girl gang freed after kicking a girl in the head and racially abusing her.

BTW I have been reading about this on Somali forums and even the 'wannabe gangster' types are deeply shocked and angered at these girls and there is a lot of naming and shaming going on of these girls and others who are involved in any type of criminality or violence xx
I didn't say the media have twisted this case in particular but yes they do twist generally the perception of legal bias towards Muslims and stories on discrimination against Muslims, I wrote

Also just because of this one story people assume that in every case Muslims (or those who are nominally Muslim) get away with everything and the equivalent white person gets a harsh sentence in every case? This is totally untrue and again is just more proof of the media twisting things

I don't see how that could be misconstrued that I was saying these girls should get off or that the media had twisted the story in this case? I was talking about on the whole. Yes many Somalis do drink and its a fallacy to call them Muslims just because of their country of origin, and yes the girls in this case were disgraceful I never said they weren't, but to reiterate the way the media would have people believe is that this type of thing is happening on a daily basis in courtrooms up and down the land and Muslims are getting away with allsorts on religious grounds; this simply isn't true. I have had a few friends who are or were journalists on national newspapers, and the stuff they have told me is pretty mind blowing, there is a definite agenda to portray Muslims in a certain light, whereas in the past it would have been Jews, or blacks, or communists, this is of course no longer acceptable and the media needs a current bogeyman. In the recent Leveson enquiry a Daily Star Journalist who resigned because of this type of thing, said it was his job really to make up false stories about Muslims to make it appear like Muslims had an agenda to take over the UK and really frighten people. Now please let me reiterate I am NOT saying this is the case here but the overall picture you would get from reading this story and others involving Muslims is that Muslims always get off because they plead religious grounds for their behaviour-not true at all. Then, if you believe the media, Muslims get fancy food and lodgings on the purportedly few occasions when they are in prison-again not true xx

Hey, I'm not a person stupid enough to believe media hype. I'm pretty sure Muslims don't give a flying fook about Christmas trees ect. Yes I agree the media hype it up and then people do believe it to be true. Like I said I'm an earlier post I think the Islamic communities here in Leicester are trying to make positive steps in promoting the opposite , I saw a young Muslim lad in his 20s collecting poppies ( I can't see a problem as it's not political or religious?) and the faith days they've reported welcoming all to get together is fab because it is proving you can't tar all of one religion with one brush. You can't blame people for fear and ignorance. You obviously realise why your
religion is so hated and it's going to take a huge amount of time to ever rebuild it, that's if it can rebuild it. If you think back , maybe I'm being a little ignorant here and this is my own experience most people of Asian or middle eastern heritage would all be called p**ks , doesn't matter if they were Hindu , Muslim sihqu ect they would all be called that word.Since 9/11 it's been a dramatic change of now knowing the difference and now you get singled out for your religion rather than your skin colour. They now know the difference . I suppose I can be guilty of Reading things and being scared. A few months ago I read about a black boxer who converted to Islam. He's not a wierdo loner with no self astern hrs a confident boxer so pretty sure he's not been groomed into turning to Islam but the things he was saying were vile against non Muslims. You can't blame people for being scared can you?
My 12 yr old has different Indian friends at school,and I'm hugely for teaching him about all religions. Unfortunatly some probably not all of the Muslim boys have recently been saying they want to join the Taliban when they're old enough. In the world cup (think there's 3 Muslim boys in the popular club!) they hate England and want anyone else to win but them. It saddens me they think like this as they're really nice boys, Conor is bemused when asking why they would want England to lose when they were born here. I'm honestly not Islam bashing here at all, I'm trying to get across why people feel this way.
Can I ask, are you White English and converted to Islam or born into your religion?? I ask because of the huge amount of young White females who have converted through marrying . I think they get alot of abuse more so than someone of colour.
That video is so upsetting. that poor girl and seeing her boyfriend trying to defend and help her just made me so upset. Thise girls are savages whether white/black/blue or bloody purple and should not have been allowed off so lightly! This has absolutely nothing to do with religion in the sense that they are just vile violent thugs. However, if the comments about her being called a 'white slag' etc etc are true then yes this was a racially motivated attack and should have been treated as such.


Edited after read all of the posts: I think that people in general will appreciate that not all Muslims are like this. Of course you do have your small, narrow minded people who will believe the worst of every case, but that's not speaking for the majority I dont believe. However, these girls used Islam in order to get them a reduced sentence which is completely unfair. I could not have a drink, batter someone so violently and then claim that because I am catholic and not used to drinking I should be let off. It would work exactly the same way and further more if the girl I battered was Muslim and I referred to her a s 'Muslim slag' then surely to goodness you would all agree that I am racist and my attack was racially motivated?
I converted to Islam in my teens years before I ever got married in fact I didn't know any Muslims at the time, it's a common misconception that most women convert because of a boyfriend or husband, while I do know of a couple of women like that, I'd say 95% of the converts I know became Muslim without being in any type of relationship with a muslim man. Charities and organisations that help Muslim converts have seen this fact as well. When I converted my mother did lose friends because they believed I had been brainwashed into converting by a Muslim boyfriend, which simply wasn't the case at all. A minority of Muslims do get involved with extremist movements, particularly young men but you get this with any religion or political movement, the Muslim community on the whole reject such ideology and it is spoken out very strongly against in mosques on Friday and lectures at mosques, this being a required action in the faith as even the Prophet PBUH spoke out against extremism in the religion and that it must be stopped as soon as it is observed; however this isn't publicized by the media because they need to promote the idea that moderate Muslims do nothing to speak out against extremism. Even the BBC told a mosque in Manchester that I used to visit that they wouldn't be having their very eloquent, moderate Imam on their programmes because he was not 'extreme' enough. Xx
I am not muslim, I am roman catholic, but I even know Muhammad did not teach these awful things that people think he did, he always taught tolerance, charity and acceptance. Do you know Muslims also believe in Jesus? They believe he was a prophet , these extremists take Islam and take Muhammad's teachings and twist them, even JIHAD , Muhammad only allowed Jihad if it was absolutely necessary . Muhammad's teachings even about women have been twisted, it is very sad, Islam is a very peaceful religion that has been misunderstood and hated because of the few that call for people to die in the name of Islam. Islam is peace not war.

I do however believe that those girls should be punished and be treated equally. :flower::flower:
Well I couldnt care what your colour is if you have been racially abusing or attacking anyone you deserve to be punished..
If the tables were turned at that was a gang of white girls attacking a muslim girl we wouldnt hear the end of it.
Its a bit disheartening to know our justice system is failing because of a stupid thing like they are muslim so they arent used to drinking.. What utter shit :wacko:
Its a joke really how there are excuses like that that are allowed to be used..

What is this country coming to! :nope:
I actually think if it was a gang of white girls attacking a Muslim girl you most probably wouldn't hear about it at all, most attacks on Muslims are never publicised by the national newspapers, only the local ones. In the very same editions of the local newspapers in Leicester there was an article about a Muslim family who had been subject to a campaign of violence and intimidation because of their religion specifically not just on one night but for years-yet this wasn't in any of the national papers. There have also been cases of Muslims (and others from minorities) being seriously beaten or even killed by drunken thugs and it doesn't even make the papers when it is going through court because it isn't considered newsworthy, one case was a mile from me-some drunk right wing extremists smashed up a mosque and attacked the men praying there while shouting racist and religious abuse and some of those attacked have suffered lasting psychological and physical affects; like the victim in the Leicester case. Yes these girls deserve to be punished but I hardly think the entire justice system has failed or is collapsing because of this one case. What about all the cases where judges say its ok for a man to sleep with a 10 or 12 year old because she looked older and he gets off with it? Or people who kill kids in hit and run incidents and its only classed as dangerous driving and not murder and they are jailed for barely any time at all? There are travesties of justice every day but this case is the one people think was the straw that broke the camels back....?
I actually think if it was a gang of white girls attacking a Muslim girl you most probably wouldn't hear about it at all, most attacks on Muslims are never publicised by the national newspapers, only the local ones. In the very same editions of the local newspapers in Leicester there was an article about a Muslim family who had been subject to a campaign of violence and intimidation because of their religion specifically not just on one night but for years-yet this wasn't in any of the national papers. There have also been cases of Muslims (and others from minorities) being seriously beaten or even killed by drunken thugs and it doesn't even make the papers when it is going through court because it isn't considered newsworthy, one case was a mile from me-some drunk right wing extremists smashed up a mosque and attacked the men praying there while shouting racist and religious abuse and some of those attacked have suffered lasting psychological and physical affects; like the victim in the Leicester case. Yes these girls deserve to be punished but I hardly think the entire justice system has failed or is collapsing because of this one case. What about all the cases where judges say its ok for a man to sleep with a 10 or 12 year old because she looked older and he gets off with it? Or people who kill kids in hit and run incidents and its only classed as dangerous driving and not murder and they are jailed for barely any time at all? There are travesties of justice every day but this case is the one people think was the straw that broke the camels back....?

Do you honestly believe that.. Because I dont... At all!
I actually think if it was a gang of white girls attacking a Muslim girl you most probably wouldn't hear about it at all, most attacks on Muslims are never publicised by the national newspapers, only the local ones. In the very same editions of the local newspapers in Leicester there was an article about a Muslim family who had been subject to a campaign of violence and intimidation because of their religion specifically not just on one night but for years-yet this wasn't in any of the national papers. There have also been cases of Muslims (and others from minorities) being seriously beaten or even killed by drunken thugs and it doesn't even make the papers when it is going through court because it isn't considered newsworthy, one case was a mile from me-some drunk right wing extremists smashed up a mosque and attacked the men praying there while shouting racist and religious abuse and some of those attacked have suffered lasting psychological and physical affects; like the victim in the Leicester case. Yes these girls deserve to be punished but I hardly think the entire justice system has failed or is collapsing because of this one case. What about all the cases where judges say its ok for a man to sleep with a 10 or 12 year old because she looked older and he gets off with it? Or people who kill kids in hit and run incidents and its only classed as dangerous driving and not murder and they are jailed for barely any time at all? There are travesties of justice every day but this case is the one people think was the straw that broke the camels back....?

Let me just tell you I live in New York and if it was white girls attacking a Muslim girl , believe me, it would be on the cover of every major newspaper in the New York area... New York is the one town that everything is known right away and every person screams racism when they think it will work for them, NOT saying there is not racism and some are being attacked (Not just muslim) but anyone now can say oh they attacked me or arrested me cause i am black, white , asian, everyone screams racism, at least in New York they do. And it is sad cause the cases where real racism is going on are ignored because of all the idiots lying about being discriminated against. I just am saying I highly disagree with that statement that it would not be heard about this incident if it was white girls, I know where I live it would for sure be heard about , believe me..
I actually think if it was a gang of white girls attacking a Muslim girl you most probably wouldn't hear about it at all, most attacks on Muslims are never publicised by the national newspapers, only the local ones. In the very same editions of the local newspapers in Leicester there was an article about a Muslim family who had been subject to a campaign of violence and intimidation because of their religion specifically not just on one night but for years-yet this wasn't in any of the national papers. There have also been cases of Muslims (and others from minorities) being seriously beaten or even killed by drunken thugs and it doesn't even make the papers when it is going through court because it isn't considered newsworthy, one case was a mile from me-some drunk right wing extremists smashed up a mosque and attacked the men praying there while shouting racist and religious abuse and some of those attacked have suffered lasting psychological and physical affects; like the victim in the Leicester case. Yes these girls deserve to be punished but I hardly think the entire justice system has failed or is collapsing because of this one case. What about all the cases where judges say its ok for a man to sleep with a 10 or 12 year old because she looked older and he gets off with it? Or people who kill kids in hit and run incidents and its only classed as dangerous driving and not murder and they are jailed for barely any time at all? There are travesties of justice every day but this case is the one people think was the straw that broke the camels back....?

Do you honestly believe that.. Because I dont... At all!

I believe it based on factual evidence of other incidences where Muslims have been attacked; around 3 mosques are arson attacked-some completely burnt to the ground in England alone every week (let alone other places) and there are many incidents of Muslim women and girls being racially/religiously attacked by girl gangs who are often drunk; as well as cases of Muslim men (often elderly) being attacked and even killed by gangs, again these are rarely publicised in national newspapers and almost never on the TV news except in the local area where it happened (if that). So yes I believe had this particular case been the other way round; it would not have been reported, because other similar cases have not been reported. Yet if there is a protest by Anjem Choudhary's group of 10 (literally) or any other negative story where Muslims are causing trouble; all the national papers, TV channels etc are there ASAP. I used to do media monitoring after 9/11 as part of an organisation and along with knowing people who work in the media; it was one of the things that opened my eyes to some shocking things. But if you want examples go to Islamophobia watch and tell me how many of those stories of Muslims being attacked; you saw in the Daily Mail or indeed any other national newspaper, I'd say its about 1 in 10, if that.

Just two examples of many

both stories cite their sources. Strangely I don't remember seeing these in the Daily Fail...

BTW my dad is not Muslim, very educated and yet he used to take at face value the whole media picture of Muslims in the UK; he used to think attacks on Muslims were very rare if non-existent yet Muslims stirred up trouble left right and centre he now realises through me being attacked and things he has seen IRL that the opposite picture is a lot more accurate and it makes his blood boil. He used to be a college lecturer and has come across some real scum who happen to be from a Muslim background; who in some cases got away with stuff they shouldn't (on race grounds not religious ones) but he knows that is a minority. He reads the Times but even though thats a broadsheet its editorial stance on Muslims is very similar to the Sun xx
I actually think if it was a gang of white girls attacking a Muslim girl you most probably wouldn't hear about it at all, most attacks on Muslims are never publicised by the national newspapers, only the local ones. In the very same editions of the local newspapers in Leicester there was an article about a Muslim family who had been subject to a campaign of violence and intimidation because of their religion specifically not just on one night but for years-yet this wasn't in any of the national papers. There have also been cases of Muslims (and others from minorities) being seriously beaten or even killed by drunken thugs and it doesn't even make the papers when it is going through court because it isn't considered newsworthy, one case was a mile from me-some drunk right wing extremists smashed up a mosque and attacked the men praying there while shouting racist and religious abuse and some of those attacked have suffered lasting psychological and physical affects; like the victim in the Leicester case. Yes these girls deserve to be punished but I hardly think the entire justice system has failed or is collapsing because of this one case. What about all the cases where judges say its ok for a man to sleep with a 10 or 12 year old because she looked older and he gets off with it? Or people who kill kids in hit and run incidents and its only classed as dangerous driving and not murder and they are jailed for barely any time at all? There are travesties of justice every day but this case is the one people think was the straw that broke the camels back....?

Let me just tell you I live in New York and if it was white girls attacking a Muslim girl , believe me, it would be on the cover of every major newspaper in the New York area... New York is the one town that everything is known right away and every person screams racism when they think it will work for them, NOT saying there is not racism and some are being attacked (Not just muslim) but anyone now can say oh they attacked me or arrested me cause i am black, white , asian, everyone screams racism, at least in New York they do. And it is sad cause the cases where real racism is going on are ignored because of all the idiots lying about being discriminated against. I just am saying I highly disagree with that statement that it would not be heard about this incident if it was white girls, I know where I live it would for sure be heard about , believe me..

You live in New york; where I have visited myself and I have friends there; with all due respect the media and society in the US and New York in particular; is completely different. There is a bias against Muslims in the media in both the US and UK but it manifests itself in different ways. In the US it is more on the political level where Muslims are talked about negatively in the media; but if Muslims are attacked there or discriminated against it does seem to be publicised equally; this is not the case in the UK xx
A very interesting blog piece on this issue (and particular Rhea Page case) by Islamophobia Watch (a blog which btw is written by non-Muslims concerned with the rise of Islamophobia in the media and government). Its long but well worth a read.

Also this speech by Peter Oborne who himself writes for the Daily Mail as a columnist, so a view from the inside on stories about Muslims being embellished or even fabricated in the media with the intention of inciting hatred or even violence against Muslims; also he is very right wing ordinarily so its not like he is a 'left wing loony' or anything like that, please try to ignore the shaky cam
I am Muslim just for the record.

I find this story SHOCKING and upsetting. I really hope there is more to the story than I've read because it's just unacceptable that these girls can get away with this. The judge should be investigated if not fired. The perpetrators should be retried and have severe punishments. I hope their parents are coming down harsh on them at least. Completely disgusting. :nope:
Color, race, religion, sex, age, ARE NO EXCUSE.
you don't act like a bunch of wild animals, and cause HARM to people.
you just don't.

That's sick and disgusting.
also, props to her boyfriend.
Obviously, everybody should be treated fairly, but theres a reason why THIS story is all over the news, because its stirs up racial tension, which is exactly what some media outlets want. Many of these stories are used to then provoke revenge attacks on completely innocent Muslims, i agree, those girls should have been punished properly and got off lightly, maybe another judge/another day, they would have, but the fact that stories like this make the front page should really tell us something x
Obviously, everybody should be treated fairly, but theres a reason why THIS story is all over the news, because its stirs up racial tension, which is exactly what some media outlets want. Many of these stories are used to then provoke revenge attacks on completely innocent Muslims, i agree, those girls should have been punished properly and got off lightly, maybe another judge/another day, they would have, but the fact that stories like this make the front page should really tell us something x

Tell us what though? That a gang of girls attacked an innocent girl and her boyfriend, beating her repeatedly until she was motionless on the floor and her boyfriend had to resort to violence in order to defend her? This attack was sickening but I dont think it has just been reported to stir up racial tension. Oh dont get me wrong, I dont doubt the media do this sort of thing, but regardless off that fact...these girls committed a crime and it should be reported for all to know and it shouldnt be hidden away just because they are Muslim (not saying you said this), it needed brought to the public's attention and I'm glad they have been named and shamed.

Then the media should publicise attacks on Muslims in an equal way...but that is not going to happen.
Then the media should publicise attacks on Muslims in an equal way...but that is not going to happen.

I completely agree which was kind of my point. I am saying that attacks of violence need to be shown...not just Muslim on white or even vice versa. I feel that it's getting a little off track because it seems that these girls are being defended because it isnt as well publicised if a Muslim is attacked...that shouldnt matter in the slightest, violence is violence.
Then the media should publicise attacks on Muslims in an equal way...but that is not going to happen.

I completely agree which was kind of my point. I am saying that attacks of violence need to be shown...not just Muslim on white or even vice versa. I feel that it's getting a little off track because it seems that these girls are being defended because it isnt as well publicised if a Muslim is attacked...that shouldnt matter in the slightest, violence is violence.

Yeah, but they're not. The only reason this case was highlighted was probably due to the insane reaction of the judge. Having said that, I have finally looked at the video and I do wonder what happened before. I think I read somewhere that the BF has a violent past and used racist language. The act seen on video are disgusting and should be punished but I wonder if there's something in teh case which the Daily Fail are failing to report because the story would be a little less scandalous? :shrug:
Then the media should publicise attacks on Muslims in an equal way...but that is not going to happen.

I completely agree which was kind of my point. I am saying that attacks of violence need to be shown...not just Muslim on white or even vice versa. I feel that it's getting a little off track because it seems that these girls are being defended because it isnt as well publicised if a Muslim is attacked...that shouldnt matter in the slightest, violence is violence.

Yeah, but they're not. The only reason this case was highlighted was probably due to the insane reaction of the judge. Having said that, I have finally looked at the video and I do wonder what happened before. I think I read somewhere that the BF has a violent past and used racist language. The act seen on video are disgusting and should be punished but I wonder if there's something in teh case which the Daily Fail are failing to report because the story would be a little less scandalous? :shrug:

It just worries me that people are coming back with the attitude of 'well this story shouldnt be publicised because it wouldnt have been publicised if it were an attack on muslims'. All I mean is that regardless of who is attacking who it's bloody disgusting!

As for the attack itself. Apparently the boy and girl where walking by and the gang of girls came up behind them shouting 'white slag'. The couple didnt see them....although I do agree that there could be more to the story, but it isnt only being run by the Daily Mail.


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