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Giving Tastes !!


Mother, Nanny
Jul 1, 2008
Reaction score
Now I dont want to start a debate or any arguments, but I have a question.
How many of you mums gave your baby a taste of what you were eating?? now I am not talking about newborn or anything I am talking about when they get to 4-5 months, like if you are eating ice-cream, potatoes, soup, things like that, has any of you dipped in your pinkie and let baby have a taste. Now I know there is a lot of different opinions on this topic so please no DEBATING, everyone has different ways of parenting and I was just curious.

I will be the first to admit I have and I am not ashamed to admit it, I dont feel I am a bad mother, or abusing my children in any way by giving them a TASTE.
Colton does all the time. Of EVERYTHING! And not just our food, also our drinks.
He is so rotten, when we eat he thinks that he is going to get some too. He will reach for our drinks and try and bring them to his mouth. Same with our food/plates.
So, now, if I'm eating something I really dont want him to have I will give him one of his biscuits or something :lol:
I do absolutely give him a taste, apart from anything that he may be allergic too. He has even grabbed my tea cup and had a couple of sips out of it. No harm in the odd taste I think.
There's nothing that is OFF limits as I'd rather take the mystery out of things.
Thanks girls I made a comment on another site and OMG I was basically told I was abusing my children!!! I know there is certain things a child should not get but these people really torn shreads off me!!! But I am glad that there is people here that have done it because this is the one forum where I totally trust the ladies. Thanks again xx
I'm shocked that people would suggest there's anything wrong with that :shock: I've let Sam taste things when I've been cooking or eating anything runny enough (obviously nothing that's not safe for him to try), and he'll be tasting more things if he wants to now that he likes his finger foods :D ...what harm could it possibly do?! x
course I have, its the whole exciting thing for a baby, in fact I think it would be bad if we didnt let them have little tastes of everything:confused:

its how a baby eventually goes on to the food we eat:cloud9:

the world has gone mad sabby, remind me not to enter that site:rofl: or better still let me at them:rofl:
:shock: Giving your baby a taste is the same thing as child abuse??? :confused:

I know Hannah's not old enough now but I'm certain when she is she'll be having tastes of some of what we eat and I don't see any problems with it
That site would have locked my oh up for sure, he gave Katie jam :shock::lol:
This was Jack tring to get a 'taste' off a family friend last Saturday night!!!:rofl::rofl:
This was Jack tring to get a 'taste' off a family friend last Saturday night!!!:rofl::rofl:

That is so funny :rofl:
This was Jack tring to get a 'taste' off a family friend last Saturday night!!!:rofl::rofl:

That is so funny :rofl:

:rofl::rofl: I love it!

I'll join Mamafy if you'll let me at them :grr: If you'd said you were feeding Dec nothing but ice cream I could see why they might be concerned but I don't think we need to worry about the boy with more breakfast variety than any other child on earth :laugh2: x
child abuse :rofl: I gave Oscar a taste of bailies when he was a month old :lol:

you should have seen his face :blush: Only the once though..

Of course you can give tastes, I reckon it encourages them to experiment with foods......these people probably go to spain and eat burgers :lol:
i got shouted at for giving Jayden mash the other day by my health visitor! :( i felt like a horrible mummy because she said i could damage his insides to introducing foods to early but i think4months+ is ok i guess, she said anything over 20 weeks is when you should start introducing new foods x
Love it bev! :rofl:
Froth off my cappucino! He was in the zone, I'm telling you :lol:
loving these pics of cheeky bubbas nicking our grub :rofl:
OMG as if you would give you baby TASTES! So irresponsible! :rofl: o/j

I think its fine as long as you're not giving them too much too soon. I give Caitlyn tastes and she always pulls a face as if everything i give her to taste is absolutely disgusting and how dare i put that in her mouth. She was bitting on a carrot earlier! Obviously peeled and cleaned works wonders for teething!

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