I have already fed him 3 times today, 6, 9.30 and 11.00 and for the first time today i've made sure that Alfie attempts both breasts (I usually wait for him to fall asleep after one) in an attempt to get my milk coming constantly today,
I'm right to assume that the less I feed him the less milk i'll produce and vice versa??
The amount you do feed will effect your supply, but it does take 2-3 days to take effect on your supply, if you are worried about this, try expressing, this will help to keep your supply up.
Is there anything else I can do to produce more or is there anything I shouldn't be doing??
Express, that will keep it up.
I really don't want to fall into the trap of formula and I need to be strong and fight for the breastfeeding corner as Hubby has already turned to the formula side so to speak.
Does anyone use formula once or twice during the day and happily breastfeed the rest of the time??
I don't, but my cousin does, her LO was prem, adn she expressed for her, she was exclusively fed on EBM/BM but now, she seems to not be getting enough, so she gives formula twice a day, and LO is so much happier, I suspect she is not eating/drinking enough or well enough, amke sure you are eating and drinking well and often, as your fluid intake will effect your supply, as will the quality of foods you are eating!
Midwife is coming today, lets see how Alfie's weight is coming along, I hope he's put some on.
Remember babies lose weight in the first week or so, so don't be worried if he's not put on too much weight!
hope I helped