Getting baby Christened?

I am a Christian and will have my daughter Christened as I intend to raise her as one, although when she is of an age to decide for herself she can do so, I would never pressure her into my belief system. My Husband has a questionable faith but is happy for her to be Christened. I think it's something to be taken seriously, not lightly and it is for the parents to decide and shouldn't feel pressured into having a christening just to keep other members of the family happy.

An alternative to a Christening would be to have a 'Naming Day' by a humanist celebrant.
Well I am an athiest and haven't had any of my children christened and won't be either. If they chose to follow a religion as an adult they can arrange it for themselves. I do not believe that getting a child christened is such a light hearted affair as some ladies here have made out. The whole point of having a child christened into a certain faith is that they follow that faith and the path of God, renouncing all evil etc etc. So unless you are going to teach the child about Catholosism and lead them that way then you shouldn't get them Christened as it is to me hypocritical. I would go with the idea of having a neutral naming ceremony or the idea of having your friend bless the baby xxx
It is very confusing. I won't be raising her as a Christian, but my parents will pretty much disown me if I don't get the baby baptized. The only inside of a church she is going to see will be if she goes with them.

Even if I was a practicing Christian at this point, I still feel that religion is a personal thing and that I don't need to go to church every Sunday to be a Christian. I know people who go to church every Sunday after drinking their brains out and sleeping around the two nights before. I just feel its personal and if I were to raise her as a Christian(as I will instill in her for whatever she chooses) that religion is a personal time and you can be just as religious of a person if you just have your own personal relationship with God or whatever you choose to call it.

I mentioned the naming/blessing ceremony and that did not fly. At all.
Think we are just going to leave it to the grandparents to arrange something if they want to. My mum is Catholic so if she would like LO Christened that's fine with me, OHs parents are Spiritualists so if they want a naming ceremony that's fine too. I'm not planning on taking my baby to any churches or anything after that.

I wouldn't want to use the church just for a nice ceremony in a nice building but if that's what our families want and it means a lot to them I'm happy to go along with it. I was bought up Catholic and mind more that I was confirmed at the age of 10 than the fact that I was baptized, not sure how they thought a 10 year old was capable of making a serious life long committment to a religion..

Oooh we didn't get confirmed until 17. Still too early, in my opinion. That was forced as well.
Oooh we didn't get confirmed until 17. Still too early, in my opinion. That was forced as well.

I just remember being excited about the pretty new dress I had and choosing a nice name. Maybe not many people get confirmed if they're given the choice?

I think you should have the naming ceremony you want too even if you do agree to the baptism x
I am a Christian so is my DH although we don't REALLY practise it like going to church etc but I do pray every so often. Mine will be christened. If she gets older and decided to explore she can but I will bring her up in the same faith.
Same with me being a vegetarian too (dh is a meat eater) but I will be bring her up vegi then she can decide if she wants to eat meat when she is older. I was brought up that way and it didn't harm me :)
I don't understand why your baby can't be brought up a meat eater and then allowed to make the choice to be veggie?? Why is it important to do it that way round if you don't mind me asking??

Also I thought these were your babies girlies!!! Not your mums or in laws but yours!! If you have a preference then state it and tell your families that this is the way it is. I know I would if I had a family :rofl:
I'm a Christian but in my denomination we don't baptize or christen babies because we believe that baptism is a choice the individual has to make and babies are incapable of doing that at such a young age.

We do however, do a baby dedication ceremony which is similar to a christening, but it's the parents who make the descision to dedicate the child to God. The best way I can think of to explain it, is that you dedicate your child to God and agree to raise the child in accordance with biblical teaching, thus showing the child how to live (and hopefully leading by example) and then when the child is old enough, they can decide if they want to be baptized.

Both myself and my hubby were dedicated and grew up in church, but my hubs doesn't go anymore. I chose to get baptized, he didn't but we're both in agreement that we're gonna do the baby dedication thing.
I don't understand why your baby can't be brought up a meat eater and then allowed to make the choice to be veggie?? Why is it important to do it that way round if you don't mind me asking??

Oh it is that way round because of my beliefs. I was brought up NEVER eating meat and when I became an adult I was pleased I had never eaten an animal. If I did it the other way around my child could never say that and would know she had eaten an animal (if she decided to become vegi) I just personally do not believe in killing for food so it's just a personal belief as is the religion I will bring her up on.
It's a tricky one. Maybe you can just put it off? My brother's 4 boys are going to be christened apparently but the oldest is 9 now and they've still not got round to it...
I wish I could help you or give you an advice but I'm also still debating over this one....:shrug:

I was raised Christian (Roman Catholic on my mom's side and Episcopalian on my dad's)...also went to a private Catholic school and the whole nine yards just like you.
But when I grew up,I realized I'm actually agnostic.I do not practice any religion and have barely been inside a chruch since my confirmation.I do not have the nicest memories from that experience...

So I'm thinking I won't get Lola-Rose baptized and one she's a bit older she can decide wether she wants to go to be religious,if she does she can always get baptized later on.Reasonable right?

However Nathan is Roman Catholic,he is religious and he REALLY wants her to get baptized as a baby...:roll:
I now have no idea what the hell to do!

Off-topic: You changed your baby's name AGAIN! :rofl:
My family were extremely disappointed that we refuse to get caitlyn christened. Both oh and i used to go to church and know that christenings are where you make a promise to bring your child up in the christian faith. We will make no such promise so we just had a party and the family seem to have settled with that for now

I'm christened but I am not a Christian. I'm a prodestant.

My OH is christened and is a Christian.

Weve decided to get Lexie christened, but she'll not be a christian.

She can decide what religion, if any when she's older. We'll not force her into any.

I am only havint my baby christened as my family want me to. I wanted the child when he/she grew up to decide about religion but seems i have no choice here also with a catholic family and up bringing. Plus there is a gown passed through everyone in the family that must be worn and i dont want to upset anyone. Also its hard to get into schools without a baptism cert! looks like this kid like me has no choice either.
We are C of E and go to church every week so we will definately be having her christened. My big dilema is who to have as God Parents as none of our friends go to church and it's important to us that her God Parents will be proper God Parents.

My sister had my nephew christened and she doesnt go to church other that weddings funerals etc. She wasnt sure about it at first because she isnt practicing. Our vicar is very liberal and said if she wasnt sure that they wanted a 'proper christening' that they could have a blessing / naming service. I think this is a lovely alternative if you're unsure which way to go Rae.

We are C of E and go to church every week so we will definately be having her christened. My big dilema is who to have as God Parents as none of our friends go to church and it's important to us that her God Parents will be proper God Parents.

My sister had my nephew christened and she doesnt go to church other that weddings funerals etc. She wasnt sure about it at first because she isnt practicing. Our vicar is very liberal and said if she wasnt sure that they wanted a 'proper christening' that they could have a blessing / naming service. I think this is a lovely alternative if you're unsure which way to go Rae.


We share a similar dilema, we have a God Mother and I would like my brother as God Father but he lives in australia and can't get over for the Christening, 'm hoping something can be sorted out by proxy?

And I agree I think the naming service is a lovely alternative.
I'm pagan and we plan to do a Wiccaning for Damien and this baby but not until they're ready and they understand what it is. Everyone around me would love for me to get them christened but it's not who we are or what we believe in so I personally don't care what they think it's our children and what we want is all that matters. You do what you feel is right for your child. It doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.
We are C of E and go to church every week so we will definately be having her christened. My big dilema is who to have as God Parents as none of our friends go to church and it's important to us that her God Parents will be proper God Parents.

My sister had my nephew christened and she doesnt go to church other that weddings funerals etc. She wasnt sure about it at first because she isnt practicing. Our vicar is very liberal and said if she wasnt sure that they wanted a 'proper christening' that they could have a blessing / naming service. I think this is a lovely alternative if you're unsure which way to go Rae.


We share a similar dilema, we have a God Mother and I would like my brother as God Father but he lives in australia and can't get over for the Christening, 'm hoping something can be sorted out by proxy?

And I agree I think the naming service is a lovely alternative.

I was a proxy God Mother for my cousin when my Auntie's sister lived abroad. It's do-able!

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