Getting Fit Before Baby

IRYM - any update on the clinic? I would be so frustrated with that! i'm sure your not the only one to have this happen.

Krissie - how have you been feeling?

AFM - well no weight gain but also no loss :( i really need to figure something out. But between working nights and trying to get any sleep I can during the day idk what to do. I'm sure as it starts to get a little warmer here I can get lizzy outside more and go for walks/hikes. I also really need to get reconnected with my DH. I'm hoping to find a sitter for friday so we can have a date night but so far no luck. we need to spend some time together just us. i think it will help stop all the small bickering we have been doing lately.
IRYM-- Oh my goodness that is annoying. I think they must just get in their groove or script or something and forget to STOP and listen to the unique situation of each woman. Frustrating. I hope you were able to make them listen to you and they got your plan adjusted appropriately.

Krissie-- Sorry you've been feeling bleh about trying, but that's probably better than super frantic. Sounds like a good time to be easing back into things. Hopefully O time is more exciting for you!

Swimmy-- I hope you guys are able to get a date night soon. Baby isn't even here yet for me and I've been feeling that strain as well... we're both just busy and exhausted all the time, and when we have down time we work on baby stuff. We need time to just reconnect. Definitely need a more (any!) romance in our lives.

AFM, I have been so inconsistent. Some good days, but mostly "off the wagon" days. Yesterday I decided to recommit (I know I do this a lot) to an exercise plan. I'll focus less on diet and food since it's hard for me right now, and put more of my energy and efforts into consistent physical activity. I need to build strength and stamina for labor and delivery and beyond. And still need to slow my weight gain a bit.

Baby is doing great though. At his last scan his little organs and blood vessels are all perfectly developed. He's on the big side for gestational age (like 97th percentile!) right now, so hope that he's just in a growth spurt and that he regresses toward the mean a bit before delivery. Working on getting his room together is fun. That's pretty much what I've been doing in my spare time when I get home from work... ordering and slowly accumulating the bigger baby stuff, and being lazy and reading for pleasure. Trying to rally a little more and exercise first thing when I get home each day.
Swimmy- I hope you can get a date night in soon. I know the first year it was hard for me. I rarely left ds except when I was at work. It has gotten better the older he is as he likes to go places and be around other people. Thankfully my mom is around and takes him quite a bit and it helps so much.

MissDoc- try not to worry about the percentiles quite yet. They kept telling me ds was going to be huge. He ended up being 8 lbs 9 oz and I guess that is big? The nurses kept telling me he was so big. But really he seemed just fine and delivery was fine. I think they like to stress expecting moms out.

Afm, O should be soon. I have been getting watery to ewcm the last three days. So just trying to bd as much as possible and hoping o happens Friday at the latest. I am not as tender as I was last cycle so I am not sure if that is a good or bad thing. OPKs are still negative so just waiting.

I have decided next cycle to do clomid and l-carnitine and see if that helps. It should be my last cycle before we start anything with the fertility clinic. One benefit is l-carnitine is suppose to help with weight loss so it can't hurt.
Doc - try not to worry too much about size. they told me lizzy would be big and she was only 6 lbs 4 oz. smallest one in the nursery. ultrasounds aren't great for measuring weight

krissie - sounds like a good plan for your next cycle! so excited your visit is only a month away!

AFM - i got on the scale while at work tonight and i'm up 3lbs :( i need to do something! snap myself out of this funk!! but the bigger i get the worse attitude i get towards weight loss. :(
MissDoc - They did finally listen to me, but I still don't think they understood what I was asking. They offered to have me come in for an ultrasound, which was dumb, because I was already too late to start taking Femara again if it WAS AF, and if it wasn't AF we'd have to wait for AF to come around anyway... so I said, "Whatever the ultrasound would reveal, I'd still have to just wait it out. So no thanks." They charge like $300 per ultrasound. Who wants to pay that much money when it wouldn't even help us out?

Anyway! Glad to hear your LO is doing well! It sounds like so much fun to get a nursery put together, I envy you. :haha:

Would DH be willing to help remind you about workouts and whatnot, to help keep you accountable?

Swimmy - I can totally relate to that mentality. Trying to lose weight and seeing a gain does terrible things to my motivation, which means I do even worse in terms of workouts and diet plans.... I hope you find something to kickstart your progress again!

What about working out with friends, or even just finding someone to go on walks with? Do you use fitness apps? What about setting smaller goals and giving yourself a reward for reaching that goal?

Ex: 5lbs lost, new nail polish, makeup item, new iTunes/mp3 music download, etc.
10lbs lost, movie night with DH (no snacks though!), or a new book to read, new inexpensive outfit accessory, and so on.

Maybe that would help you work toward your goals if you had something to look forward to when you reach them?

Krissie - The waiting is the worst part of all of this. It's like 90% of TTCing, and that royally sucks! But it sounds like you're doing the best you can for this cycle. Good luck!

AFM - Still waiting on AF. Had one heck of an evap line on a Wondfo HPT the other day. I'm sure it's nothing, but it got my hopes up for the barest minute.

Since DH and I have been doing the slow cooker meals, I've lost almost 3 pounds. I think a lot of it has to do with how we're almost never eating takeout/fast food anymore.

If you gals were considering it, I highly recommend the whole practice! :) It takes a load off my shoulders and I find that I'm starting to feel like I have time for other things. I really don't like to cook, so being responsible for dinner every single night used to stress me out far more than it should have.

Now that I don't have to worry about it, I've been doing more arts and crafts, finishing small projects around the house, that sort of thing.

Let me know if you gals try it and what you think of it!
That is awesome IRYM about freeing up time and less stress with cooking. I have been working more on cooking at home. DH has really been stepping it up to help too. That has been such a big relief.

I am pretty sure my weight is maintaining right now. But I am not really trying. But I have been meeting my steps goal consistently so that is progress. I am planning to up it in two weeks by 500 steps a day. I know it isn't much but with all the snow it is impossible to go for a walk outside.

I forgot my opks at home so I cannot test until this evening. I was hoping to get a positive today and ovulate tomorrow. Now I am not so sure. My usual ovulation signs aren't here and my cm is just sitting at watery. I usually have good ewcm so it has me a bit worried.
Krissie - Sorry to hear that your O signs are all wonky! Have you been unusually stressed this month? It might delay you a few days, if so.

I know it's been said a million times, but try not to fret too much. Find some stuff to distract yourself with so that hopefully time will pass quickly today. :)
Thanks IRYM. I don't think I've been terribly stressed. But it's not uncommon for me not to ovulate. So I'm thinking it's just one of those. I'll probably start progesterone next week to bring on af and do clomid next cycle.
IRYM - i have started doing more crock pot meals and it really does help me. my DH unfortunately has been really snotty lately about it and the last few time ive started to put stuff in the crock pot he gets annoyed we are doing that "again" it's not like im cooking the same stuff everytime. I don't really like beef or pork so its usually a chicken dish but whatever. He doesn't like he doesn't have to eat it.
your idea for the reward system is a great idea!! i think tonight at work im gonna type something up (i love check lists lol) just little goals and little rewards followed by big goals with big rewards hehe. I think if i ever hit my total happy goal of 150 I will be going on a 1-2 week vacation!

Kris- I hate how our bodies can be so inconsistent! I'm sorry it looks like you won't be ovulating this cycle :( but fingers crossed it was just late

AFM - I just can't shake this funk i've been in. I think im going to make an appointment with my doctor and maybe be referred back to a therapist. Also considering marriage counseling. I now see very clearly what they mean by the 1st year a baby is around it can really rock your marriage. I feel like we are fighting over everything. This morning we had a particularly nasty fight and I said some things I kind of regret but at the same time dont? (if that makes any sense?) he's just not making very good life choices and its putting a huge burden on me as the primary bread winner and then im still excepted to take care of lizzy when im home, clean, cook, ect ect. and i just kind of lost my marbles. My one close friend in the area told me today that she feels like me having a baby has ruined our friendship and she just isn't in a stage in her life where she wants to have mom friends .... i was floored and did not see that coming. Sorry to complain so much, I really do love being a mom I just wish i had better support systems close by. and super sorry for the long complaining rant. I'm just feeling so lost and sad, idk what else to do.
Wow swimmy- that is awful of your 'friend'. :hugs:

DH and I did marriage counseling when ds was 9 months old. I'm pretty sure it saved our marriage. Even now we both use what we learned to help. I'd highly recommend it.

Afm, I'm not bothering with waiting for o. I know my body well enough at this point. So I am on day 3 or progesterone to bring on af. She should be here the end of next week.
Swimmy - So sorry to hear that about DH and your friend! It sounds like you don't have the support system that you need to really thrive. I wish we all lived near one another so we could lend a helping hand!

I'm glad to see you've started the slow cooker thing. Especially if you feel it helps take more of the workload off of your shoulders. If DH doesn't want to eat slow cooker meals on a regular basis, he can cook dinner himself, eh? :haha:

But really. It sounds like you and he have very different ideas of what it means to be married and in a partnership. Where you expect him to function as one half of a team, he seems to think everything is your responsibility. I think that going to some counseling could really help.

As for that friend... what a rotten thing to say! This may be harsh of me to feel, but I think that if she is using your baby as an excuse to 'dump' you, especially considering how hard you tried for a child, then I think she wasn't as good a friend as you thought she was. She may have even been looking for an excuse to break things off.

I have heard it say that the average person loses something like half their friends when they get married... I'm sure the same is true for having kids too.

Hang in there, Swimmy. We love you and we're here to lend our ears, suggestions, and anecdotes!

Krissie - Ugh, I think I'm going to have to start progesterone too. Today is CD36 and no AF in sight. Maybe I ought to contact the clinic so we can get a jumpstart on this next cycle! I'm tired of waiting! lol
Hello Ladies!
I'm new to the thread and figured i'd join in. I have been working out for the past month. I started at 196 and am currently 186 - an exact 10lbs loss.
Although, it may be cut short. I am currently going on 8 days of my AF being late :shrug: we weren't exactly trying this month since i would like to lose 20lbs first.
I oddly don't feel like testing? I read that working out can affect your cycle so i will probably wait until the weekend making me 13 days late. I dont know why but i don't want to waste the money/get my hopes up if af is just running late from the change. Last night i had light spotting once when i used the washroom and have had nothing since.
I took all of last week off from the gym just because i have felt exhausted and i didnt want to over work my body. I'm going to go tonight and get some cardio in (light cardio just incase).
I dont have a goal pant size or anything like that, i have a few dresses id like to wear that dont make me look like a sausage :haha:
Welcome, Wish! Good job on the 10lbs loss so far!

That's super exciting you're late for AF. I hope it's good news! They do say that losing weight can jump start your fertility, so maybe that was it and you've already got your BFP? Keep us posted! :D
Thank you!
I talked to my OH and we're going to test tonight so im holding my bladder! 9 days late it super unusual for me but for some reason i feel like it will be negative.

I went back to the gym last night for some light cardio and the entire time i was on the eliptical i swear it felt like there was a pit in my stomach being jossled around and i started feeling sick so i switched onto a spin bike and still felt sick so i ended up going home after like 25-30 minutes.
Fx for you wish!!

Today is day 4 of progesterone. I am not sure if that is making me feel unwell or what. I am also struggling with high blood pressure. I have no idea why this has suddenly become an issue but back in June it was noted at a doctor's appointment and it seems to be getting worse. I have no idea why. :cry: Pretty sure we will be postponing our fertility consult until that is under control. No need to spend so much money at this point. :cry:
Wish - What were the test results?

Krissie - One thing to look into, regarding the jump in blood pressure, is the amount of sodium you're consuming. Even if you don't add it to food yourself, it's a preservative, which means that tons of companies load up their prepared foods with salt.

AND many companies inject their chicken breasts and thighs with a high sodium broth to help them appear more plump, to increase the weight so that they cost more, and to keep the meat from graying on the shelf. Which is a pretty crappy thing to do, if you ask me!

Last year I had a few months of high blood pressure, and one of the things I learned during that time was that the grocery store we were shopping at had their butcher load up their store brand breasts with salt water. Blech. Some frozen brands also do it. We just have to read labels like crazy people and select the chicken with the least amount of sodium listed.
I have seen that saline solution warning on chicken before. I agree it is such a terrible thing to do. So dishonest.

Yea, I don't eat a ton of prepared food but I have been looking at salt a bit more just to keep it in check. I am also trying devout myself to my diet again. Today has been okay. I am trying to convince myself if I stay good until I get home then I can grill steaks for dinner.. Take that snow!!! :haha: I am so over winter.
Thanks for the kind words and support gals :) i think your right i think she was just looking for an excuse to call off our friendship. We were really close before I had lizzy but anytime i would bring up fertility treatments or ttc she would brush things off and say I shouldn't waste my money it will happen if its meant to. idk guess I would rather have a true friend or no friend at all.

IRYM - Totally wish we lived closer you would be a great friend/support system :) did you end up taking some progesterone to get things started?

Krissie - I'm sooo with you on being over winter! i want to get outside!!! it was 5 degrees today ughhh!

Wish - welcome! congrats on the 10 lb weight loss way to go!!! cant wait to hear how testing goes :)

as for me, doing lots more crock pot meals. I started using my fitness pal again. I think i might try weight watchers. also my gym has a day care so I have to get lizzy signed up and I can take her while I do a work out. I just need the motivation to get my butt moving hahaha. I also have a reward system for every 5lbs I loose. :) with a nice vacation if I loose 40 this year :) i think that's a realistic goal (don't want to set myself up for failure). Also I made an appointment with the marriage councilor. DH really doesn't want to go, but when I explained that I need this and he needs to be willing to be a partner he agreed, (I also thinking me saying we would go out to dinner before without lizzy sold him hehe). Feeling much better about myself, thanks for getting me through a rough patch.
Swimmy - Aw, thanks for saying that. I'm glad I'm being helpful for you!

I didn't need to take progesterone, thankfully. I started noticing typical AF signs a few days ago and just waited it out. Sure enough, AF showed up this morning and can I just say.. OW. I basically stayed on the couch ALL DAY today, like a bump on a log. :nope:

Krissie - We don't do a lot of prepared foods either. And on the occasion we do, I wake up feeling SO bloated and gross. Almost like it's the mother of all hangovers. lol!

AFM -- I tried calling the clinic today, but for some damned reason, they turn off their answering service on weekends! So I can't leave a voicemail on the nurse's line for them to receive first thing tomorrow morning! Ugh. If I dial in my assigned extension number when I reach the automated message, the line actually hangs up on me. :growlmad:

So I'm going to try to get up early so that I'm awake and coherent and can call them at 8:01am and tell them I'm now on CD2 and they need to hurry and send in my prescription. :haha:

Hopefully I get a BFP this month, otherwise we're putting things on hold until probably April-ish so that we can move houses AND avoid a December due date. I think that being made to wait two months would feel like an eternity. But on the other hand, it'd give me more time to get in shape, so there's that.
I stink at waiting I totally get how that feels to wait. Is there a reason you wouldn't want a dec due date? Or just a personal preference.
Im still very much hoping for a BFP this cycle!!!!
I thought for sure I ovulated about 2-3 weeks ago but looks like I was wrong. Still no AF

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