f?

Don't judge how much milk you have by how much you can express - babies are MUCH better at getting milk out!

Sounds like the 6 wk growth spurt to me hunni, as they grow their mouths change shape and Ej went through a patch where it was almost like he had to relearn how to feed caus his latch changed which was irritating but getting it sorted really helped us, this video helped me get his latch right. also giving him a break when he started fussing and coming back to the feed helped alot too, and i found when i had anything with alot of Garlic in it till he was bout 4 months old it would give him bad wind so has your diet changed? some babies are more sensitive to what mum eats than others

Thanks for the video :) That does sound like what it could be (the growth spurt and the latch issue!) part of the problem for us. LO has been having little breaks during BF feeds as he has been getting quite upset whilst feeding :-( but I will try stopping him before he gets to upset next time.

As for my diet...I am vegetarian, but I don't think this has had any affect on LO until this last week and a half. I did have 2 slices of garlic bread last saturday night, maybe that has started something off...I had avoided garlic during pregnancy as it gave me severe indigestion. I have been avoiding foods I know give me wind as I thought this could be passed onto LO in my milk (things like beans, broccoli and cabbage) I was told mushrooms and onions can have a negative affect on LO from breast milk as well but on the other hand I am cautious about excluding too much from my diet as I don't want to be missing out on good things he needs.
LO is very windy which I do think is the main reason behind his kicking and crying whilst feeding as you can hear wind gurgling round as he is feeding and he will be farting for England!

I have been trying to think tonight what in my diet might be causing his wind and have just remembered I bought a new granola cereal a couple of weeks ago which has pumpkin and sunflower seeds in (amongst other things!) so I am wondering if that might be what is upsetting him...I'll cut it out and see if it makes a difference to his tummy.
You might be on to something with the cereal. What is your letdown like? Oats in cereals can make your letdown strong enoub to kill :haha: maybe the milk is coming out too fast? My letdown in horrendous and Lyra does this halfhearted latch which makes lots of noise and pulls away a lot to take a short break. Once the letdown has finished she latches properly xxx
Hey i exclusively BF still at 9.5 months.....been told to stop because I need stronger meds but i wanna carry on till shes at least 1 so im going for it!!!

i dont own a pump so have never expressed not really sure why i guess cause ive been ill im just always with her and shes down to 3 feeds a day now so its ok....

hi to all u BF especially those feeding older babies
i have so many friends saying why are u still BF it annoys me!
You might be on to something with the cereal. What is your letdown like? Oats in cereals can make your letdown strong enoub to kill :haha: maybe the milk is coming out too fast? My letdown in horrendous and Lyra does this halfhearted latch which makes lots of noise and pulls away a lot to take a short break. Once the letdown has finished she latches properly xxx

I'm not really sure what my letdown is like :blush: Trying to look when I'm expressing I can see the milk is squirting out after the letdown phase but i've not seen what its like at the beginning to be honest.
It's more a few minutes into the feed when Thomas is pulling away and getting upset, he has done it twice this afternoon, still with the leg kicking and wriggling :-( I'm just worried as he's not having 20-25min feeds like he used to and I find it really upsetting when he is crying, I feel like I'm letting him down and don't know what to do about it :cry:
My LO suffered very badly with wind so you have my sincere sympathy. There is really nothing worse than seeing them in pain. One thing that did seem to help a bit was block feeding - I don't think I had an overactive let down though but it seemed to help us anyway. Thomas was very big on cluster feeding and would want to feed the whole evening and then be really really windy all night and not really sleep. So with blockfeeding rather than switching between boobs you keep them on the same boob for two or three hours even if they have lots of feeds during that period. It means that they are getting a good mix of foremilk and hindmilk rather than maybe getting too much foremilk which can lead to wind and digestive discomfort. There is some information about block feeding from kellymum here:

Also don't feel like you are letting him down. Who is to say that he would not have more discomfort or digestive problems if you stopped feeding him? That was the only thing that I had to keep telling myself when my LO was very bad with it. It didn't really help that any health professional that I mentioned it to gave me a skeptical look and told me how "unusual" it was for a b/f baby to suffer with wind. It made me feel as if I was making it up!

ETA - my LO is Thomas too!
Hey i exclusively BF still at 9.5 months.....been told to stop because I need stronger meds but i wanna carry on till shes at least 1 so im going for it!!!

i dont own a pump so have never expressed not really sure why i guess cause ive been ill im just always with her and shes down to 3 feeds a day now so its ok....

hi to all u BF especially those feeding older babies
i have so many friends saying why are u still BF it annoys me!

Well done keeping on with BF! There is a support group for Breastfeeding past 6 months over in the groups section if you wanted a bit of support from ladies who are continuing to b/f older babies and toddlers.
My LO suffered very badly with wind so you have my sincere sympathy. There is really nothing worse than seeing them in pain. One thing that did seem to help a bit was block feeding - I don't think I had an overactive let down though but it seemed to help us anyway. Thomas was very big on cluster feeding and would want to feed the whole evening and then be really really windy all night and not really sleep. So with blockfeeding rather than switching between boobs you keep them on the same boob for two or three hours even if they have lots of feeds during that period. It means that they are getting a good mix of foremilk and hindmilk rather than maybe getting too much foremilk which can lead to wind and digestive discomfort. There is some information about block feeding from kellymum here:

Also don't feel like you are letting him down. Who is to say that he would not have more discomfort or digestive problems if you stopped feeding him? That was the only thing that I had to keep telling myself when my LO was very bad with it. It didn't really help that any health professional that I mentioned it to gave me a skeptical look and told me how "unusual" it was for a b/f baby to suffer with wind. It made me feel as if I was making it up!

ETA - my LO is Thomas too!

Aww another Thomas :thumbup:

Yes it's awful seeing him in pain and upset, I'd do anything to help him if I could find something that worked :-(
Thanks for the link to that website, theres a lot of useful info on there.
I'm wondering if i do have an overactive letdown, I'm just not really sure how to tell :blush:

Maybe it is the foremilk that is contributing to our issues at the moment, as Thomas often dozes off about 10 mins into a feed and is sometimes impossible to wake up! (just like his dad!) so that might not be helping his tummy :-(

I had already thought to myself he could still be having these issues or maybe be even worse if he were FF, I know I need to try and stay positive and hope its a phase he is going through x
For my Thomas, all of those types of issues became much better at about 8 to 10 weeks although wind remained a problem until he turned four months. When he turned four months the wind miraculously went away and he started sleeping properly too. You are probably going through the hardest three or four weeks at the moment. As they get older their digestive system matures as well so everything does get easier.
It would be nice to know when things will get better but I guess we will just have to keep our fingers crossed and see what happens. Hopefully like you say in a couple of months things will be a lot easier :) x
I'm wondering if i do have an overactive letdown, I'm just not really sure how to tell :blush:

Do you feel your let down? If you do, then right after you feel it, unlatch Thomas and see if the milk is shooting out in streams. If it is, you have an overactive letdown.

If you don't feel it, then it will be a bit harder to tell. You'll have to catch it right after a let down and look to see if you have the shooting streams. You can try to judge it by how Thomas sucks. If he ever sucks faster and gulps a lot, that is probably right after a let down. Unlatch him and see what the milk looks like.
I'm wondering if i do have an overactive letdown, I'm just not really sure how to tell :blush:

Do you feel your let down? If you do, then right after you feel it, unlatch Thomas and see if the milk is shooting out in streams. If it is, you have an overactive letdown.

If you don't feel it, then it will be a bit harder to tell. You'll have to catch it right after a let down and look to see if you have the shooting streams. You can try to judge it by how Thomas sucks. If he ever sucks faster and gulps a lot, that is probably right after a let down. Unlatch him and see what the milk looks like.

Ah I understand now :) Thanks for explaining!

Yes I can feel it quite strongly when Thomas starts feeding, I know it shoots out in streams when I am expressing as I can see it! Can I presume that means the letdown is the same if thats what is happening during the expressing?

If not I will try and unlatch him next feed :)
yeah hun your letdown will be similar if not more powerful than when your expressing

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