Get your own personal BnB BF Champion and one-on-one BF support here!

TigerLady - I've just realised that you have replied on my other post! Thanks so much and I'm off to read it now x
I hunted that thread down and just replied to it in the main forum, so check there. I chose to post to that thread in hopes you might get a few other responses, too. But if I missed anything or you have more questions, don't hesitate to ask!! :flower:
great idea!i would love a breasfeeding champion!!!!!!pretty please

my problem with breasfeeding is that i have a snacker.....he's 4 months old and still eating every 2 hours or more during the day.he'll have one longer strech from 9-10 in the evening to 1-2 in the mornings where he is asleep.after that he's so sleepy he won't feed properly so I co sleep for some or most of the rest of night until 9 am.
What sort of routine should I by aiming for with the feeding?and sleeping?
i'm getting absolutely exhausted and was thinking about changing to bottlefeeding or suplementing until someone told me it probably would not make it better.... :cry:
hey ladies would love some advice please, i have gone back to work and 3 days a week i do 8 hr shifts and 2 days i do 5 hr shifts, my son is bf all day he only has 1 bottle of formula for his night feed as fills him up longer but now im feeding less due to being at work im worried my milk will dry up :( if i express i get very little out. how can i stop my milk drying up? im not ready to give up feeding myself yet :( also can i have a blue booby monster blinky? pleeeeeeaaaase :) xx
great idea!i would love a breasfeeding champion!!!!!!pretty please

my problem with breasfeeding is that i have a snacker.....he's 4 months old and still eating every 2 hours or more during the day.he'll have one longer strech from 9-10 in the evening to 1-2 in the mornings where he is asleep.after that he's so sleepy he won't feed properly so I co sleep for some or most of the rest of night until 9 am.
What sort of routine should I by aiming for with the feeding?and sleeping?
i'm getting absolutely exhausted and was thinking about changing to bottlefeeding or suplementing until someone told me it probably would not make it better.... :cry:

Hi, hon! I feel your pain. I truly do. :hugs:

My DS fed every 1-2 hours from birth to 14 weeks. Then he fed every 2-3 hours, around the clock, until 8 months old. :wacko: By the time he started STNN at 10 months old, I was third tri with DD and not sleeping anyway. DD still feeds every 2-3 hours through the night (she'll go longer in the day, but not at night. :dohh: ). So, I've not had more than 2-3 hours of sleep in a row for well over 2 years.


There really isn't a lot you can do about it. :nope: Especially when they are younger than 6 months. Until then it is best to feed on demand. After 6 months, you can start to encourage longer times. But I wouldn't start before then.

Formula most likely will not help the problem. Some BFed babies are great sleepers, some FF babies are great sleepers, some BF are bad sleepers, and some FF are bad sleepers. It is more down to the individual baby than it is feeding method. More often than not, adding formula to a BF baby's diet does not help them sleep longer. :nope:

The only thing I can really say is "This, too, shall pass." Eventually, you will sleep again. Eventually LO will sleep through the night. It may happen next month or next year, but it will happen. Co-sleeping is the best way for you to get the most sleep for now.

If you want a private champion that you can chat to via PM, just PM me to let me know. :flower: Otherwise, feel free to come back here any time you have questions or need help.

I'm sorry I don't have the magic bullet for fixing your struggle! If I did I would have used it myself. :haha: Just know you are not alone. And it will get better. :hugs:
hey ladies would love some advice please, i have gone back to work and 3 days a week i do 8 hr shifts and 2 days i do 5 hr shifts, my son is bf all day he only has 1 bottle of formula for his night feed as fills him up longer but now im feeding less due to being at work im worried my milk will dry up :( if i express i get very little out. how can i stop my milk drying up? im not ready to give up feeding myself yet :( also can i have a blue booby monster blinky? pleeeeeeaaaase :) xx

I am late for lunch -- which means late getting home to feed DD! :dohh: I'll be back a bit later and answer. :flower:

What kind of pump are you using at work? Have you always had trouble pumping, or is a recent problem? Have you ever tried to hand express?

You can also up the number of feeds LO gets when you are home. My DD reverse cycles. She goes 5-6 hours between feeds during the day when I am at work, but goes 2-3 hours when I am at home. Of course, that might mean less sleep at night. :wacko:

Here's a blinkie

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Can I go on the list? :) I'm a young mum (19) just started BF my son whose a week old on Thursday. :)

I love being a BF mummy! Apart from leaking everywhere lol.
Hi ladies

I was recommended to come here after posting my situation ( ) in BF.

I was semi leaking since giving birth to my LO 3 weeks ago and decided not to pump or breastfeed thinking that it would dry up quickly like it did with my DS, but my body has decided otherwise. As of today I am now leaking milky colored liquid pretty good and would like to attempt to pump (as possibly BF if she will latch) since I feel as if I am wasting my milk by not giving it to my LO. I looked up some videos on self expression and decided to try it and low and behold I got a couple MLs out by myself! :happydance: I have decided to go buy a breast pump within the next day or so. How do I go about attacking this so late post partum? I am worried my LO will not take to the breast milk or have issues with it since she is having problems on formula right now (I have her on Similac Sensitive). Any advice would be wonderful!
The only thing I can really say is "This, too, shall pass." Eventually, you will sleep again. Eventually LO will sleep through the night. It may happen next month or next year, but it will happen. Co-sleeping is the best way for you to get the most sleep for now.

I'm sorry I don't have the magic bullet for fixing your struggle! If I did I would have used it myself. :haha: Just know you are not alone. And it will get better. :hugs:

Thanks for the advice! made me feel a lot better to know that I wasn't doing anything wrong and that it's ok for him to feed that often...I'm still tired but at least I know I'm doing it for the right reasons :happydance:
I have asked BF mums around me and I was suprised to see that I was surounded by "snackers" and I really wasn't the odd one out! You read so many books before giving birth about putting your baby on a routine with feeds at this and that time! Now i know it really doesn't mean I am a bad mum if he feeds every 2 hours ir isn't sleeping through nights yet!
Hope we all get some sleep soon though :hugs:
Hi ladies

I was recommended to come here after posting my situation ( ) in BF.

I was semi leaking since giving birth to my LO 3 weeks ago and decided not to pump or breastfeed thinking that it would dry up quickly like it did with my DS, but my body has decided otherwise. As of today I am now leaking milky colored liquid pretty good and would like to attempt to pump (as possibly BF if she will latch) since I feel as if I am wasting my milk by not giving it to my LO. I looked up some videos on self expression and decided to try it and low and behold I got a couple MLs out by myself! :happydance: I have decided to go buy a breast pump within the next day or so. How do I go about attacking this so late post partum? I am worried my LO will not take to the breast milk or have issues with it since she is having problems on formula right now (I have her on Similac Sensitive). Any advice would be wonderful!

Well done! :dance:

I would recommend buying a double electric pump. They are more expensive, but it will help you a great deal! Then, pump every two hours for at least 20 minutes. It's ideal if you do this around the clock. If it is absolutely not possible for you to do that, try to pump at least a couple of times during the night. That is the best time for stimulation and upping milk production. You can always pump when LO is bottle feeding. :thumbup:

You should see your supply increase after a few days of dedicated pumping. Other things to help supply increase:
oatmeal daily
Fenugreek supplements
up your fluid intake
up your protein intake
Lots of skin to skin time, especially in a warm, relaxing bath

Get a bottle that is desinged for BFing babies. BreastFlow and Tommy Tippee Closer to Nature are the two best. Use nipples with the slowest flow. That will encourage LO to start to work harder to get milk, so BFing directly might be more of an option.

Have you put LO to the breast yet to see if she is at all interested? If not, go for it! See what happens. But don't be surprised if she is confused and/or frustrated at first.

Any milk you pump, go ahead and feed her. Feed it by itself and then top up with formula. Hopefully as your supply increases, the formula top ups will be less and less.

Does that give you a good place to start? Any other questions or concerns, just ask!! :flower:
All Champions, please read! :flower:
Hi ladies

I was recommended to come here after posting my situation ( ) in BF.

I was semi leaking since giving birth to my LO 3 weeks ago and decided not to pump or breastfeed thinking that it would dry up quickly like it did with my DS, but my body has decided otherwise. As of today I am now leaking milky colored liquid pretty good and would like to attempt to pump (as possibly BF if she will latch) since I feel as if I am wasting my milk by not giving it to my LO. I looked up some videos on self expression and decided to try it and low and behold I got a couple MLs out by myself! :happydance: I have decided to go buy a breast pump within the next day or so. How do I go about attacking this so late post partum? I am worried my LO will not take to the breast milk or have issues with it since she is having problems on formula right now (I have her on Similac Sensitive). Any advice would be wonderful!

Well done! :dance:

I would recommend buying a double electric pump. They are more expensive, but it will help you a great deal! Then, pump every two hours for at least 20 minutes. It's ideal if you do this around the clock. If it is absolutely not possible for you to do that, try to pump at least a couple of times during the night. That is the best time for stimulation and upping milk production. You can always pump when LO is bottle feeding. :thumbup:

You should see your supply increase after a few days of dedicated pumping. Other things to help supply increase:
oatmeal daily
Fenugreek supplements
up your fluid intake
up your protein intake
Lots of skin to skin time, especially in a warm, relaxing bath

Get a bottle that is desinged for BFing babies. BreastFlow and Tommy Tippee Closer to Nature are the two best. Use nipples with the slowest flow. That will encourage LO to start to work harder to get milk, so BFing directly might be more of an option.

Have you put LO to the breast yet to see if she is at all interested? If not, go for it! See what happens. But don't be surprised if she is confused and/or frustrated at first.

Any milk you pump, go ahead and feed her. Feed it by itself and then top up with formula. Hopefully as your supply increases, the formula top ups will be less and less.

Does that give you a good place to start? Any other questions or concerns, just ask!! :flower:

Thank you very much!! This is wonderful advice. I will be picking up a pump today or tomorrow and have been trying to self express on and off just to make sure it keeps flowing for the time being. I tried getting her to latch last night but she was so not interested, but I think it just wasn't the right time as she was fussy to be fed. I'll probably try again when shes hungry but not so hungry and fussy at the same time. :thumbup:
:thumbup: Maybe try to latch her when she is just starting to get hungry or after she has had an ounce or so of formula. That way she isn't starving. If that doesn't work, try to latch her just when she's awake and in a good mood... or in a warm bath. You never know what might work. :D

What kind of pump are you using at work? Have you always had trouble pumping, or is a recent problem? Have you ever tried to hand express?

You can also up the number of feeds LO gets when you are home. My DD reverse cycles. She goes 5-6 hours between feeds during the day when I am at work, but goes 2-3 hours when I am at home. Of course, that might mean less sleep at night. :wacko:

Here's a blinkie

Code: just add ] on the end.[/IMG[/QUOTE]

i use to express when my son was a couple of months old but then i just didnt need to anymore, i was using the tommee tippee manual pump, i feed my son as often as i can when im home but he dosnt get full now, think its drying up :cry:
:thumbup: Maybe try to latch her when she is just starting to get hungry or after she has had an ounce or so of formula. That way she isn't starving. If that doesn't work, try to latch her just when she's awake and in a good mood... or in a warm bath. You never know what might work. :D

Well she just won't latch, the stubborn girl. I think she's too used to a bottle or it's because my nipples are weird.. I'll keep trying but for now hand expressing is going to have to work. It takes me quiet a few times to get enough to give her some before the formula and it makes me sore but have to keep it up until the pump gets here. The waiting is killing me, I can't wait to get it so I can use it, should be easier (and less painful) than hand expressing. A lot of suction doesn't bother my nipples but the rubbing from the expressing in killin' me. lol Feels so good givin' her booby milk! Even if it's a little bit at a time. :happydance:
:thumbup: Maybe try to latch her when she is just starting to get hungry or after she has had an ounce or so of formula. That way she isn't starving. If that doesn't work, try to latch her just when she's awake and in a good mood... or in a warm bath. You never know what might work. :D

Well she just won't latch, the stubborn girl. I think she's too used to a bottle or it's because my nipples are weird.. I'll keep trying but for now hand expressing is going to have to work. It takes me quiet a few times to get enough to give her some before the formula and it makes me sore but have to keep it up until the pump gets here. The waiting is killing me, I can't wait to get it so I can use it, should be easier (and less painful) than hand expressing. A lot of suction doesn't bother my nipples but the rubbing from the expressing in killin' me. lol Feels so good givin' her booby milk! Even if it's a little bit at a time. :happydance:

have you tried expressing a little bit of milk onto your nipple just prior to latching so it gives her incentive...? problem is bottle feeding is easier than breast feeding for babies as they have to work harder to draw milk from breast so you can't blame her for thinking she'd rather have it the easy way! lol

or get her feeding from bottle then slip bottle from mouth whilst she's busy sucking and wap boob in her never know she may be so caught up in feeding that she carries on... :shrug:

it could also be that she's impatient and wants milk straight away whereas BFing you need to trigger the letdown to send milk to nipple so perhaps before trying to latch her again you should stimulate nipple and activate letdown then the milk is ready for her and will encourage her to continue...worth a shot!
:thumbup: Maybe try to latch her when she is just starting to get hungry or after she has had an ounce or so of formula. That way she isn't starving. If that doesn't work, try to latch her just when she's awake and in a good mood... or in a warm bath. You never know what might work. :D

Well she just won't latch, the stubborn girl. I think she's too used to a bottle or it's because my nipples are weird.. I'll keep trying but for now hand expressing is going to have to work. It takes me quiet a few times to get enough to give her some before the formula and it makes me sore but have to keep it up until the pump gets here. The waiting is killing me, I can't wait to get it so I can use it, should be easier (and less painful) than hand expressing. A lot of suction doesn't bother my nipples but the rubbing from the expressing in killin' me. lol Feels so good givin' her booby milk! Even if it's a little bit at a time. :happydance:

I had issues with DS1 not wanting to latch in the beginning. What I found to help was a Latchassist, which is produced by Lasinoh. It helps extend the nipple so its more like a bottle nipple, also helps draw some milk into the nipple. hth :flower:

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