Getting Fit Before Baby

Swimmy- I'm glad you're doing marriage counseling. I really believe it saved our marriage. And it's always nice to have some alone time together.

Irym- hopefully they can get it called in for you. I totally get not wanting a Dec baby. I'm also hoping to avoid Jan since winter is so bitterly cold here. It would be miserable to have a newborn.

Afm, I have 2 more days of progesterone then just waiting for af. I think we'll try on our own this month. Then we're waiting until May. I'm probably going to change my fertility appointment to June. That way I have time to focus on getting healthier. I'm going to talk with my gp in April after I've monitored my BP for awhile.
Hi ladies, just checking in. Swimmy, I didn't realize you were ttc again! We can tough it out together. :)

Afm, I took 7.5mg of Femara this cycle, and I'm not sure if i ovulated. I had the physical signs, like a week of ewcm, cervical changes, and pain and pressure for a few days that went away suddenly (which has meant ovulation in past cycles). But, no truly positive opk, and my temps are weird. So frustrating. If I did ovulate when I had signs, I'm 5dpo today and our bd timing was spot on. I'm going in on Tuesday for a progesterone draw to know for sure, and to check my prolactin level and thyroid. I fell off the weight loss wagon so I need to get back to that too.
Krissie - It's not so much the cold weather I'm concerned about as the Christmas holiday. I know we've discussed it in this thread before, so I won't get into it again because I'm sure no one wants to hear me rant. lol! But even as badly as I want a baby, since I have the power to plan it, I'm going to try to avoid December as best I can. :haha:

DrJo - Good to hear from you! Was just looking at your signature and realized your baby is already 9mos old! Where has the time gone!?

Good luck with the Femara. I'm on the same dose of 7.5mg this cycle, followed by estrogen supplements since my last attempt at IUI didn't even get to ovulation. FX'd you actually O'd when you thought you did, and good luck! :)

I have heard, and I hope it's true, that once your body has had one baby, then the next one's a little easier. My mother had to take fertility meds to get pregnant with me, and then had my sister by accident. So there's at least one bit of anecdotal evidence for that. :haha:
Irym- I definitely want to avoid a holiday baby too. And January for the cold.

I wish it had been true after the first it was easier. I just hope it either happens this year or I am able to find the strength to just have one and be happy we were blessed to have him.

Afm, af is here. So cd 1.
Thanks iread! I was hoping my body would be able to figure it out after nora, but I'm not sure that's the case. 🙁
Drjo welcome back!! have you gotten AF back yet? I'm still breast breast feeding and haven't had one yet.

-- agreed I wouldn't want a holiday baby. But if I can help it I don't want a peak of summer baby again either. That was miserable haha.

I was doing really good counting cals this week. But the last 2 days I binged :(
Thanks swimmy! I got my first pp period on Dec 14 (I was done pumping mid november). Took femara right away that cycle but no luck. I just got my progesterone results back and I did indeed ovulate with progesterone at 28. Prolactin and thyroid were normal. I'm not really feeling lucky this cycle and I've been sick, so not holding out much hope. AF is due the 16th.
DrJo - What are your thoughts on illness making it easier for an egg to implant? There are cases where a woman's immune system is a little too aggressive and attacks embryos the same as if they're bacteria or viruses. If you've already got a cold or other illness, your body's focused on THAT instead of the egg.

Have you heard of or read anything along these lines? I was doing some research a while back because I seem to get fevers in the TWW very frequently, and I was worried that my body was attacking a potential sticky bean. Just curious.

AFM - Our pet parrot passed away suddenly yesterday morning. She was awake and greeted DH when he came downstairs to get ready for work. He gave her head rubs, and she was playing with some toys. When I came downstairs two hours later, she was gone.

It's been a little bit glum today. My brain still expected to see her first thing this morning, and I had a little moment of disappointment when I remembered that she wasn't going to be there. :(

She was a rescue bird. We had taken her in from a case of neglect. She had been fed a poor diet her whole life, lived in the same cage with only a single toy and perch, rarely handled, and in the years before we got her, she was locked away in a spare room in the dark, where she spent 99% of her time alone. :( It took us 3 or 4 months of talking to her owner to convince him that we could provide her the kind of life she needed.

At age 27ish, she was already nearing the end of her species' lifespan of approximately 35 years, but we gave her a really good final 3 years of life. Her mental and physical health improved dramatically, she was more active and talkative, etc. So we're looking on the positive side and remembering that she was a happy birdy in her final days.

Anyway, didn't mean to drag down the thread. DH and I are still going strong with the slow cooker meals. I haven't stepped on a scale in ages and probably should, but I hate being disappointed in the number I see there, and how it drags me down for the rest of the day.

So I'm just going to keep trying to make good choices and hope that something starts working.

Does anyone have plans for Valentine's Day?
Irym- I'm sorry to hear about your birdy. That is great you were able to provide a good life for her the last few years. :hugs:

Afm, we are going out of town Feb. 19-20th. We are counting it as our valentine's day time. I'm super excited to go with dh and leave ds with my mom.

I need to focus more on diet. It's just been too much right now. So I'm working on making the best choices I'm able to.

I've been having more dizziness. I have no idea why. It could be blood pressure, but typically it's a low BP and not high. Hopefully my doctor can help me.
Iread- so sorry about your bird. :(

I haven't read anything scientific about illness and implantation, but what you said makes sense. I was sick and puking 2 years ago at the same dpo with femara, with the same 7dpo progesterone, and wasn't pregnant. I also had a fibroid interfering with implantation then, so it's hard to say what would have happened.
Thanks gals.

Krissie - Could the dizziness be an inner ear thing? I'm having issues with it right now. When I sit, stand, lay down or turn my head too quickly, I get dizzy. But my ears are just slightly congested, and at random intervals throughout the day, I get the sensation that I have just changed altitudes and my ears pop.

You might try taking a mild decongestant and seeing if that helps the dizziness?

DrJo - I didn't mean to say that illness = pregnancy. Sorry if I was a little confusing.

I just meant, what if there's a chance that being ill while in your TWW could slightly increase the odds of success, since the body will be less focused on attacking an egg, and more focused on germ fighting?

I know that odds of pregnancy are only 20% a month for fertile women anyway, and less for those of us with infertility. So what if having a cold during the TWW made it go from (for example) a 15% chance to, say, a 17% chance of pregnancy? :haha:

I will take any increase I can get! But I'm not going to go hang out with sick people just in the hopes of catching a cold. Hahaha

Anyway, the only articles I can find are ones that say, "Sometimes illness can cause a delay of ovulation" and others that say, "You can still TTC while sick!" but nothing on the effects of illness and implantation. Boo.

AFM - So we had this freak Tornado touch down for about 5 minutes a couple weeks ago. It was right by my house, and living in Sacramento CA means that tornados are virtually nonexistent here. Our homes and things aren't designed to handle that kind of stress. The winds were SO strong, my entire house was shaking from the force of it. We ended up losing shingles from the roof, I think, and now there's a leak. Sigh.

Our insurance company is finally sending someone out to do an estimate today, but there's a $1,000 deductible before they'll cover the cost of repairing the damage. Ugh. Since DH and I are trying to prep this house for sale, this is not something we needed to have happen! $1,000 out of pocket is not a small number. Thank goodness we always keep a little money set aside in savings for times like this, but man... You never hope to have to actually USE it.

Plus that eats into our available funds for fertility treatment... Oye. It's been a rough month already.
Iread- I understood what you meant, but I didn't respond very clearly. :) It would be nice to have a slightly better chance due to being sick lol. I tested at 9dpo today 🙃 and of course bfn. I did have a bfp with Nora at 10dpo and not even with fmu. But with my mc I tested negative at 10dpo. Still not feeling lucky this time. I'd love an October baby, but if I'm not successful this time, then I'll be able to fully enjoy vacation in a few weeks.
Irym- man that is crazy you had a tornado. Hopefully it won't cost much to repair the roof. It's always something it seems. Our water heater went last week. Eh!

Irym- I bet you're right about the inner ear. I currently have an ear infection and have been super dizzy (more so) since the day before the pain started. It actually makes sense. And I have chronic ear infections so I don't normally pay any attention to them.

I started clomid last night but I don't know if I want to continue. Dh and have been discussing at length not having any more children. And to be honest I think we are both in that train of thought. So yea... just a lot to digest and I feel like I have no time to decide. I'm already upset at the age gap do if we do have another I don't want it even larger. But we aren't even sold on the idea that a second one is for us.

Ok ladies, I might be crazy. I see a SUPER faint line. Help!Resized_20170210_111117.jpg
IRYM - im so sorry about your bird :( that sounds so sudden! im glad she had a good rest of her life though. Crazy about the tornado! I know what you mean. I've seriously considered lowering my deductible to 250$ but then i would be paying a ton more a year for "just in case"

Drjo YAYYAY totally see a line!!! can't believe it happened that quick way to go hun!

AFM - hopefully going to dinner and a movie tonight for v-day I have a sitter and everything :) I was really excited this will be our first "date" in like a year. But my DH informed me today that he invited one of his friends and his wife for a double date ugh! i feel selfish but im really hoping that they can't find a sitter last minute. is that mean of me?

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