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Yep, agree with the others, I used to unlatch P, put him on the floor and say 'No biting mummy' in a firm voice, and no more milk for 30-60secs, (which normally resulted in 30-60secs of tears) I'd give him 3 chances and then nursing session would stop and I'd get up and start doing something else. He quickly learnt. ;)

Now when he's getting new teeth through we have a day or so where he can nip me, but its not intentional, I think he just has to almost reposition his latch slightly when new teeth cut through and it takes a day or 2 to figure that out. I don't take him off for those nips as I can tell he doesn't mean it, same when I get nipped because he's falling to sleep and the latch is getting lazy. I let those ones go.
Yep, agree with the others, I used to unlatch P, put him on the floor and say 'No biting mummy' in a firm voice, and no more milk for 30-60secs, (which normally resulted in 30-60secs of tears) I'd give him 3 chances and then nursing session would stop and I'd get up and start doing something else. He quickly learnt. ;)

Now when he's getting new teeth through we have a day or so where he can nip me, but its not intentional, I think he just has to almost reposition his latch slightly when new teeth cut through and it takes a day or 2 to figure that out. I don't take him off for those nips as I can tell he doesn't mean it, same when I get nipped because he's falling to sleep and the latch is getting lazy. I let those ones go.

I also let the accidental ones go, sometimes, he bits, and pulls his head back, he knows what he is doing because he is 15 months now, and I tell him off, sometimes tap the back of his hand (only a tap, not hard) and put him on the floor, he'll cry for a second, then crawl off, so he was just being a bugger and didn't really want the boob!
Katie was never really a problem biter once she got her first teeth at about 9 months... but whenever she did, I did the same as the others, a firm no, unlatch and lay her down away from the boob. She rarely does it now, only really when dropping off to sleep but it hurts none the less.... hope you manage to resolve it hun x
Just a comment to the wind issue with Thomas - Katie would bring up her milk a lot when she was little, up until about 6 months really. They said she might have reflux but didnt test for it as she never lost weight etc but I think it was more wind. I used to find that I had to wind and change her nappy mid feed as I couldnt change her after a feed because she would bring the whole feed back up. If I managed to wind her before putting her on the other breast, she seemed to settle better and kept her milk in. Sometimes, in the middle of the night, this is very trying but I paid for it if I was not vigilant as she would cry out because of the wind.
I hope things are better now you are trying the infacol x
Thomas seems a little more settled on the infacol, he is still having crying fits at some feeds though and I can hear the wind gurgling round his li tummy :-( We have baby clinic every other Wednesday so I will take him along and speak to the health visitor about our issues this week.

I now have a new problem though :-( My milk supply has really slowed down over the last day or so and I have no idea why. Up til now my boobs have always got really full regularly and sometimes even leak, but now they are soft and Thomas seems to be having to work harder for his milk.
I have tried expressing today as Grandma is looking after Thomas so me and OH can go out and I have barely even got enough for 1 feed (about 5oz) from 2 pumping sessions which is mad as I can normally get 5 oz off each boob!

I am eating and drinking as normal and not really overly stresses about anything :shrug:

Any ideas what I can do to increase my supply as I am worried I am not going to be able to BF and will have to supplement with Formula?
Thomas seems a little more settled on the infacol, he is still having crying fits at some feeds though and I can hear the wind gurgling round his li tummy :-( We have baby clinic every other Wednesday so I will take him along and speak to the health visitor about our issues this week.

I now have a new problem though :-( My milk supply has really slowed down over the last day or so and I have no idea why. Up til now my boobs have always got really full regularly and sometimes even leak, but now they are soft and Thomas seems to be having to work harder for his milk.
I have tried expressing today as Grandma is looking after Thomas so me and OH can go out and I have barely even got enough for 1 feed (about 5oz) from 2 pumping sessions which is mad as I can normally get 5 oz off each boob!

I am eating and drinking as normal and not really overly stresses about anything :shrug:

Any ideas what I can do to increase my supply as I am worried I am not going to be able to BF and will have to supplement with Formula?

Expressing is really not a good way to judge your supply - some people whose supply is good can't express a drop!

Your body adjusts to how much your baby needs so after a while you don't seem as full or leak as much so it could be that rather than your supply dropping.

As for LO having to work harder, maybe the speed of your let down has changed? Mine used to be pretty much instant but now takes a while.
Thomas seems a little more settled on the infacol, he is still having crying fits at some feeds though and I can hear the wind gurgling round his li tummy :-( We have baby clinic every other Wednesday so I will take him along and speak to the health visitor about our issues this week.

I now have a new problem though :-( My milk supply has really slowed down over the last day or so and I have no idea why. Up til now my boobs have always got really full regularly and sometimes even leak, but now they are soft and Thomas seems to be having to work harder for his milk.
I have tried expressing today as Grandma is looking after Thomas so me and OH can go out and I have barely even got enough for 1 feed (about 5oz) from 2 pumping sessions which is mad as I can normally get 5 oz off each boob!

I am eating and drinking as normal and not really overly stresses about anything :shrug:

Any ideas what I can do to increase my supply as I am worried I am not going to be able to BF and will have to supplement with Formula?

Expressing is really not a good way to judge your supply - some people whose supply is good can't express a drop!

Your body adjusts to how much your baby needs so after a while you don't seem as full or leak as much so it could be that rather than your supply dropping.

As for LO having to work harder, maybe the speed of your let down has changed? Mine used to be pretty much instant but now takes a while.

Ah right, I just presumed expressing would produce the same amount of milk as it always has. Thomas just doens't seem satisfied after a feed today at all, he has been doing his hungry face about 30 mins after each feed (of which there have been more than usual today) so I was worried he is not getting enough milk, is there such a thing as 7-8 week growth spurt? :shrug:
I think its around 6-8weeks your supply regulates hon so thats likely why it feels different. Dont worry!
normally around the 8wk mark your supply will settle a bit which will be the change you noticed in your boobs also caus its doing this and hes just come off a growthspurt which would have triggered your supply to increase for that time then as its settled he might find that theres a bit longer required for each feed to get the same amount as he was, if that makes any sense, it will take a day or so for your supply to match his demands then i expect you will see him regulate his feeds somewhat
hi i'm new and looking forward to getting to know you all and helping where i can! :wave:
Ah right, I just presumed expressing would produce the same amount of milk as it always has. Thomas just doens't seem satisfied after a feed today at all, he has been doing his hungry face about 30 mins after each feed (of which there have been more than usual today) so I was worried he is not getting enough milk, is there such a thing as 7-8 week growth spurt? :shrug:

As far as I can tell, there are some fixed growth spurts e.g. 3 weeks, but then they have them as and when they like! Any number of things can cause LO to feed more frequently too - teething, a bit under the weather, just feeling like more cuddles! More than likely it will settle in a couple of days :thumbup:

My LO has fed like crazy today and I am pretty sure it is the heat!
Id say that if your still drinking and eating properly then its prolly a mixute of milk production setteling and a growth spurt. Keep at it and make sure your drinking plenty.
Flowergirl have you been drinking enough? As with the weather changing you will need a lot more fluids!

Also on the wind front I found I had to wind james half way through at least to help with the wind. Baby massage is a great way to help with the wind!

As for your boobs softening, it does sound as though your coming out the otherside of a growth spurt and your supplies settling! It is odd when it first starts happening but have faith in your body you won't run out!

Also I found it very hard to express after my milk settled and barely got an ounce each time.
flower girl - i agree, when your boobs start to settle down then they do tend not to feel so hard! it doesn't mean that you don't have enough milk! there is a growth spurt at 8wks and that is probably what it is. as pinkclaire said make sure you're drinking plenty of fluids and also that you are eating well! as for expressing morning are best to express. try not to stress as that can be a factor :hugs:
Can I be a bf champion? I have been exclusively breastfeeding for just over 11 months.
Muddles this is the thread where you can volunteer :thumbup:
Thanks everyone, I'm fairly confident I have drank enough over the last couple of days as I'm on the loo lots more lol :)

I'm having one problem after another at the moment though :cry:

I've got a lot of pain in my boobs now since late yesterday afternoon, they feel just like they did when I was first pregnant, sometimes they tingle painfully and the rest of the time they're painful to touch and I can feel them hurt when I move so its not just when I'm feeding Thomas :-(
My milk supply seemed better today, I tried expressing this afternoon in hope it would help the pain and got 4 oz but it didn't help the pain anyway. I'm really tired (more than usual) and have a bit of a runny nose/cold and slightly achy legs. Am wondering if its mastitis...but my boobs are soft not hard :shrug:

I also ended up in a&e last night as I had the most painful cramp type pain from under boob level all round my ribs and tummy, it hurt to breathe and i felt sick and light headed, all in the space of 5 mins, they didn't seem to know what it was, just said maybe its indigestion or my ribs moving back after being preggers...I had the pain again in the night, but mild and again this evening, painful but not as bad as last night...really don't know whats going on so am going to the doctors in the morning to get me and Thomas checked over.

The infacol doesn't seem to be working for Thomas now either, he was crying for about 2 hours tonight, it breaks my heart seeing him distressed :cry: we have dentinox to try next but am going to get the doctors advice on whether they thinks its colic, silent reflux or both.

Really hope we can get some help as its all getting a bit too much now :-(
Oh my you poor thing. I unfortunetly dont have any advice but im sure someone will. :hugs:
flower girl :hugs: the non-stop crying is terrible. my daughter cried non-stop for 4 months with colic. it was a nightmare. it did eventually get better but it was exhausting. with regards to your boobs could it be a blocked duct? i had that and it was sore in one place of my boob and made my nipple hurt. it got better on it's own but did really hurt. it is very easy to get overwhelmed especially when your LO is so young but rest assured you are doing a really good job :thumbup: :hugs:
Flower Girl Have you and your LO been checked for thrush? I remember someone at the bf group I went to saying a similar story (really sore boobs and a baby who just would not stop crying) and as soon as the bf consultant looked at her she said she had thrush, and looked in the baby's mouth and said he did too. If you do have it you will both need to be treated as you can pass it back and forth.

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