It's a bit different as my daughter was a bit older when she started (9 months), but my suggestion would be, if it's at all possible, to ease into it if you can. Rather than starting full-time from the start, could you do 3 days a week for the first month or two? That gives you both time to adjust. We started just 2 mornings a week at first, then moved to 3 full days after two months (then I worked part-time until she was 2, mostly because of finances, we couldn't afford to send her 5 days with me working so I worked in evenings and some weekends to save on childcare).
Beyond that, I would say, make the most of the time you have together and really emphasize things that work on bonding and attachment when you are home from work. We were bedsharing anyway, but the time we had together during the night became even more important when I hadn't been with her during the day. If you can find ways to keep her close during the night, make bedtimes really special with lots of cuddles and time together, wear her in a wrap while you make breakfast or do whatever you need to do around the house so that you aren't missing out on that close contact just because you need to make breakfast or do some housework. I definitely second the idea of a cleaner if you can afford it.
I work full-time now, but even when I was still working part-time, we also really made weekends about family time. Honestly, we don't plan a lot during the weekends that means either of us is off doing something not part of the family, so we each have less time for ourselves and we see friends less. But we make weekend time very much about being together as a family and I think that helped too.