Getting really stressed out over reduced fetal movement


TTC #4
Dec 8, 2012
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Our little guy has always been excellent with his movements. Strong and frequent with the occasional quiet day here and there.

Since last week, I've barely been feeling him and have been frequently drinking juice and laying down. He's been getting his required movements during the two hour period, but it's still been causing a lot of anxiety.

Juice and laying down didn't work last Thursday so went to L&D to get checked since he didn't have 10 movements in 2 hours. I ended up there a lot with DD and was always sent home within the hour because she would pick up as soon as we got on the monitors, so I expected it to be the same with him.

He ended up getting his movements in, but he wasn't having proper accelerations with his movements, so they monitored me overnight and did a bpp in the morning. If things looked okay, they'd send me home, if not, they'd make a plan for delivery. Fortunately things looked good and went home. My midwife assured me she'd rather me call daily and get checked out than to not call.

He's been doing the bare minimum since. It's stressful with him doing the bare minimum, especially having to drink juice and lay down multiple times a day, which I can't do all day, every day.

He was pretty much constantly on the clock yesterday with his movements. It was almost like cluster movements. Like he'd move a bunch within about a half hour, and then nothing for hours. Move a bunch within half an hour, and then for hours again.

I ended up going in last night again. Everything looked fine so was sent home.

I mean, I'm glad everything has been coming back good, but here I am again today. I've barely felt him move all day, so I'm lying down now waiting to get movements. I have a feeling I'll be calling again.

This is really starting to cause a lot of stress and anxiety. I still have up to 2 weeks max to go, and I don't think I can handle this for another 14 days (as I'm assuming I'm going to end up induced again - which is adding more on top of what I'm feeling).
I'm sorry you're feeling so stressed. I had the same issue about 2 wks ago and my usuals didn't help her move at all. Luckily I was already at my prenatal appt so they strapped on the monitor and of course they saw what they wanted (it still wasn't her *usual* but good enough for them).

Other than juice have you tried ice water and ice chips? They ALWAYS work for me now. Gets her really going for a while.
Don't feel bad calling the midwife, that's what she's there for! Honestly, I'd be doing the same! Try to stay calm and enjoy the last few weeks :hugs:
Sorry it's so stressful, I've been in a couple of times to be monitored for rfm. Please don't pay too much attention to the "normal" number of movements, how can they say every baby will move 10 times in a set period?? Just go with what's normal for him but like pp said, never be worried to ring, you're not bothering them, it's their job.
This happened to me but started at 35 weeks. I brought up feeling reduced movements, but still getting movement, at 35 & again at 36 week appointment. That prompted a bpp and it turned out the cord was around her neck. We had a c section the next week, the cord was so tight they needed to use a vacuum and have a 3rd person help get her out. She was purple but healthy. She was fine at the 5 minute check.

Keep getting checked. Mother's intuition is a real thing. I was checked every other day in the week before she was born to ease my mind, whether I had felt regular movement or not. You've made it this far! Nevermind if someone looks at you funny or makes a comment, don't feel bad. In the end I'd rather be safe than sorry. You'll be ok.
Ps. There's a website called count the kicks which is really helpful. Xx
He finally got going a little bit with some milk duds :laugh2: Then had a bit of strong movements after a walk on the treadmill.

He normally responds well to grape juice, but sometimes I have to try other things. Like sometimes he's not in the mood for grape juice, and a chocolate shake will do it. I guess it all depends on what he wants :haha:

But it's just getting stressful dealing with this daily. Going through it and worrying for one day is hard enough, but day after day... Even if I get the movements I need, I still just don't always feel comfortable.

Last night he decided to sneak in a few movements while I was waiting for my midwife to call back. I told her he had moved some more while I was waiting, and she still had me to in to be safe since I was getting so close to the end and didn't want to risk anything. She said any time I feel like it's off, call.

I just hope he starts getting back into his old pattern to save my sanity for the next couple of weeks. I'm in school right now, so that's just adding to the stress of it.

Obviously his health is 100% priority, but I also have to decide when a phone call is needed and when it's not so I don't unnecessarily miss class. I only started 2 weeks ago and had to miss a lecture already last week because I was in the hospital being monitored. Then last night, I went in and took a test and left (though I already had all of my work for the night completed, so the instructor said to just go home and rest).

So I'm trying to juggle the health and safety of my baby while trying to be responsible with classes. Fortunately I'm at a school and have instructors who are absolutely will to work with me through this last part of pregnancy. They are truly amazing, but I also have to do my best to be there unless I absolutely need to be at the hospital.
Do you think they will induce you seeing as you're 39 weeks already? I mean, instead of waiting for natural labour..just in case baby needs to come out now?
That's what I'd be thinking "I'm pretty much 40 weeks, let's get this baby out!" Haha
The only way they'll induce right now is if something is abnormal on the monitor. They did a bpp last Friday where they said if they found something wrong, they'd deliver, but otherwise no, unfortunately.

I'm also a vbac hopeful, so it's really best if I go on my own as induction can increase the risk of a rupture.

I don't have my next appointment until next Thrusday which is my due date. I'm really hoping they'll induce next Friday. They are allowing me to go to 41 weeks as to try and avoid induction, but the ultrasound last Friday showed that he was almost 7 pounds. I worry that if I go to 41 weeks, he may possibly be in the weight range that increases my risk of rupture (which is roughly 8.8 - 9 pounds).

I would really hate to go to 41 weeks only to end up needing a c section because of his weight or rupture because of his weight (though a rupture can happen regardless of his weight or gestation, but less likely so). So I'm really hoping she'll agree 40 weeks as I feel like that's my best shot without increasing the risks too much, especially if I can get a foley catheter to help dilation (if I'm not dilated more by then - only 1cm at 38 weeks) and rupture of membranes. I think the rupture rate increases with the use of pitocin (which would only be a low dose anyway).

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