Getting Fit Before Baby

Bronte, the book recommends the following doses of ubiquinol:

Basic Fertility Plan=100 mg
Intermediate Fertility Plan=200 mg
Advanced Fertility Plan=300 mg

She also points out that it's absorbed better if taken with a meal, and not too late at night because it can keep you up. Let me know if you need any other info from it while you're waiting on your copy!

She seconds your recommendation to give your eggs 3 months to see benefit from any changes, both with Ubiquinol and with DHEA.

Heard back from the fertility clinic today and my appt is in a little over 3 weeks. Hopefully it flies by soon.
Thanks, the 300 mg, seems to be another popular recommendation. I'm assuming I'm definitely in the "advanced" fertility plan at this point.
thanks for the well wishes gals :) it means a lot. Finally got a hold of my doctors RN. We are going to be doing non-stress tests twice a week and an ultrasound once a week. for close monitoring. I see her on thursday and have a lot of questions regarding plan of actions for abnormal tests. I refuse to get stuck in a position like last time. If my scan is abnormal on friday I want her out. I don't want to keep risking her like this it makes me angry. Especially when I know that standard practice is if over 36 weeks and low fluid levels they take baby out. Anyway if my levels are fine c-section is scheduled for the 16th regardless. So at least I know in the next 15 days she will be here and hopefully I can stop feeling like I'm going to lose her.
Again thank you so much for listening to me whine about all of this I'm sorry gals. I just had a friend lose her rainbow baby at 37 weeks a few days ago and it has me really on edge. I cant image how she is feeling....

Bronte & Doc - our specialist also recommenced 300mg, and to give it 3-4 months to show improvement. Fingers crossed gals!!
Doc - I bet that appointment will be here before you know it!
I'll be thinking of you Swimmy. Hopefully it all goes super smoothly. Thanks for sharing your specialist's rec of 300 mg.

Question, the pills I have are 200 each, so I've just been taking 200. They are gel like capsules so I don't think they would do well with me halving one in order to get the 300.... so what should I do? Take just 200, take 400, or take one 200 mg pill of the ubiquinol and 2 100s of the coq10 (which I think equal just 100 of ubiquinol). This time before my appt and any planned medical intervention is so important and I want to do everything I possibly can. Ideas?
I'm doing 400 mg, but I don't know for sure. My doctor recommends up to 800 mg CoQ10 (which is about 400 mg of ubiquinol), and I've seen the primarily recommendations of 300-400 mg of ubiquinol. So if the extra doesn't hurt you, I'd say more is better. I honestly don't know though. I'm not great with supplements. Mine are the horse-size gel capsules too, so I think that would be impossible to split as well. Though mine are 100 mg capsules. Hopefully your doctor can tell you for sure. If you have DOR though, your already going to have lower quality, so you want the highest dosage that's allowed, I feel like.

In terms of what else to do, it sounds like you have a good game plan going. Definitely continue on the higher protein, low carb diet.

I also wore a heart rate monitor during my workout last night and I think I was too intense, so I'm switching up my workouts to mostly yoga and Pilates now. My goal is to stick with a heart rate between 120-140 so it doesn't hurt my egg quality even more.
Swimmy - so glad they are going to keep a close eye on her. She's going to be here so soon. Yay!!
Thanks! I'm glad to hear your doc recommended up to 800. I will do the 400 then. If I notice any weird side effects I'll drop down to 300.

Yoga and Pilates sound like a good plan for you!

The first chapters in the book are all about reducing toxin exposure, so I have (within the past 36 hrs, lol) replaced nearly all of my personal products (other than make up) with toxin-free alternatives. That was quite spendy (lotion, shampoo, conditioner, face wash, toothpaste, mouthwash, deodorant, dish soap, laundry soap, cleaning supplies, hand soap, glass bottles instead of plastic,... lions tigers and bears, oh my!), but it feels good to be making changes. Today is Day 3 of really clean eating and it's going well so far, too. I need to pick up some batteries for my scale, it only works occasionally right now.
IRYM - so sorry about Bean. That is truly heartbreaking. It sounds like your kitty couldn't have had a happier life than the time you had together, but I know it hurts like nothing else to lose such a part of the family.
Becca - Good to hear from you. Thanks for your kind words. I spoiled her rotten while I could and I hope she knew how much she was loved in the end!

Facebook alerted me that today was the anniversary of the day we brought her to my house from living with Mom (it took me 10 years to convince Mom to let me bring my kitty to live with me!) and I got all misty over it. :( It's hard.

Everyone Else (lol) - All this talk of CoQ10 is making me want to go out and get some!

I have decided that the next time AF shows up, which is a complete mystery right now, I will go back to taking Soy Isoflavones now that we know I have low estrogen. May also continue taking vitex until it's gone. My MC cycle was a vitex cycle, so maybe it did do something for me.

CD 34 today. No +OPK, no sustained temp shift. Ugh.
IRYM, those facebook updates are a blessing and a curse. So sweet and timely to be reminded of your sweetheart though. I'm sorry this cycle is dragging out for you. I didn't get a positive OPK this cycle yet either, but FF keeps thinking I've O'd, but changes it constantly due to temps increasing. So who knows. Such a weird cycle for me too. I hope the soy and vitex work wonders for you!

I'm doing well today with eating, and I've been doing fantastically with water. I have a killer migraine right now, but I hope by the time I leave work in about 2.5 hrs it is better so I can stop by the gym and do 20-30 minutes of brisk walking on the treadmill. Oh, and I picked up batteries for the scale today, so will check my weight tomorrow. Last week it was 151.4, so I'm hoping that has dropped some because I've been kicking but on health habits.
Hi Ladies :flower:

ireadyermind - So sorry to hear about your fur baby. My cats are like children to me, I can't imagine how hard this is for you.

swimmy - I would be so frustrated if I were you! I can totally understand that you want her out! Somehow I didn't realize how much of being pregnant is about worrying constantly.

I had my first appointment today. I thought I'd just check in and write a bit about how it went.

They dated me at 7w0d based on LMP. I know exactly when I ovulated though, and I am not 7w0d, I am 5w6d. But they are old fashioned and insist on using LMP :dohh: But the nurse explained that if I'm only a week or so off, it's not going to be a big deal.

Went through family history and a check of urine, blood pressure, etc. All came out well. I also didn't get a lecture about my weight, which I was worried about (I am still obese according to BMI, but it's also easy to tell by looking at me that I'm very muscular and dense; instead of getting a lecture, I got a congratulations and a :thumbup: for losing 50kg before getting pregnant). I've actually lost 2kg since getting my :bfp: though I attribute it to lack of appetite due to morning sickness.

Anyway, I'm in the system now and waiting to be contacted by the hospital to see my endocrinologist to monitor my thyroid.

On Monday I have an early scan with my specialist who has been treating me for PCO. She'll date my pregnancy and after I do that, I'll make the appointment for my Nuchal test.

So far all is well - I have plenty of symptoms (extreme fatigue and all-day nausea (worst in the morning) are the most major now, also sore/swollen breasts). Zero period-like cramping and zero bleeding. The doc said that strong symptoms early are a good sign. I will be 6w3d on Monday (using my ovulation date) so I'm crossing my fingers we'll be able to see a heartbeat.
MissDoc & Tigger - Thanks, ladies. :) I'm doing better in regards to losing Beans, but there was another FB reminder from a couple of years ago this morning and it's hard not to dwell. I'm really trying to stay positive.

MrsTigger - On my MC cycle last year, it was a loooong cycle. I O'd on CD33 and didn't get a BFP until 15DPO. They scheduled my 8wk appointment only a week after my BFP. When I got in, I told them I wasn't 8 wks, I was only 3 because of my O date. The midwife looked at me like I was insane, got out a pocket calculator, and told me that that was "too early" to ovulate...

Then they did the vaginal ultrasound and didn't see anything, and told me I wasn't pregnant. As if I could make that mistake! The blood tests revealed it was very early, which I had been saying ALL along, and I got a second opinion from someone else.

Anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is: You know you better than they know you! So if you feel like you need to add or subtract a week from your estimated due date, you go right ahead! lol

AFM -- Still no +OPK and no temp shift. I've stopped testing these past few days because at this point, I'm wasting OPKs. As soon as my temp hits 97.2, I will know I'm about to O. Then I will POAS, get that +OPK and put it on my chart, and BD. But for now... we're just taking it easy.

I'm assuming the stress of my kitty's illness and death is what's delaying me so severely. Stress always played a big factor for me. I'm hoping that this won't drag on so long that I'll have to go in and be "induced" or anything. Wish me luck on that front.

The meal plan DH and I have been following has been pretty easy to do. I'm surprised about that. But we've been at it a whole week and we're absolutely feeling deprived, so we're going to go out to a nice dinner tonight. It's not that we aren't getting enough food to eat every day, it's just that it's a little monotonous, and it cuts out many of the things I love, like cheese!

How are you gals doing with your food intake?
Hi Ladies :flower:

Goodness, it's gone all quiet here! Where'd you all go?

I keep checking back to see if Swimmy's had her baby yet! :blush:

ireadyermind - I keep forgetting; have you had CD3 bloodwork done? It seems like you're having weird ovulation problems. Was it better before you started the metformin? What were your Cushings Syndrome test results?

BronteForever - How are you? Are you going to do IVF again soon, or take some time off?

MissDoc - I know the news must be super hard, but it's better to know than not know, right? I am sure your appointment will be here soon, but I know waiting is so frustrating. It feels like trying to get pregnant is all about waiting. Waiting to ovulate. Waiting for AF. Waiting for the next cycle. Waiting for appointments. Waiting, waiting, waiting!

AFM - I feel a little bad about my eating, but with my constant nausea my doctor's office just told me to focus on eating reasonably healthy, but otherwise just eat what I want in reasonable portions (not a problem, I can only eat small amounts at a time). So far the only things I can manage the last couple of weeks are bread/pasta, fruit, and a bit of veg. I'm worried about protein intake, but I just got some protein powder yesterday I'm going to use in fruit smoothies to make up for the fact that I can't stomach meat, beans, etc. I lost 2kg in the week immediately after getting my BFP, but I feel like it's creeping back on (though I suspect most of it's bloat).

In other news, I went for my first scan today; measured 2 days ahead at 6w5d and bubs was there with a healthy little heartbeat just thumping away. :cloud9: I was so worried after all the stories of MMC that I've read, and DH kept telling me everything would be fine. Maybe I should listen to him more often. :haha:
MrsTigger - Aww, that's awesome! Little bean in there growing nicely. :)

I've only done CD7 blood tests, for whatever reason. The endocrinologists insisted I have them done on that day.... and then turned around and told me they couldn't tell me anything about my Estrogen and Progesterone and to ask someone else! So I don't even know why they asked me to repeat those tests anyway!

The ovulation issue worsened after I started Metformin. My temps are all OVER the place. Alternately, though, it could be the fact that my weight has gotten to the highest it's been in 10+ years that is causing this trouble.

Thankfully I've actually started losing weight again though! Lost 2lbs this week on the meal plan DH and I set up.

I'm hoping that as I continue to lose more and more, I'll be able to get my cycles back on track.

The Cushing's test result hasn't come back yet. I'm pretty ticked. The endocrinologist says it takes up to 3 weeks for that to come back, and this is week 3 starting today... Sooo hopefully I hear something about it this week!
Tigger, you're absolutely right. Knowing is better than not knowing. And it's prompting me to be more motivated about my health overall, and that feels like a positive change. But yes, soooo much waiting. Yay for a happy healthy little heartbeat for your bean!

IRYM, congrats on the weightloss lady, that is just awesome! Oh how I love cheese and would be sad without it though! :p Hopefully your cycle will pick up soon.

AFM, healthwise, I'm doing alright. I've lost 1.2 lbs in the past 10 or so days. I've met my step goal every day in the past week but Sunday. Still exercising about 4x per week. I ate somewhat junky over this last weekend because we were out of town at a wedding, but all other days have been on track. This week is off to a good start too. With the TTC stuff though I'm feeling bummed. Temp dropped today and mild cramping has started, as it always does, signaling the upcoming end of this cycle. I likely o'd earlier than FF thinks. As every other month when this starts, I'm feeling a bit sorry for myself and disappointed in the lack of pregnancy. I really really really want to get pregnant naturally without the expense, stress, and time commitment of IVF. So here's to hoping this cycle wraps up quickly so I can get on with trying again!
MissDoc - I love cheese too! Haven't had any for an entire week, and that is sad indeed. lol

But I guess if it gets me closer to my goal weight and a BFP it'll be worth it. I can eat cheese all day long while I'm pregnant. ;)
I figured I should finally add a goal/stats post!


Height: 5' 6"
Starting Weight: 151.4 lbs (as of 8/1/16), 28.5% Body Fat, 24.4 BMI
Goal Weight: 138, goal of 25% or less body fat

- Lose 13.4 lbs by Thanksgiving (or as much of that as possible before getting pregnant)
- Get body fat percentage at or under 25%
- Reduce exposure to harmful toxins that may impact fertility (not weight loss related)

My Plan:
-Exercise using Beachbody video workouts (Leandro's BBL program) 4x per week
-Achieve 10k step goal 6 out of 7 days each week
-Track calories/journal food, with the intent of having a 500 cal or more deficit each day (average)
-No sodas, juices, processed junk foods, and limited/occasional treat
-No artificial sweeteners or nitrates
-Eat food brought from home or cooked at home during the weekdays
-Drink 60+ ounces of water daily
-Red meat only 2 or less servings each week
-Use only natural personal products (no phthalates) and use only glass food and drink containers (no BPA)


August 1, 2016: 151.4 (24.4 BMI)
August 8, 2016: 150.2 (24.2 BMI)
August 15, 2016:
August 22, 2016:
Hey gals sorry I've been gone. But baby girl came into the world on August 5th. My fluid level was super low again. I went in and this resident started talking about doing fluids again. I refused and demanded that per me and my obs convo the day before we agreed if I wanted baby could come out that day. They started to argue until her Heart rate started to drop then it all went fast my DH barely made it to the OR for the section lol. I walked into the hospital at 6pm and at 726 she was here.

Now time to bring on the weight loss! At delivery I was 236, post delivery 222.
3 month goal 210 (trying to be realistic lol but more would rock!) because I had to have a c-section I can't really exercise for 6 weeks but I can walk so every day I'm doing small walks and building up to further. Continuing to breast feed. Do arm exercises. Keep cal intake to 1500 .

Also going to avoid cheese hahahahaha ohhh man I can eat cheese like no issue

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