Getting Fit Before Baby

My fingers are super crossed for both of you this cycle!!! Feeling lots of good vibes!

My craft of choice is knitting. I'm working on a toddler sweater for a coworker having a baby in may. And a matching hat/blanket set for one having her baby in July. Trying to make sure they will fit when it gets cooler out. I'm not great at sizing my patterns. I just finished sewing some cloth diaper bags, I could do those all day haha.

Really hoping I get canceled from work tonight. I'm really just not feeling it today. Me and my DH started couples therapy. Idk if it's making communication worse or better. I know I'm the problem I've just hit a low funk and can't seem to shake it. It's good for a day or two then comes right back.
Swimmy- I think it is great you guys are doing couple's counseling. Are you able to do some individual counseling as well? That sounds like it might help.

I have just started sewing bags for DS. He always carries a ton of small toys with him. Well he gets irate when they fall out of his hands. So now he has two small over the shoulder bags to sort and put things into when we go out. So far he loves them.
Guess who's back!

I'm excited for so many of you!

IRYM: It's Monday, have you tested yet!?

I'll try to keep my update short...
I waited 23 hours in emergency before I saw a doctor and had my gallbladder removed FINALLY (Jan.15). I'll be given the "ok" on March 1 to live normal again after recovery. My doctor jump-started my period with provera. I am currently on cd19 and have taken Vitex and Metformin since December. My s/o and I are done again. I feel I say this a lot, however, this time I am contemplating on even being in contact. They've become a negative person in my life so I'm trying to make the decision for my well-being. I have been with a new guy for almost two weeks now. I am 129lbs down.
Urs - Good to hear from you! Sorry things have been so crummy for you. Gallbladder removal AND breaking up with your S/O seems so hard!

But it sounds like you're on the right track to a healthier, happier you. Good job. :)

And I did test this morning, but it wasn't FMU and was really dilute. I have been shedding a lot of water weight lately and peeing lots more than usual (not a pregnancy symptom, it happens every tww), so I was up a couple times overnight and it never occurred to my sleepy brain to save some for testing later. :haha:

So of course there was nothing on the test. MAYBE an evap, but also I have line eye. lol
Krissie - im doing individual counseling but so far he hasn't been willing to go. It's frustrating to me because I think it would help him too, but he keeps saying if he has a problem he would rather talk to me not a stranger. Which I get but if the problem is communication between us that isnt such a great plan lol. One thing I'm definitely trying to tell myself more often is I married him for him not to change things about him or control him. (I tend to be controlling and he goes with the flow). But then I get overwhelmed and hate that he isn't doing enough to help. Lol not his fault when I wanted control in the first place.

Urs - welcome back!!! So proud of you with your weight loss! I'm so sorry to hear about your bad ER experience and you SO. Just my advise and I know it's not easy. But being around negative people isn't healthy to you. If it was me I would try and walk away.

Irym - soooo wish you were temping right now lol. I know it isn't accurate with meds but I am a chart junky. I'm crazy and miss temping. Fingers crossed that today's has a little line
Hi there Urs!! I would love to see a pic of you having lost sooo much. Good news about your gallbladder. Better to have the toxicity removed! Sorry to hear about your ex-SO.

Irym- if you don't post a pic it never happened (lol jk but I want to seeee!) Still fx!!

Oh wow you ladies are talented, I can't do any type of needlepoint or crocheting etc. I can knit scarves and that's it.
Hello ladies!

Iread- you need to post pics of your tests so we can all examine them! Lol.

Swimmy- I'm the same as you, controlling. I like things are certain way, and my husband is very accommodating and tries to make me happy, but he just isn't as particular as I am. It frustrates m which then frustrates him, and I know the problem is on my end. It's so hard to keep it in check sometimes!

Urs- great job on the weight loss! I'm with fern, we want pics! I hope you're recovering nicely.

I'm jealous of you ladies who can crochet. I was going to teach myself when I was pregnant with Nora, but there just wasn't time. I can cross-stitch like nobody's business, though. :)

We're taking Nora on her first flight on Thursday. My husband, Nora, my MIL, and I are going to California for a week. I've made lists of everything we need to do in the next couple days (although I work 13 hours Wed so that days shot), and made a list of what to pack for Nora and myself. My parents will be taking our three dogs and one of them takes 6 different medications a day so I have to get that all set up. Vacationing with a baby requires so much more packing! I feel like I'll forget something, but I know there will be stores nearby if I do. I just hope she does well on the planes. We're thinking of buying a pack and play when we get there instead of bringing one along, because I don't like using a hotel one. Grosses me out. My husband is a hotel manager and I know those things don't get cleaned well. I also don't know what to bring for her as far as toys. I know I'm rambling...any input would be appreciated!
I'll catch up later today... just wanted to give you all something to examine for me.


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Krissie I could see that without even enlarging! Omw I hope it gets darker!!!

Drjo- no suggestions I'm so sorry XD! Hope you enjoy your vacation.
Swimmy - It has been a relief not temping, even though I also sometimes wish I had continued. None of it would have matched my usual patterns though, so it would have been fairly useless to me. I'm already stressed enough about this cycle as-is! :haha:

DrJo - Wow, what brings you out to my neck of the woods? Have you ever been to CA before? Any plans to visit local sight seeing spots or anything?

Krissie - Hmm. I don't see anything, I'm sorry. :( I don't have as keen an eye as Fern, I guess!

AFM - No pics of a test today. FMU was super dilute again this morning, because I was just carrying on with my water intake before bed like it was no big deal. Then I belatedly remembered I wanted to test this morning, and realized I'd finished half a liter of water already, and then I was mentally kicking myself for it. Because not only would it make test results weaker, but then I'd have to get up super early to pee! lol

So I'm going to try to limit my water to just sips tonight after dinner. Then maybe tomorrow morning I'll have better FMU for testing. Besides, if there was nothing yesterday, it's better to wait 48hrs before testing again anyway, right?

But I do have pics of crochet gnomes! So that's something. :haha: Enjoy!

EDIT: Did any of you gals use progesterone suppositories and find that they made you nauseated, or cause food aversions? We had lite caesar salad with dinner and I put one bite in my mouth and nearly threw up. The texture and the flavor were SO GROSS and I generally really enjoy the stuff! I've also had trouble with brushing my tongue while brushing teeth in the morning, and every time I cough, it triggers my gag reflex too. Very annoying. My research says that yes, progesterone causes nausea -- but I don't know what's up with this gag reflex business.


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IRYM- Those gnomes are seriously the best!!!

Urs- happy to hear from you. I have to agree that cutting contact with your ex is probably what is best for you. I think it sounds toxic and you would do better to just let him go all around. :hugs:

Awesome job with the weightloss! You are rocking it for sure.

Swimmy- I remember that now. Sorry, I forgot that you said DH wasn't willing to go. I do have to say I have a controlling personality too. But even though I had a lot of issues to work through, I also needed my DH to hear some of mine and learn some of his to better support each other. I do hope that your DH is at least willing to talk to you if nothing else.

Drjo- Definitely just buy a pack n play there. At least they are pretty inexpensive. As far as toys, when DS was that age he pretty much just liked this multi toy chewable lion. It had like 6 or so different things to chew on and was soft. I probably would have brough a couple extra small toys he favored. Oh and a mirror, he sure did (does still) love to look at himself.

Fern & IRYM- thanks for the input. I really have no idea what to think. Yesterday I think I got a nasty evap line that gave me some hope. While I feel like I might see something, it is not a definite thing. Still crazy early but figured why now. :haha:
Krissie- thanks for the tips! I see half a line on your test, but I wouldn't trust it out of the case. I hope a good line shows up soon!

Iread- We just chose somewhere reasonably warm and zika-free for a trip. I've been to California twice before, once to San Diego, and once to Yosemite and the LA area. This time we'll be in San Francisco for a few days and then Anaheim/LA for a few days. My MIL is from LA and my DH was born there but moved when he turned one. Where are you at? We'll be doing typical touristy things in San Francisco, then visiting some family and friends around LA, going to Disneyland (which I don't really care about but MIL and DH are obsessed with anything Disney), and going to the beach and ocean (which is entirely for me :)).
Krissie - idk I might have line eye but i think I see something hmmmm fingers crossed!!

Drjo- that sounds like such a fun vacation! I would probably buy a pack and play or co-sleep, (not recommend by docs ) but I have done it with Lizzy. I'm with u I would vote the beach over Disney any day hahaha.

Irym - I remember progesterone made me a little nauseous but the texture of food making me sick wasn't something that happened except for the cycle that I was pregnant hehehehe fingers super super crossed!!

This sounds so selfish of me but I can't wait to be done breast feeding so I can jump start my cycles! Can't decide if I want to stop at 9 months or a year. Also totally have to resist the cupcake urge today. My favorite cupcake place is making my favorite kind ugh! Darn cupcakes will be my down fall!!
Krissie - Thanks!

DrJo - I'm in Sacramento. San Francisco is really an excellent city for sightseeing and other touristy attractions. They've got a submarine permanently stationed there that you can tour, then of course there's Alcatraz, Pier 39... There's a Ripley's Believe it or Not museum, a wax museum (never been to that one), the Exploratorium children's science museum, the street cars, and on and on. You're sure to get all your exercise in on a day spent in SF! lol

Also, Disneyland can be GREAT if you go on a weekday while all the schools are in session. No lines for rides, considerably less crowded, and so on. If you happen to be there during Spring Break, though... Yeesh. Lookout. lol

Swimmy - Thanks. I'm really hoping it's a BFP and not the progesterone!

As for the breast feeding -- I don't have any experience with this, but the difference between 9mos and 1yr is only 3 months. If you really want to stop BFing at 9mos, I think you're fine to go ahead and do so. That's my two cents, anyway!

AFM -- POAS this morning and thought I saw a line. But it was so so faint, I gave the test a couple more minutes to 'cook' and looked again, and now it's gone. I don't know if it was a dye run, or an actual line, or if it was my mind playing tricks on me! I'm calling it a BFN and testing again in a couple days, I guess.
Thanks for the tips, iread. We'll only be in San Francisco for 2.5 days so we had to pick and choose what to do. We definitely have a full plan! Disney will be fine, we're going on a tuesday, I just can't go on the thrill rides.

I had some bleeding this morning. I'm at work and the midwife was able to get me in to radiology for an ultrasound. I haven't gotten a full report yet, but I was able to see and hear a heartbeat at 116 bpm 💓. Baby is measuring 6 weeks. My lmp puts me at 6+4, but ovulation puts me at 6+1. It's given me a little piece of mind for vacation.
That is great news drjo!! So excited little one is doing so well.

Swimmy- Like IRYM said it probably doesn't make a significant difference when you stop. My only suggestion would be if they are eating more solid food around 9 months that would be a good time, but if they are still bfing a lot then maybe stick it out.

IRYM- I have had that same thing happen to me too on tests. I think it must just be the dye pooling on the strip. SOOO frustrating.

I also poas this morning. I had a lot of water to drink last night and it was a bfn. Not sure how I feel about this cycle. My bbs are just killing me and my coffee tasted burned this morning. Both were early signs with DS. But on the other hand, maybe it is just pms symptoms that I never noticed before. I don't drink a lot of coffee or have a lot of tww, so who knows.

So look at my dip this morning:

My Ovulation Chart

I realize that I don't have any pre-o temps, this was because we weren't trying. But once I realized I ovulated I started tracking again. My chart is all weird this cycle even for my tww.
I had some bleeding this morning. I'm at work and the midwife was able to get me in to radiology for an ultrasound. I haven't gotten a full report yet, but I was able to see and hear a heartbeat at 116 bpm 💓. Baby is measuring 6 weeks. My lmp puts me at 6+4, but ovulation puts me at 6+1. It's given me a little piece of mind for vacation.

Aww, glad to hear everything's going well. Keep doing your thing, little bean! :thumbup:
Well, I"m not feeling too hopeful this cycle, ladies.

BFN again today at 12/13dpiui (depending on which iui we base this off of), with AF due in about 3 days. I know I'm not out til AF shows, but I'm feeling discouraged. Let's hope I'm one of those gals that doesn't get a BFP until AF is late!

With my MC cycle I didn't get even a squinter until 15dpo I guess, so there's that. But I always figured the lines were so light and took so long because it wasn't a viable pregnancy.

What do you think? Should I hold out hope, or do you think the tests would have shown something by now?
I wouldn't give up home just quite yet. :hugs:

My temp went to my pre-o temp level today. So pretty sure af is trying to show. Which would mean I actually o'd sooner than I thought. I was incredibly crampy and cold last night which are both common for the day before af shows.

I just wish I wasn't so aware of my body and known what post-o feels like for me. I actually got my hopes up and it really sucks to be so crushed.

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