The last (and first time) I've had an ambulance called for me was back in April. It was just after my step father was arrested for sexually abusing me for 10 years. I was ok at first as I'd not told anyone (apart from my OH who only found out 1 year earlier) but one night when OH was working I decided to relax with one glass of wine.. which turned into a bottle. OH came home, we had a huge argument because I was drunk and NEEDED to tell someone what had happened but he didn't want to hear at that point as it was too much for him.
He walked out and I lost it. I went through 2 sets of kitchen knives before I realised what I was doing and was apparently covered in blood. OH came home because he 'knew' something was wrong and freaked out. Next thing I know there's police and paramedics in my living room - they wouldn't even let me go to the loo by myself. In the end I persuaded them that I wasn't trying to kill myself and I didn't need to go to hospital (they didn't take me because of that and because my cuts weren't very deep).
I can't tell you how terrible I felt the next day and am still embarrassed to this very day that they had to come out when they could have been somewhere else with someone who NEEDED their help.
Sorry for the TMI.