Getting Fit Before Baby

Yay, I'm so glad she's here. Huge congrats!!!!!!!!

Can we see a photo or get a name?
Congrats Swimmy!!! So glad you are both doing well. You seem to be in good spirits and coping well with a post-cs healthy living plan, breasfeeding, walking etc! Superwoman :)
she's so tiny I just can't get over it! We decided to name her Elizabeth Ann. (Elizabeth from my favorite book character haha, and Ann is my mothers and grandmothers middle name).

I will say breast feeding is probably one of the hardest things I've had to do. It's defiantly teaching me to be patient. And defiantly not super woman haha this girl has had some serious crying meltdowns trying to figure out how to keep this little human happy the past week haha.

Thank god for crock pots about the only way I can cook dinner with her and make something healthy! Tonight doing crock pot stir fry yummm


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Awe...what a cutie. I love the name!

I've heard breastfeeding can be super hard so I think the tears are perfectly natural. Plus it's just such a change and emotional time in general.

Great idea about the crockpot cooking. I don't use mine nearly enough.
Congrats, Swimmy!

So glad everything came out all right. How silly of those doctors to tell you that you needed to do fluids again! Grrr.

Happy birthday, Elizabeth! Are you guys going to call her Lizzy, or Ella, or Beth? I have a niece named Elizabeth, and the fam calls her Lizzy. :)
Oh swimmy, she's just lovely. Congratulations. Be patient with yourself and with her and with hubby as you're navigating this crazy new world of mommyhood. I'm sure you're doing it justice! I love crockpots, too!

AFM, full flow started this morning (was spotting red yesterday) so calling today CD1. A new cycle. A new try. Will enjoy some pizza and wine tonight. Really just hoping for a miracle within the next couple of months. Feeling the usual mixture of hopeful and sad, something I'm starting to get accustomed to. The past 1-2 days I haven't been stellar with eating (nothing too crazy, just eating too much and probably a bit too much sugar. The last day or two before my period and the first day or two of it I always want bread, cheese, and sweets. I'm not fighting it too much. Still will exercise to counteract it a bit, and still not any artificial processed yuckiness.
MissDoc - good luck on getting back to helping eating. I've had a few slip ups the last few weeks too but was better about foods this week, but wasn't great about exercise. I need to kick it up a notch this next week which is my goal.

Do you have an appointment scheduled with the RE yet? If so when is it? I forget.
Congrats, Swimmy! So glad she is here safe and sound, and good for you on standing your ground! :hugs:
Bronte, my appt is scheduled for the 23rd. That will be CD 11 for me, so near my fertile window. I don't know if they'll do repeat testing, a sono, or just talk. We'll see. I don't know what I'm hoping for. I guess we need to deal with this polyp situation and probably order more testing (antral follicle count, repeat AMH, etc.) so I'm not too hopeful that there will be any immediate intervention started. And when it comes to intervention, I wish I had a sense of whether they'll start me on oral meds, injectibles, recommend IUI, or go straight to IVF. Everything I read online seems pretty mixed and seems to depend on how aggressive the RE is. I really don't know which option I'm even hoping for. Still feeling a bit overwhelmed by it all but antsy to do SOMETHING.

Where are you in your process for IVF cycle number 2?
MissDoc - What are you hoping your RE will do? Do you want him/her to say, "Let's skip straight to IUI!" or similar? Would you prefer he/she was less aggressive?

AFM - Guys! This is the first weigh-in in ages where my weight didn't wildly fluctuate between one Monday and the next! Today I'm the same weight I was last Monday. And while that's not a loss, it's certainly not a GAIN!

I need to do a little better with avoiding sweets this week, and getting more water. I'm hoping this meal plan will just keep on working for me. :)
IRYM, congrats on the stable weight! I need to do a little better about sugar this week too.

As far my hopes, I really just don't know. I guess I'm sort of hopeful that when the doc looks at all the tests together he thinks that I have a great shot with less invasive intervention. I'm hopeful he gives me the green light to start DHEA (in case I do end up in IVF), and maybe oral meds for a cycle or two, then skip to injectibles with IUI for a few cycles, then IVF. IF he thinks I can wait that long, that is. I'd like to start with less intervention first, but I also don't want to mess up or reduce my chances at all either, if that makes sense.

My student loans will be paid off in November... so in December we'll start having some disposable income. Granted not a ton, but at least some wiggle room in our budget. So I'm sort of hoping that IVF isn't recommended too quickly for financial reasons.
MissDoc - that's coming up soon!

From what I can tell, the RE's seem to base a lot of their recommendations on what you are comfortable with, so they might make a recommendation but alter it if you have funds or want to try lower-priced options first. As mine always tells me: I get to call the show (and decide what's best for me - they just guide me slightly and sometimes not a ton to be honest).

Whatever they do, they are probably going to suggest a pretty aggressive approach to get you pregnant as fast as possible since you have low reserve. So be prepared for things to move pretty quickly. They are likely going to definitely go to IUI's first since odds are better and you don't really want to mess around with low reserve. Now skipping straight to IVF is a personal call because it's largely financial based since it's at least 10 times or more the cost of IUIs. But the IUI success rate stat is something like 5-10 percent where IVF is more like 40 percent (that's average - low reserve is going to be lower). You are going to have a harder time regardless even with IVF with low reserve. So I'd not be shocked if they recommended it out right as an attempt to get you pregnant faster. Like I said, you might want to be prepared and know what you are willing to do to start with going in so you are prepared to get through things quickly as needed.

But you need to do what you are comfortable with at every stage.

And any RE's that I've heard of in the U.S. rarely if ever give you great info on supplements. Because nothing is proven and they tell you you can try whatever you want, but they can't guarantee it will help. So definitely ask about DHEA and other supplements, but be prepared for a lot of vagueness.

IRYM - great news on the weight maintenance. Yay!

AFM - I'm finally almost back to my pre-stimming weight. I'm going to try kicking the weight loss up a notch in the next few weeks.

We aren't doing my next IVF cycle until January for a number of reasons. Really hoping to improve my egg quality and I need a good 3-6 months of acupuncture and supplements before it could possible affect anything. I'm not putting a ton of hope in any of that to be honest, since my doc things more than anything it's my age. But it can't hurt to do all that stuff and lose more weight to try to help. That's all I can do. I can only afford this next round and if it doesn't work, we are likely moving onto adoption. It depends on how my egg quality looks though, if it's improved at all, I might be torn to try another cycle, but if it's the same, then we'd just be throwing money away for a big "maybe chance of it working" and it's not worth it.
Hi Ladies :flower:

I have to say, the first tri boards have me freaked out. We just lose people regularly to miscarriage and today we lost one of the buddies on our buddy thread at 8 weeks. I have my 8w2d scan on Friday and I'm completely freaking out now. So terrified; I'm scared of Friday but also feel like it can't get here soon enough. If everything is OK, I want to know, and if something is wrong, I also want to know.

It doesn't help that some of my symptoms have gone away (I have only slight nausea sometimes now, and I am less exhausted). I know it's common to start feeling better at about 8 weeks, but I'll still feel better once we know. So scary. :cry:

I haven't gotten on the scale, but I'm trying to pay attention to what I eat. My appetite is all weird and the usual healthy stuff like salads that would appeal to me don't appeal at all. Luckily, the bad stuff that usually appeals to me also doesn't appeal right now. :thumbup: I also have an appointment on Friday that I think will be about my thyroid and PCOS and pregnancy; they will probably weigh me then as well.

@BronteForever, I hope that these next few months you're able to get your body in a state that you feel will better prepare you for success. Are you staying with the same clinic and doctor, or moving to another one?

@MissDoc, your appointment is coming up! Are you excited?

@ireadyermind, good job on the stable weight! I wouldn't be surprised if weight gain is affecting ovulation; when I was heavier I wasn't ovulating either, and I think that no matter how much Metformin I took, it wouldn't have mattered if I hadn't lost the weight. However every person is different; I hope this is a sign of things getting back on track for you!
Swimmy - congrats on the new arrival! [on my birthday, no less!!] She is precious!! :cloud9:

And I agree on the cheese front...:haha: Good luck on your goals! Sounds like you have it well thought out.

MissDoc - You'll have a lot to fill us in on on Tuesday! I hope the appointment goes well and you start feeling less overwhelmed.

IRYM - Yay for lack of fluctuation! Maintenance is awesome - personally, I'm really happy as long as the scale isn't moving up! :happydance:

Bronte - I'm excited to hear what progress you make in the next few weeks WL-wise. Congrats on being almost back to pre-stimming weight!

Mrs. Tigger - sorry to hear you are feeling anxious! It's really normal to feel that way, but if you're still having symptoms that's a good sign, even if they are decreased! Mine went away and I felt completely normal (even felt really good) when I had the MMC. bets are all on that little bean in there, super healthy!

AFM, I'm "recovering" from a family visit. During/after these things I get off course! It's weird, I don't feel like I can come out and just say that I'm trying to be healthier and lose weight despite the fact that three out of the four who visited have been on the healthy food train for a while and the fourth is allergic to gluten and soy, so if anyone would understand I'd think it would be them! I guess I just don't have that kind of close, issue-discussing relationship with my family. Not even my sisters, to some extent. I guess I am afraid I'll tell them and then fail to succeed, and they will know I've failed. I'd rather they just see the results and not the work. So I fall of the wagon whenever they are around. Especially when they leave food behind! Especially when that food is cheese.

I actually did really well considering. I've only gone over my calorie goal a couple of times in a major way, and only one of those was over maintenance levels. Two weeks ago was my birthday weekend, and I overindulged on half a piece of Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory, but had skimped the day before to help balance out the calories. The week before the visit, I was VERY good and actually got down to 216 or 215. After they came, I had bounced back up to 221! Now I'm hovering around 217. I know these are all just fluctuations and I shouldn't invest in them.

I'm going to go get a tape measure to take other measurements, and *gulp* take pictures to monitor my progress. I know I need to update my weight on here on Mondays, but I'm so down about it when I've gained, so it's hard to force myself to do. I'll be better about it in the future.

We are two weeks away from Sept 1 and I was supposed to lose 10lbs by them. Does it still count if I gain like seven and then lose them, plus five? :haha: I got up to 224 with the BFP, so I would only need to be at 214 for that goal to be realized!

I've been really into the MyFitnessPal app in the last two weeks. Journaling my food makes me so much more aware of what I'm eating, when I'm overeating, and how exercise really impacts the calories. I like that I can see what other people are eating and get so much positivity from the social aspect of it. Now I really want to get a fitbit or something like that. I'm annoyed that most of the stuff I wear doesn't have pockets, so how am I supposed to track my steps accurately? :dohh:
Mrs Tigger - I'm sure it has to be incredibly stressful on the first Tri boards. Glad you are doing well. I know a lot of the symptoms do go away but I agree it has to be a challenge not knowing for sure.

Great job on eating well and it's definetly an added bonus the naughty foods don't seem appealing right now. Yay.

Best wishes for a healthy pregnancy.

Becca - it does sound like a challenge to have to eat well with family but it sounds like you are doing great.

The goal is for you so you can count anyway you want. Frankly if I were you since you had a bit of a hormone change with the chemical pregnancy, I'd definetly give yourself a break. You have been through a lot these past few months. Plus emotional eating is a thing. I'd consider it a victory that you've lost anything during this time.

Glad you are liking Myfitness pal. I agree keeping a food journal makes you much more aware of what you are eating. I keep a modified one of my portions I'm eating. So it's pretty much calorie counting on a simplified version which is about all I can get the energy for.
Mrs Tigger - i made myself sick with symptom spotting. mine would go away for a few days and I would panic and swear I was losing it again. Heck I was still checking my cervix driving myself more crazy sense it always felt open and some days really really open. I know it's impossible but try not to do this :( hopefully your scan is perfect! Honestly I would like to tell you the worring gets better once you get past the 1st tri but it doesn't lol. you worry about how much they are moving, fluid levels, heart rates, ect, ect. I did end up getting a home doppler and that made me feel better but I couldn't find her consistently until about 15 weeks. Hang in there hun

IRYM - hey I'm all about the no gain! keep it up hun!

Doc - I can't wait to hear about how the appointment goes. I know I felt a little better just by going and knowing we could get a plan in place. I don't like being in limbo.

Bronte - I've heard acupuncture can do a lot for quality. Does it hurt at all? i was a big baby and didn't try it because I was worried it would hurt hahaha and I stink at laying still.

Becca - Good job on not eating too bad while your family was here, my mom is here for the week and my nana next week. They keep telling me when to eat and that I need to eat more lol no a salad with a chicken breast is more then enough thank you :)

AFM - im now down to 217 so 7 lbs from my pre-pregnant weight. yay! however I did waist and hip measurments and I don't love that :( I can't do any core exercises for 6 more weeks per my doctor. But after that its game on! my gym has daycare so I can't use her as an excuse not to go. My doctor gave me a really hard time that I don't want to do birth control. I don't want the weight gain from it, I can use condoms, plus breast feeding, plus taking 3 years and an RE to get pregnant I feel like i'm ok, but she lectured me for a good 5 minutes and kept giving me different options.
Swimmy - great job on the weight loss already. I think it's your decision what you want to do for birth control but it's your doctors to give all the options so you know and can choose what's best for you. I haven't followed all your story but what treatment were you on from the RE that helped conceive your daughter?

Oh and the acupuncture needles didn't hurt at all. Didn't even feel really.
Becca - Good to hear from you! I've been seeing all that new activity on MFP, good job there!

And I agree with the others: after a chemical, your hormones might be a little touchy. It's okay to go easy on yourself for a little while. :)

Swimmy - What on earth was the doctor lecturing you for! Like you don't know that sex leads to babies? I would have snapped and said, "It took me X years to get pregnant with THIS one, I don't think I have to worry!" lol.

Some doctors think they know best. And while they might know quite a lot, they don't know what's going on with you at home, what your plans are for the future, etc.

When my sister had her youngest child, the doctors nagged and nagged and nagged her about how she ought to be breast feeding her baby instead of bottle feeding. Even when my mother and sister both said, "With three other kids, there's simply not time for me to sit and breast feed, I have to be able to have someone else help me," the nurses kept on and kept on.

I think that if your doctor has presented you the info on why or why not to make a choice, and you have made your decision, they ought to just drop it. Sigh.

Bronte - You'll have to let me know how the acupuncture works for you! I've been considering it myself, but I think I'll try fertility massage first. Get some improved circulation to my reproductive organs and see if it helps. Also I'm admittedly a little afraid of those needles, but since you said it doesn't hurt, I'm feeling somewhat brave! :haha:
IRYM - I'd love to know more about your fertility massage as well? Were you going to go to a specialist or do self massage. I watched a few videos on you tube to try to do some self massage techniques. I've been doing a few of them but I need to get better at it.

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