Get your own personal BnB BF Champion and one-on-one BF support here!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2010
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You may have noticed TigerLady is taking a short break from the champions thread so I am helping out in the meantime. I hope you will join me in sending our thoughts and :hugs: to her

Welcome to the BnB BF Champions thread! :flower: If you have found yourself here because you need a bit of extra support, you have come the the right place. :thumbup:

This thread is not intended to take the place of the main BF forum. So you can always post threads directly there. However, this is a good place for more intensive and specific advice when you need that extra boost or have a concern that you just can't seem to get sorted.

You can seek assistance in 3 ways:

1. Post a question/comment/concern at the end of this thread. Most of the BF Champions are subscribed to this thread and will check it. You can expect a reply from one or more Champions fairly quickly. Usually the same day and sometimes nearly right away!

2. Go through the list of Champions below. Each Champion has listed a bit about themselves and/or what experience they have. You are sure to find someone that has experience with the same concern you have. Click on the Champion's name, then send them a message on their profile or via PM. They will get back to you as soon as they are able. You can always message more than one Champion, too.

3. Send me Nervous_1 (or Lownthwaite or Summer Rain) a PM and ask for a Champion to be assigned to you. Tell me a bit about you and your concerns. I will do my best to choose a Champion for you.

If you don't know what an abbreviation means, look at the end of this post for a list.

If you are interested in becoming a Champion, please PM me.

Happy Breastfeeding, Everyone! :happydance:


anita665: extended breastfeeding, bf during pregnancy, mastitis, PP haemorrhage, co-sleeping.

BlondeShorty: Assisted delivery and subsequent NICU care of baby, sleepy baby, weaning from FF, large breasts, flat nipples, nipple shields, NIP, pumping, hand expressing

CanadaMom: Flat nipples, poor latch, nipples shields and weaning off, poor supply due to PCOS, going from supplementing to EBF, sore nipples.

Cangaroo: extended bf, no formula, co-sleeping, expressing, maintaining bf upon return to work, employment issues on flexible hours to accommodate bf, BLW, bf a toddler.

CatandKitten: poor latch, exclusive bf, co-sleeping, expressing at work.

cranberry987: Reattatching TT, inability to latch, nipple shields, boosting supply, antenatal pumping, donating milk, large breasts.

DollPosse: Combi-feeding, C-section, exclusively pumping, latch issues, low supply, thrush.

Ducks: Young mum with no mummy friends for support, quick hospital discharge with little BF help while there, reflux, BW, small breasts, struggling to maintain own weight while BF leading to healthy high calorie diet, hoping to train as a support worker soon.

ellie27: 2 CS (early second CS), baby wanting constant feeding, 2 under 2, poor weight gain, supplementing with formula, co-sleeping, NIP, BF through weaning and hopefully beyond.

ImmysMum: BF support worker, BF after CS, TT, engorgement, cluster feeding, cracked bleeding infected nipples, co-sleeping, blocked ducts, BLW, NIP, early teething.

Jaylynne: Exclusively pumping for over 6 months, EMCS, preemie baby, refusal to latch.

Jenniferttc1: 5 months breastfeeding, co-sleeping, NIP, hand expressing, jaundice.

Jokerette: Struggling with PND, poor latch, small BF goals to help overcome the desire to quit.

KerryGold: trained peer supporter, extended bf, water birth, plagiocephaly, torticollis, large drop from birth weight, insufficient sucking, milk coming in late, flat/inverted nipples, baby with heart problems, lip tie, pumping, NIP, BLW.

Kirei: IVF, CS, breech baby, low weight gain, small baby, poor latch, oversupply, engorgement, expressing, BW, early teething.

Kirst1805: Experience with extended BF, co-sleeping, and NIP.

LaRockera: BF after C-section, mastitis, baby refusing to take bottle, co-sleeping, bf while taking medication.

loopy82: elective CS, slow weight gain, BF while on antibiotics, nipple trauma, thrush, blocked ducts, reflux, PND, expressing, co-sleeping, BW, BLW, NIP.

Lownthwaite: I have been BF for over 2 years now and have experience of: BF after EMCS, EBF - my LO has never had formula, BF whilst BLW, thrush, blocked milk ducts, hand expressing, expressing at work, co-sleeping, nursing a toddler, NIP.

mistyscott: BF following synto induction (LO wouldn't feed for 24 hours), severe TT, poor latch, thrush, inverted nipples, nipple shields, conflicting HC advice, oversupply, fast let down, blocked ducts, engoregement, poor weight gain while BF/BLW, NIP, Co-Sleeping, feeding to sleep.

Moomette: I have been breastfeeding LO for over 21 months now and hoping to let her self-wean, see how we go. LO had severe tongue tie at the start until getting it snipped at 8 weeks, was exclusively breastfed until 6 months (when introduced solids, though she hardly used to eat anything until around 18 months and is still not a big eater), never took bottles, has always been BF on demand and nursed to sleep.

MrsLMC: Engorgement, cluster feeding, EBF, NIP, severe mastitis leading to large abscess, loss of skin on breast (like bad sun burn or chemical peel) which affected latch, sore cracked nipples.

mrs_park: I can help with...Bf after emcs and traumatic labour, low milk supply, formula top ups, nipple confusion and long term nipple shield use, guilt and sadness over formula top ups, increasing milk supply and moving to exclusively breastfeeding, feeding through a nursing strike.

mummy3: 7 years total experience with BF (4 lil ones), self-weaning, BF preemies, pumping, mastitis, thrush, failure to thrive leading to supplementing with formula, toddler wanting to bf after weaning, CS, HELLP syndrome, pre-ecclampsia, surgery while BF, NIP, reflux, 3 under 4.

Mum2b_Claire: BF for 5 months, looking after a toddler and a high needs baby.

Nervous_1: Experience with: combi-feeding, flat nipples, big boobs, thrush, nipple shields, biting, home birth and subsequent hospitalisation due to lil one not feeding at all, feeding over 1 year, unsupportive family, very sleepy newborn, self weaning.

Odd Socks: EBF (no formula), BF and BLW, BF newborn while dealing with a toddler, BF second child after being unable to BF first child

Ol1vertwist: BF for 7 months, occasionally pumped, NIP, Co-sleeping, TW

Ozzieshunni: BF after elective C-section for medical reasons. Establishing BFing with a LO in the NICU.

sandilion: Blocked ducts, mastitis and recovery from without antibiotics, preemie with poor latch which required use of a feeding tube, exclusively pumping, severe over-supply, EBF, engorgement, pumping, hand expressing, cracked nipples, nipple shields and weaning from shields.

SaraAbi: BF following EMCS due to severe pre-ecclampsia, BF after elective CS, CMPI and MSPI, reflux (gaviscon used), co-sleeping, BF 2nd baby after stopping at 8 weeks with 1st, NIP, 2 under 2, member of BF support group, hopping to do peer support training.

staralfur: Recurrent mastitis and blocked ducts, combi-feeding then switching to EBF, pumping, NIP, co-sleeping.

summer rain: I have experience with BF 2 babies past a year, CMPI and allergy and soya intolerance, severe/prolonged neonatal jaundice, tongue tie and other oral issues such as high arched palate, lip tie and a receding jaw, BF with flat nipples and large boobs, extended BF.

TheNewMrs: Giving up BF and subsequent relactation, BF after pre/ecclampsia, BF after CS, poor latch, cracked bleeding nipples, slow weight gain

TigerLady: I have breastfed both my DS and DD after scheduled c-sections. I AP, co-sleep, babywear, and work full time. I BF while PG and tandem nurse. I have experience with extended BF, expressing, thrush, cracked/blistered/bleeding nipples, BLW, NIP, blocked ducts, increasing supply, and milk sharing, reverse cycling and natural weaning.

BLW = baby-led weaning
Combi-feeding: combining FF and BF
EBF = exclusive BF
EE = exclusive expressing
EMCS = emergency c-section
Extended BF = BF a child 12 months old or older
LLL = La Leche League
NIP = nursing in public
NICU/SCBU = newborn intensive care at hospital
STTN = sleeping through the night
TT = tongue tie
TW = traditional weaning
BW = baby wearing

For our BFing champions, the blinkies are here:

If you don't know the code, it's:


Any problems, PM Nervous_1, Lownthwaite or Summer Rain :flower:
Great Idea! I will leave a wee piece about me and describing my situation etc...

I would love to have a breast feeding champion.

I am Emma, I am 28 and this is my first child. I have only been breast feeding 3 weeks and 4 days...I have suffered with sore cracked and bleeding nipples to the point I got so down with it all and almost gave up BF altogether. I am now BF again, after having 2 days to get myself together, but also giving him a bottle occassionally so I can leave him with hubby or someone to take some time out for me. It sounds selfish but I get down really easily so both me and hubby think its for the best or until he gets into some kind of routine really. Oh also I have huge boobs so find I worry I might smother him and that he isnt getting a good could say I worry.


Great Idea! I will leave a wee piece about me and describing my situation etc...

I would love to have a breast feeding champion.

I am Emma, I am 28 and this is my first child. I have only been breast feeding 3 weeks and 4 days...I have suffered with sore cracked and bleeding nipples to the point I got so down with it all and almost gave up BF altogether. I am now BF again, after having 2 days to get myself together, but also giving him a bottle occassionally so I can leave him with hubby or someone to take some time out for me. It sounds selfish but I get down really easily so both me and hubby think its for the best or until he gets into some kind of routine really. Oh also I have huge boobs so find I worry I might smother him and that he isnt getting a good could say I worry.



Hi hun, and welcome to our support group. :) I'm sorry you're having issues, but hopefully we can help.

When you say you give a bottle, is it expressed breast milk or formula? Just so I can match you with the best Champion for you. :hugs:
Sorry should have said.

Its mainly 1/2 breatmilk and 1/2 formula in the bottle.

If anyone wants to ask general questions too, you are more than welcome to in this thread :)
I need some advice too!
My milk supply is not sufficient for my baby's needs. I created another thread before finding this one in fact.
Due to an artificial delivery of the placenta I suffered a huge haemorrage at the birth of my baby.
Indiana is now 10 days old and I have been trying to breastfeed exclusively but have had to (recommendation by midwife) resort to supplementing with formula every other feed.
As of today I have decided to try and just give breast and have managed to do so up until the last feed whereby it was painfully obvious that my little girl was still hungry.
I'm so upset and I know that crying and getting stressed won't help, but I just can't seem to stop myself...

Any help would be greatfully accepted.
I need some advice too!
My milk supply is not sufficient for my baby's needs. I created another thread before finding this one in fact.
Due to an artificial delivery of the placenta I suffered a huge haemorrage at the birth of my baby.
Indiana is now 10 days old and I have been trying to breastfeed exclusively but have had to (recommendation by midwife) resort to supplementing with formula every other feed.
As of today I have decided to try and just give breast and have managed to do so up until the last feed whereby it was painfully obvious that my little girl was still hungry.
I'm so upset and I know that crying and getting stressed won't help, but I just can't seem to stop myself...

Any help would be greatfully accepted.

my best advice hon is to stick at it! the more you feed your little one the more you will produce, thats how BFing works xx if you supplement at this stage then your supply won't build up to meet her needs xxx

couple of weeks and your supple should settle, hope this helps xxx
If we have general questions in this thread what will the main board be for?

Could it make it harder for people to find things? :shrug:
If we have general questions in this thread what will the main board be for?

Could it make it harder for people to find things? :shrug:

More in terms of if someone has a Champion, who for some reason is away or can't help. :)
I need some advice too!
My milk supply is not sufficient for my baby's needs. I created another thread before finding this one in fact.
Due to an artificial delivery of the placenta I suffered a huge haemorrage at the birth of my baby.
Indiana is now 10 days old and I have been trying to breastfeed exclusively but have had to (recommendation by midwife) resort to supplementing with formula every other feed.
As of today I have decided to try and just give breast and have managed to do so up until the last feed whereby it was painfully obvious that my little girl was still hungry.
I'm so upset and I know that crying and getting stressed won't help, but I just can't seem to stop myself...

Any help would be greatfully accepted.

Do you want to be put in touch with a Champion hun? If so, I recommend Toria for your specific problem.
the main board would be for general questions, but in this thread people post what it is theyre looking for a buddy to get help with, am i right?
I need some advice too!
My milk supply is not sufficient for my baby's needs. I created another thread before finding this one in fact.
Due to an artificial delivery of the placenta I suffered a huge haemorrage at the birth of my baby.
Indiana is now 10 days old and I have been trying to breastfeed exclusively but have had to (recommendation by midwife) resort to supplementing with formula every other feed.
As of today I have decided to try and just give breast and have managed to do so up until the last feed whereby it was painfully obvious that my little girl was still hungry.
I'm so upset and I know that crying and getting stressed won't help, but I just can't seem to stop myself...

Any help would be greatfully accepted.

Do you want to be put in touch with a Champion hun? If so, I recommend Toria for your specific problem.

Yes please! Should I PM Toria directly? I guess so!

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