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Congrats on your son! :flower:

First, you can't judge what he is getting by how much you can pump. Supply for a baby that is feeding directly is much different than supply while pumping. Pumps aren't as good at getting milk as baby is. And some women can't pump any at all.

It is normal for newborns to feed constantly. I can't count the number of times I have said to my children, "You can possibly want to eat again already! Really?!" :haha:

My DS fed every 1-2 hours, around the clock for 14 weeks. And that is counting from the start of each feed. Some hours I would literally only have a 20 minute break before he would demand boob again. :roll:

Keep feeding on demand, as tough as that can be sometimes. Judge whether he is getting enough by other means:

Is he wetting/poo'ing 5-6 nappies per day?
Is he alert (as a newborn can be) when awake?
Are his eyes wet and shiny?
Is he gaining weight over the course of a month? He should start to put ounces on within the next week or so.

Things are always hard at first, even when you've done it before! :hugs:
He is having plenty of dirty and wet diapers. We will have to see what his weight is tomorrow at the doctor. He was 8lbs 7oz at birth, then 7lbs 13oz 3 days later. I know weight loss is normal at first, hopefully he will pick up soon. Thanks so much for taking the time to answer!
Don't be surprised if he has lost more weight. It's normal for them to loose weight the first week, start to put it back on the second week, then get up the birth weight again sometime between 2-3 weeks. So, by around 4 weeks old, he should be exceeding birth weight by at least a tiny bit.

Come back anytime you need support or help! :flower:
After our positive progress I have now started with mastitis in my breast with the damaged nipple :(

The doctor has suggested expressing from the poorly breast whilst continuing to feed from the other as a way of coping with the pain and to give the nipple a chance to heal.

I've tried to resist doing this today but I've been in so much pain I've been in tears feeding and I'm sure my LO is picking up on it as she's fussing more than ever and not wanting to feed as much today.

So I was wondering how I manage this. Do I express after every feed to keep up my supply?

If so, how do I feed her? Do I feed her from the breast and then top up with as much milk as she wants from the bottle and then throw the rest away? The otherway I thought was to alternate between breast and bottle but feed more often?

Any advice appreciated xx
:( I've never dealt with a problem like that before. :nope: I'm so sorry!

My best guess would be to feed from the good one, then pump from the bad one. Use that milk to top up her next feed. Which is pretty much sounds like what you are doing.

Someone else might be along that has experience with mastitis and can give you more insight. Or you can ask on the main board about the mastitis and only using one breast.

Big :hugs: I hope you feel better soon! Try to remember this is worth it in the long run. You CAN get through it. But if you ever feel like you can't take another moment, that's okay, too. Only you know what is best for you and baby right now.

Thanks TigerLady,

I've actually done another two feeds tonight and have used breathing from the. Hypnobirthing book to keep me calm. It has still hurt like he'll but I haven't cried and Maia has not fed perfectly but has fed much better.

I don't know if this will work in the long run. I'll give it a few days and see how my nipple goes but if it shows no signs of healing after that I'll have to think about expressing more seriously.

I appreciate the :hugs: and please keep your fingers crossed for me...
Ok my son just self-weaned about a month ago, I was happy and gutted at the same time because I really struggled to start bfing with him :(

I'll try to be brief but he struggled to latch for 2 weeks before we made it work so for 2 weeks I woudl do the following: pump for a total of almost an hour and get very very little out, sleep an hour, wake lo and put him to breat where he would yell cry and reject the breast aming me feel useless as anything, id go to the fridge and get whatever bm if there was + formula (i think in the first 2 weeks its so little any like 20ml?) or whatever, then put the milk/formula mix in a syringe and put it in lo's mouth with my pinky and wait til he sucked b4 i pushed milk thru, this would take about an hour to get done with then try to put him to sleep so i could once again pump 20mins on each boob etc.

I think my prob is undersupply as Ive never been able to express large amounts, I have NEVER leaked or had 'let-down' or anything. I know my milk is good as ds was breastfed only from 2 weeks old til 6months then we started weaning with food but he was bf on demand til 19 months old.

Now I am petried of doing it all again WITH a toddler to mind :( i wish it would just happen and I know i will be more confident this time but what can i do to prepare?

First, think positive thoughts! :D You don't know that Tummy Bug will have the same problems that G did. She may come out, latch on like a champion and everything will be smooth from there. Getting scared and worked up now will just make things harder when the time comes. :hugs:

Don't judge your supply by what you can or cannot pump. Judging expressing supply is totally different than judging direct feeding supply. It may be that your supply is fine, but you don't respond to the pump very well. I would think that might be the case based on the fact that G did so well with EBF and extended feeding after you got his latch issues solved.

Do you have a double electric pump? You might want to consider getting one. That would cut any pumping you had to do in half because you can do both breasts at the same time. Also, if it comes right down to it and you need to pump extra for extra stimulation, you can get a hands free harness for a double electric pump. That way you can attach yourself to the pump, sit on the floor and play or read with G.

Make sure that OH and any other family you have around (or friends!) know that you will need a bit of extra help for the first few weeks. Stress to them, and OH especially!, that G will be largely HIS responsibility while you care for Tummy Bug for the first 2-3 weeks. Do whatever you can before the birth to get OH and G into a comfortable routine of relying on each other as much as possible. That way, if you are busy with the baby when she comes, G will feel good about OH putting him to bed, or feeding, or bathing him, etc. And you can just spend feel good, fun time with G when you have a break from the baby (like when she is napping).

You are a strong chick, Celine! I know you can do this. It will be hard and emotionally exhausting, but it is temporary. You get through that part and things get easier. And having 2 is so much fun! :cloud9:
Tx TL :)
My in laws *gulp* will be here so i know they are taking advantage to be with G so in a way he will be cared for (not that i trust dh!) I guess I just have to be as prepared as I can be!
After our positive progress I have now started with mastitis in my breast with the damaged nipple :(

The doctor has suggested expressing from the poorly breast whilst continuing to feed from the other as a way of coping with the pain and to give the nipple a chance to heal.

I've tried to resist doing this today but I've been in so much pain I've been in tears feeding and I'm sure my LO is picking up on it as she's fussing more than ever and not wanting to feed as much today.

So I was wondering how I manage this. Do I express after every feed to keep up my supply?

If so, how do I feed her? Do I feed her from the breast and then top up with as much milk as she wants from the bottle and then throw the rest away? The otherway I thought was to alternate between breast and bottle but feed more often?

Any advice appreciated xx

When I had mastitis the best advice I was given was to feed from the effected boob first each time as it gives it a good chance to clear the blocked ducts. It really did have a quick result and was worth the pain. Also to do the 'round the clock' feeding positions to make sure all ducts get a good go. That really helped, although sometimes does look a bit strange trying to get the positions right! Personally I would say not feeding from the boob will be the worse thing you can do and you'll end up in more pain :hugs:
Good to know, PC. Thanks for that. Never having had mastitis, I didn't know feeding from the affected boob(s) would help clear it faster. Will be storing that tidbit away for future questions. Thank you. :flower:
Was wondering if anyone knows about having a drink and breastfeeding. I never drank a drop with my other kids when I was nursing so I don't know? I really need just one now. Stress and a major toothache are mostly to blame. Am I ok if I just have one mixed drink to keep nursing? Or should I formula feed him for the first feed after drinking it?
One drink is absolutely fine! I promise. :D

Actually, 1 stout beer per day is a way to increase milk supply! :shock: If you stick to just one drink per day, it won't affect your LO at all. Of course, less than that would be ideal, but as much as that should be fine.

Personally, I stayed away from drinks for years. Recently (after nearly 3 yrs without a drop!) I changed that. I now allow myself 1 drink when I have date night out with hubby, which is usually a couple of times per month. :thumbup:
Thankyou for responding so quickly! I am enjoying a drink right now and already feel better. Can for sure tell I haven't drank in a long time though.....haha.

I know what you mean! I have that one drink at dinner now and actually feel tipsy from it! :haha:
My midwife told me that you can have a drink in moderation and just try to do it after a feed. Dont feel guilty! We all need it every now and then! xx
I was just wondering if there were still people who offered support? I have posted in the main section but no one has answered but I think perhaps its too personal to me as opposed to a generic question!!

I would like to give bf another go this time and was just hoping someone could help!!

Many thanks,

:wave: Sure we can help! Do you have particular questions or concerns?

I am 31 weeks pg now and although I have some time yet I am starting to think about feeding this little one. I'll tell you my experience from last time and then if anyone can help with any suggestions and tell me what to expect this time that would be really good.

This is DD's BF'ing Journey - sorry its long!

DD was born at 39 weeks following a CS. I'd went into be induced as she was predicted to be 10lb+ and after a day of pessaries the consultant said we could either continue but he thought it would be a very assisted birth or move at the time to an ECS (but no emergency behind it). I went with him and she was born perfectly healthy at 17.29 hrs.

The midwife gave her to me properly in recovery and put her on the breast but tbh I was supposed to be on my side but wasn't really and due to the spinal I couldn't turn myself to her - she didn't feed at that point.

I can't remember how I came to actually try and feed her - perhaps a midwife helped or perhaps I tried myself but that first night she just cried and only was quiet when she was attached to one of my breasts. I was in a side room and no one came to see me so I eventually called and asked for help to stop her crying and they took her away and told me to get some sleep.

I continued to BF for the 4 days in hospital and my nipples just got so sore. Various people checked the latch at my request but they just put her on and left us. I thought I was doing it right - I'd looked before she was born and knew about allowing her to have the whole area and not just the nipple. When the MW came on our first morning at home she saw my nipples and they were cracked and really sore and gave me some cream for them.

Everything went down hill from there. I struggled with feeding on and off (but did not give formula - think I gave expressed milk at one point to make sure she was eating something) and then DD was readmitted to hospital at 9 days old (Fri) as she had an infection and needed IV antibiotics. I cried at the ward as it was horrible and had to stay in a sleeper chair to feed her - I was sore from the section and she just always seemed to be hungry - my nipples were also sore too.

The hospital sent me home (on Sat) to get a shower and changed and while I was gone they gave her a bottle of formula as they said she was starving - I KNOW SHE WAS STARVING!!!!! I was happy as someone else had made the decision to give it to her but annoyed as I felt like I failed.

That night I gave her some more formula and she drank that much that she just brought it all back up again. The hospital phoned the lactation consultant and she came and saw me and said that she didn't think I had enough milk and asked me to get the doctor to prescribe motillium which he did. We stayed until Monday - I hated it.

When I got home I didn't really get to see if it helped or not as I was just so tired and fed up and DD seemed happy on formula so day by day I stopped feeds and before 4 weeks were up I'd finished feeding.

Roll onto Today ...

Bubs is due on 26 May and I haven't decided on his birth yet - consultant says I can VBAC or have elective section. Bubs is currently breach so who knows!

I have made the commitment to myself that I am going to enjoy this baby (as I def don't plan any more lol!) and that I am going to BF for the first 3/4 days in hospital or home and then if its ok look at 1 week and build it up that way - please don't think bad of me. I'm just so scared of it all going the same way as it did last time and I think it really effected me negatively.

I am a private person and although I think its fab that people can feed wherever I just can't - I need privacy so that plays on my mind too. I wouldn't feed infront of anyone except DH.

DD is really interested in "boobies" as she calls them at the moment and I am worried about how to explain things to her?

Can some one give me advice on what I did wrong last time and how to give myself a fighting chance this time? I really would like to know how to get off to a good start?

Thanks for reading if you have got this far!!

Christie x

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