Gifted Children?


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2007
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Has anyone got a child that has been defined as actually "gifted" or "exceptionally" gifted? If you do, what were they like when they were babies that gave you some clues? How did you find out?

Jw because my LO is veryadvanced with the things she can do intellectually, but is just average in her physical milestones.
I was in gifted classes at school, and apparently I got bored very easily as a child, was very inquisitive and into everything, and walked at 9 months.

I am far from gifted now :lol:
Interesting question.My kids are all normal kind of.One has learning difficulties but copes ok but my 2 year is starting to show lots of advanced signs.She trys to read a book and if its one i have read she will repeat it.She can count to ten already and has started to do all her colours and when she is playing with toys she puts them in colour order,She is a clever little madam and it shows in her tantrums as she likes to do everything all for herself.Her pre school have said she out does some 4 yr olds x
my sister was a gifted child, in the top 1% of intelligence. i cant remember what she was like under 1, but she was always really inquisitive, had to know how everything worked. was walking at a year (i was 18 months!), talking and all that stuff. by the time she started school, she could do her 11, 12, 13 times tables, could read and write - she went into school with mymum before she started, to see my teacher and was drawing crosses on the blackboard - so not proper words, but symbols!

at school, she was ALWAYS in trouble cos she got really bored and was disruptive, talking all the time cos she'd done all her work in minutes!
Renah's ahead in like...she started baby signing at 5 months after a very short period of me starting it, she just turned 7 months old and she says: mom, nan, no, and hi already, she pays attention to stories when you read to her and tries to turn the page, she comes up with creative ways of getting things, she has recognized herself in the mirror and makes actions to herself in it for a while now.

However, she rarely rolls over, was very late lifting her head on her tummy and has no interest whatsoever in moving around. She has started to try to drag herself on her belly but she gets frustrated because she can't get it fast enough and gives up :rofl:
it sounds like she's well clever!! katie recognised herself in the mirror a while ago, she loves looking at herself and if i stand to the side, sort of so she can see me and i can see her, she turns round to see me!

katie's a nightmare with books, i've given up for the time being...they just end up in her mouth!!
My eldest was identified as G&T at her first school and is fast tracking though school ATM. She's at a selective school (she came 75th out of just over 1500 kids who sat the entrance exam) and is in top sets there.

As a baby she was pretty average to do most things TBH - she didnt stand out to me as super bright but then I had nothing to compare he with really. She walked the week she turned 1 so not very quickly. She did read early though - I do remember that. The thing with Em is that she's not a child genius or anything - she's just a grafter. She works very hard at everything.:)
Both me and my sister were classed as that in school...we did advanced classes and all that.

Casen isn't in school yet so we don't know but I'm thinking he might be headed that way. He's been reading some since he was almost 4, he has been writing since 3, like really well. His brother just finished kindergarten and at 4 Casen does about 95% of everything Landon does. He reads pretty well, still needing some practice but has the basic concept of how to do it. He adds and subracts really well
Grace is the same as Renah, she is quite advanced intellectually, she knew how to do twinkle twinkle when she was about 5/6 months even if it just came on tv, she would open and close her hands like a 'star' and she could say mama, by 7/8 months she could also say baba and hiya and understood things like turning pages in books to look for the next thing etc. Now at almost 1 she can do all of that, she says nana and gay :)dohh: ) although gay is the only one not used in context (e.g. if she sees a phone she says hiys, if she wants me she says mama) and I think when she says gay she is trying to say Grace. However she was late doing the physical stuff like sitting, rolling, and standing and can stand herself up now, has been for a couple of months but she still has to hold on with at least one hand. She is very bright just not that physical, bit like myself lol I was quite bright in primary school, I had the reading age of an 18 year old at 7 and I was very very good at spelling.
Yeah I was in advanced classes at school too, I was reading adult level books when I was in primary grades & I was quite good at math until I got in high school and stopped paying attention because I didn't like it. I graduated from highschool with awards in social studies & english. My sister is a math genius and has been asked to teach classes at her school even though she is only going into her 3rd year of undergrad.

However, I am also not physical at all. I couldn't skip rope as a child very well, I have ZERO coordination :rofl: Maybe she turns after me in that respect.
My 6yr old brother is very bright intellectually. He does have aspergers though and in his case his talents may be because of that. He was late to talk, but as his primary carer from 6 weeks to 2yrs I read to him a lot. He was very interested though, he had a huge stack of books and every night i'd have to read them all to him, without fail. When he did start talking when he was about 2 and a half he jumped straight into reading. I'm sure most of it was just repetitive, as he could recite cat in the hat, but he would also follow the words with his finger which made me think he at least understood the correllation between the words on the page and what he was saying. His favourite car game would be to see store signs (like Asda, Morrisons etc.) and spell out the words and then repeat them backwards e.g. A-S-D-A, A-D-S-A Asda. He's obsessed with cars and knows lots of different models and engine sizes and other random car type things that I have no clue about, but again, i'm sure it's mostly the autism in him. Not to detract from his talents at all though!

Now he's at school his reading, writing and maths skills are years ahead, but his verbal and communication skills are lagging a year or two behind, which is expected.

If she's showing such an interest, keep it going! Make reading interesting and fun, including silly noises and see where she goes from there! It definitely won't harm her!
I was gifted, have always excelled and am now a member of MENSA. I've been told by family members it was mainly my huge level of empathy that gave it away. I knew the alphabet and was able to write my name plus mummy and daddy by the age of 2. I was also given educational-only toys and was encouraged to read a lot, which I think definitely nurtured my abilities.
I am just shortly under above average only- we didnt have different classes at my school- I could read and write before school as my sister taught it to me, but I was sooo bad a t maths- I am pretty split there when it come to that. (being pretty good at spelling reading , grammar buut bad at maths and coordination is also pretty bad, so I was always the person who got only an average grade in PE) xD

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