Getting very frightened about this.....


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2012
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I was just sat watching tv and there was a story on about paramedics and it played the live call of a man ringing them to explain his wife had gone into labour. She had the baby so quickly that he had to deliver it before the paramedics arrived. It was her second. Now, I had my first in 4 hours 50 mins from start to finish and I'm absolutely petrified this baby (due on the 29th) will arrive so quickly that I don't have time to get to the hospital. I really am scared stiff. How quickly did you have your second compared to your first. I will have to call my mum to come round and look after my son once my labour starts (she only lives 5 mins away), and the hospital is around 5-6 mins drive, bags and file are already in the car. My husband works away and will be home on the 20th (9 days before my due date). I just listened to this story, went grey and looked at my husband who I could see was having exactly the same thoughts as me. Is is likely this baby will come before we can get to the hosp? :cry:
Thanks for posting this, stalking the thread as I'm in a very similar position to you.

Second baby, first was 5.5 hour labour, hospital 10 minutes away but have to deal with getting my daughter sorted first.

Bit worrried it's going to happen soon, will be interested in the replies xx
Thanks so much for posting, kind of nice to know someone is feeling the same way, although obviously not that you are having the same worries, as I know it plays on your mind. Its makes it harder when you've already got a little one as you need to make sure they're looked after first and if the baby is on it's way what on earth can you do? We also had a similar first labour time, and I've heard of second labours being significantly shorter which is a big worry. Hospital won't take you in until you are in established labour so not like you can go in beforehand. Such a worry! :hugs:
My first labour was 2.5 hrs, Im booking a home birth for this one...just in case, as our hospital is 40 mins away...but if i think i want to go to hospital, ill be heading over at the first sign of a contraction...!!!
My first labour was 2.5 hrs, Im booking a home birth for this one...just in case, as our hospital is 40 mins away...but if i think i want to go to hospital, ill be heading over at the first sign of a contraction...!!!

Wow, 2.5 hrs first time!!

Don't blame you for opting for home birth, we considered it but there were a few reasons we changed our mind.

You're right though, first sign of contraction and ill be getting my daughter sorted and going to hospital xx
I'm in the same boat. Had my first one at home in about 6 hours from when I woke up thinking "is this labor?" to when he was born. We only called our midwife in time for her to be in our house for nine minutes before he came! We're planning to call much sooner this time, but have asked for more instruction as to what to do if baby comes before she arrives.

I'm paranoid my husband will be at work (he's an EMT) and my son will be home with me and things will move too fast to get anyone there to be with us. Oh well - I'll just go in as educated as I can and we'll see what happens!
My first was 8 hrs 2nd was 2 hrs I live far from the hospital hr n half drive and its going to be close to a summer hol amd I do not want a home birth so we are being induced I'm just fine with this also I don't have anyone close enough to just come get the girls if I go into labor
My first was 8 hours from start to finish, second was 27 hours. It really depends on baby. Not everyone has a faster 2nd labor. Hope that helps
I would try not to worry to much - I would think these sporadic deliveries would be quite uncommon. If you are seriously worried and only 5 minutes from the hospital by car, as soon as you think you're in labour, just all get in the car and go. The chances of having a baby in 10 minutes would be fairly rare I would think! Now if you were to have said you delivered in 30 minutes last time, then I would be concerned.
Try to relax - you won't be able to change anything. You're about as close to a hospital as you can be :)
I would try not to worry to much - I would think these sporadic deliveries would be quite uncommon. If you are seriously worried and only 5 minutes from the hospital by car, as soon as you think you're in labour, just all get in the car and go. The chances of having a baby in 10 minutes would be fairly rare I would think! Now if you were to have said you delivered in 30 minutes last time, then I would be concerned.
Try to relax - you won't be able to change anything. You're about as close to a hospital as you can be :)

The unfortunate thing about having another little one though is you can't just "all get in the car and go"!! You have to either drop other child off somewhere or wait for someone to come and get her. Obviously it's not going to happen in 10 minutes but I do know of a few second time mums who were told by hospital to wait longer and have ended up having baby at home on their own :argh:

Hopefully there will be some reassuring posts on this thread as there are obviously some of us who are genuinely a bit worried about it xx
Phoebe- do you have any neighbors or family on the way you could drop LO off with at last minute? I asked the people 2 doors down, and even at midnight they would take my LOs. If not you could always brin LO with you and have family meet you there to pick her up
I saw the same programme :haha: I actually got a bit emotional and cried :blush: strangely enough this is one thing that doesn't really worry me. Giving birth at home doesn't scare me, the only part I would be scared of is if the baby needed assistance to start breathing like my nephew did :S I think it's mainly because hospitals make me feel uneasy so in a way giving birth at home is quite appealing!
Also I'm very rarely home alone so I know I would at least have someone to assist me :)
With DD I had my first contraction around 7am and she came that night at 11:42pm....DS my waters broke at 10pm and he was born the next morning at 9:10am so both over 12 hours...hoping this baby is a little faster, a 5 hour labour would be nice maybe? :D

I had my first in 4hrs30mins and then 2nd in no.4 it was 28 mins. I am on no.7 now and being induced.
I'd secretly love this to happen to me, as long as I wasn't at home alone with my son.
My labour with him took 19 long hours so a super quick, take me by surprise labour would be great - I'd even be happy to do it completely alone!
This worrys me to. My ex boyfriends mum had 9 kids and each one just feel out, she said for one she went into labour and started to walk down the hallway and baby just came out not even 5min. Another she was in the hospital and the doc only lived across the road, checked her before she left and said baby was a long way from coming prob the next day and went home, she just walked in her door and got a call saying the baby arrived not 5 min after she left.. they could not believe it.
So I asked my midwife about it and she said that it is very rear for it to happen but it does... ahhhh
I'd secretly love this to happen to me, as long as I wasn't at home alone with my son.
My labour with him took 19 long hours so a super quick, take me by surprise labour would be great - I'd even be happy to do it completely alone!

I said the same thing but was also told that when ir does happen that fast your body can go into shock as you dont have time to process whats going on.. I think I will be happy with 3 hours like my sis for all her babys
Have you thought about a homebirth? Then you wouldn't need to worry about getting to the hospital.
My first two labours lasted a couple of days so timing wasn't a problem, but my third was quite quick and I went from 7cm to him being out in half an hour. We have opted for a homebirth this time x
I would try not to worry to much - I would think these sporadic deliveries would be quite uncommon. If you are seriously worried and only 5 minutes from the hospital by car, as soon as you think you're in labour, just all get in the car and go. The chances of having a baby in 10 minutes would be fairly rare I would think! Now if you were to have said you delivered in 30 minutes last time, then I would be concerned.
Try to relax - you won't be able to change anything. You're about as close to a hospital as you can be :)

The unfortunate thing about having another little one though is you can't just "all get in the car and go"!! You have to either drop other child off somewhere or wait for someone to come and get her. Obviously it's not going to happen in 10 minutes but I do know of a few second time mums who were told by hospital to wait longer and have ended up having baby at home on their own :argh:

Hopefully there will be some reassuring posts on this thread as there are obviously some of us who are genuinely a bit worried about it xx

I was genuinely trying to offer help by saying it would be unlikely and reassue her :shrug: I appreciate it's not ideal, but if she is genuinely concerned why not? I have a little girl too and this is my plan. At least being at the hospital if anything was to happen she would get medical assitance. I have a 40 minute drive to hospital and my nearest family member is 1.5 hours away. So yes I have concerns too! I only wished I lived nearer and so did my family. Sorry if my conern didn't sound genuine enough :nope:

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