God hates me


Mar 9, 2011
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I'm sorry, but this is a rant. I know people have much worse problems, but I feel like I've been put through the ringer, today and I need to let it all out. Here it goes:

God hates me... Not only that, but He likes to torture me. I've been lightly spotting on and off for the last 2 days. Hardly anything and it's only brown. AF is due today, and that's all I've gotten... plus a BFN on an IC. My LP is short, though, so I'm only 13dpo... so I know it might just be too early to show up. Or, AF could rear her ugly face later tonight and the spotting was just her gearing up. Who knows? So for 2 days it's these swings of emotions from "maybe it's IB?" Or "Oh no AF is on her way" then the spotting stops and I'm like, "Huh, maybe I am pregnant..."

On top of all that DH and I have been trying to buy a house. We put in an offer and gave the seller asking price AND offered to pay all of closing (we really wanted this house... in our dream neighborhood. Very cute, well kept up, etc.) Everything looked great. We signed the contract and they had verbally accepted our offer. Then, today they decide to take another offer!!!!! So now we aren't getting the house, and I'm probably about to start my stupid period. WORST DAY EVER!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you for letting me vent. I needed to. Whew. That feels better.
Hey sometimes you have to just let it out!!!! And ps.. Im sure God doesn't hate you :) Cheer up lady, I bet he has a wayyy better house for you guys! Good luck!
Thanks! I know you're right, but it feels like He's toying with me. Oh here's the perfect house.... just kidding. Oh.. here's every pregnancy symptom in the world 28 months in a row... just kidding again. It's just a lot to take, you know? And it feels like it's hitting me on all sides. I had a good cry, so I feel marginally better.
Buying a house is so nerve-wrecking! DH and I bought ours in November and it was practically a bidding war! We offered up full price plus closing costs and thankfully they accepted our offer, but they almost wouldn't even let us look at the house! (they already had 'too many' offers??) You will find the right home, and when you do, it couldn't hurt to write a letter along with your offer, sharing who you and your DH are, how you want to start your lives together in the house, etc. I have heard it can help sway sellers if they get multiple offers. Worse thing that would happen is you would look silly! :)

And your body is trolling you on top of all this??? No fair! I'm sorry this day has been crap. :hugs:
I agree that a better house will come along! and keep up with trying it will eventually work and you'll be the happiest you're ever been! i hope your pregnant! its good to have a cry and get things off your chest <3 it will all work itself out oxox hang in there
Thanks ladies! I appreciate your support so much!
I went through buying a house last July, and it was hell. We had our hearts set on this one house, and told our realtor we wanted to put in an offer. As soon as she filed the offer, they had already accepted another offer literally hours before we put in ours! So then we found another house. Fell in love with this house. Decided to put in an offer, and of course, that same day, the seller decided she wanted to rent the property instead. We felt down and out but kept looking. Now I live in a house ten times better than those other two! Don't give up:) As far as the spotting goes, AF tricked me last cycle with spotting for a couple of days before my period. Then, she came in full force. Our bodies do crazy things sometimes, especially under stress.
Yes buying a house is soooo stressful! And with ttc already being so difficult, it makes it 10 times worse! I feel like we have this looming deadline approaching as the interest rates are going up! It sucks!!!
Sometimes I feel that Got hates me, too. I know that he doesn't, but today I just feel like that!! Good luck with your house!
I feel like that sometimes too, or that He is punishing me for something. Even though I have asked for forgiveness for things I shouldn't have done I still feel like God is making me wait because of that.

It doesn't help that I sometimes feel so angry toward God for all of this that I can't even pull myself out of my bed for church on Sundays.
Sorry - some days it really does seem like that :flower: hope things look up and I hope you are just having implantation bleeding
I completely know the feeling!! I am 100% Christian and I feel like that sometimes so its not a matter of chrisitianity and/or religion. Sometimes it feels like everything that can go wrong in my life, DOES go wrong! But I GET THROUGH IT! I know you really wanted that house, but something better could be in store for you ( I know that's not what you want to hear). I believe God does everything for a reason.

There are some days when I look at how people kill or abuse their children and here there are women (including myself) that are wanting babies more than food or water. I just don't understand it! Sometimes I wonder why my lady parts are so faulty :( when some people can conceive just by coughing lol

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