Getting baby Christened?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Okay here is the thing. I was brought up in a strict Catholic home, went to Catholic school, etc etc etc. Since I got confirmed, I've pretty much given up on it. I'm really into other religions and I love something about every one of them. I'm not really sure how I feel about getting Penelope christened because I'd like to educate her about all religions and let her make the choice for herself.

It obviously means a lot to my family for me to do this, and I would like to do something, I just don't know what.

What are your views on it? What are you doing for your baby??

Does anyone know if I could just have like a "blessing" ceremony rather than an actual Christening so she isn't shoved into a religion that I've chosen for her, but still acknowledge her in the eyes of whatever it is that's up there??
If your family is that set on a christening, then there is no harm. My family is like that too... However, I will not be sending my child to a catholic school, nor will I be forcing her to go to church or do any of that.

While I have respect for religion, I also like learning about different cultures and religions and dont practice just one myself.
Yeah I'm pretty much obsessed with religions. Its pretty much my life haha

My friend is training to be an Anglican minister, I think I might just get her to bless the baby and have a little get together or something.
Just because she's been Christened, doens't mean she can't make her own decisions about religion when she's older. :) It might be an idea if it's brings peace of mind to your family.
Just because she's been Christened, doens't mean she can't make her own decisions about religion when she's older. :) It might be an idea if it's brings peace of mind to your family.

I agree. Being Christened at such a young age doesn't mean that she is forced into staying a Catholic. I don't suppose it matters if you do go ahead and do it if that's what is expected as she'll make her own descision when she's older anyway.
You can have naming ceremony's and i think you can have a blessing aswel.
I was never christened, and was given the choice when i was old enough if i wanted to be or not.
My brother and sister both choose to be, although they follow no religion, and are not into faith at all.
I think just because you get christened it doesnt mean you have to follow any faith per say
i am getting bubs christened as i would like them to have a religon, but daddy is of a different religion to me. i have no problems teaching them about all religons and explaining that it is thier chioce and they can convert when they choose to, just want them to have 'a' faith. my parents although are strict catholics now, my mum changed her religon when she married my dad and luckily for us hubbys mum has also converted her religon and has a different relgion to her mum. so our family all have religons, but they are varied and i hope this will give our baby the best choice in faith and the freedom to be who they wish to be and believe in what they want....
we have picked catholic as i am more religous than my hubby, but not massively and i really want to send bubs to catholic school - like the set up of them.
Me and my oh have different religions although neither of us practise ! We will be getting bubba christened under my faith just because my family are the same and oh has a different faith to his family !

We will not be pushing bubba into any religion its a choice he/she will have to make when they are old enough to ! We will be teaching all the faiths so a there will be a greater understanding of people as well as religion.
DH wanted baby christened as it is the done thing in his family although he is not religious in any way shape or form, we purposly avoided a church wedding as neither of us attend church (although I do class myself as religious)and felt hypocritical. I personally however don't feel it is right to get a child christened into a particular faith at such a young age, I just think it should be a decision made by the child when they are older and have more of an understanding about the chosen religion. I haven't been christened but do believe that when I have more of an understanding of the bible and can live my life without sin then I will be ready to get baptised, the same as my parents did. They were baptised a couple of years ago when they felt it was right for them and not for other people. This is just my personal opion and don't think any less of people who chose to do it with a young child.

We are having a naming ceremony in the same building we got married in just as a way to celebrate his safe arrival and an extension of our life and love together (oh dear that is soppy)
I'm Catholic and so will be getting little one christened, mostly as it is very important to me that he goes to a Catholic school, hopefully the one I teach in now!
Personally, I wouldn't get mine christened if I wasn't intending on raising them as a Christian. I was christened but have since rather turned my back on organized religion (as you know Rae! lol) so won't be getting LO christened. Dunno if my family will mind or not. My sister's boys are christened but she still goes to church a bit. I imagine my Mum might prefer it if they were but I don't think she'll say anything either way. My brother's 4 boys aren't christened though they intend to do it eventually, and my other brother's 3 aren't and I suspect won't be.

I don't see the point in going through the ceremony to appease others and, to be blunt, I don't think it's entirely respectful to a religion to carry out ceremonies you have zero belief in. I know others won't agree with me there but that's just my opinion.
I was Christened Church of England but was never taken to church every Sunday or anything like that. As i don't attend church i think it is hypercritical to have my child christened there, same reason i didn't get married in a church. I'm not against religion and feel that it should be their choice when they are older.
If you have a friend who is training to be an Anglican Minister, if they are prepared to why don't you have a celebration party at home and have your friend bless the LO at the same time.
you'll have to excuse my views hubby and I are not religous and dont believe our baby needs to be christened so we are just having a naming day a big party to celabrate the arrival of our little one nothing official just for family ans friends to welcome her into the world
I'm Catholic and DH is Protestant with neither of us going to church except on big occasions. I'd like to think I'd be better at going to mass but I had a few issues reconciling the whole god thing when my mum died and I still have a bit more to do. But although I'm more than happy to let my child decide in future what they want to do about religion, I think if they get a grounding in a particular religion from a young age, they might be more inclined to think about it all a bit more thoroughly. My mum didn't go to mass before we were born but started going regularly when we were kids up until we were teenagers and could decide for ourselves so I think I'll probably do the same. Funnily enough, my sister completely disagrees and won't be having a christening at all! I guess it's about whatever makes you comfortable.
I'm opting to not christen or baptise my LO. Although both me and my OH are, we don't go to church or practise religion in any way.. infact we're both more agnostic than anything. if our children decide they want christened when they're older then that would be okay with us :)
I was baptised and my OH christened my family are very very religious, but neither OH or I are religious AT ALL. So we have decided that we're not going to baptise or anything as it would be totally hypocritical of us :shrug: I'm going to leave it until bean is older so they can decide for themselves. I was thinking of having a naming ceremony or something :)
Im not really sure yet as kaitlin isnt christened but id like to have them both done together i think. Im catholic and my family are too so thats the route id go!
I am C of E and will get her christened within 3 months of her being born. As someone else has said, what's the harm and you always have the knowledge that if anything were to happen, she would have been christened!?

I would never expect my child /ren to take my religious views, that is up to them, however, my feelings are that i should have her christened and then the rest is up to her!!!

Hope that helps!!

I was christened when I was a young one, and went to church a couple times as a kid but never really been that interested in religion.

I will be getting Tom christened but it's up to him whether he wants to follow a religion or not etc :)
Yeah I'm pretty much obsessed with religions. Its pretty much my life haha

My friend is training to be an Anglican minister, I think I might just get her to bless the baby and have a little get together or something.

That sounds lovely. i think that would mean alot to you aswell with it being your friend who would be doing the service xx

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