group b strep


mummy to katie
May 4, 2008
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just had a call off the midwife to say the wee sample they took last week's come back to say i've got it. great. got to start on antibiotics tonight and then got to have them in labour. guess that rules out my water birth then.

what else can fucking go wrong????????:hissy::hissy::hissy::hissy:
aww hun, I know it's a bit disappointing (i've got it too) but at least they found out and can treat you for it to avoid any chances of it effecting bubs x
I'm groub b strep positive too and I was told that antibiotics during pregnancy was pointless and they only give them during labour. I've had them iv during labour only and 2 of my babies have had to have iv antibiotics too as they were early, I didn't have enough antibiotics in labour as I laboured too fast and the consultant didn't want to take the risk. And nope they said I couldn't have a water birth coz of it too:cry:

Hmmmm, I wonder if procedures have changed, I'll ask at my appointment with my consultant on Thurs. Will you let me know what your Dr says too Alice please?

This link was helpful to me last time....I'm gonna go and have a read in case it's been updated
Sorry to hear that hun, real shame. They don't even test for it in my area, I asked the midwife about it and she said they only do it if you ask for it - WTF!? How would you know to ask for it? So I asked, and had a swab taken and should be able to find out results tomorrow.
I have this too and find out by chance really when they were checking why I was bleeding.
I have also been told it is pointless having anti-biotics during pregnancy and that I would only have them during labour.
Anyone know about whether baby has to stay in longer to check they are ok???
I have this too and find out by chance really when they were checking why I was bleeding.
I have also been told it is pointless having anti-biotics during pregnancy and that I would only have them during labour.
Anyone know about whether baby has to stay in longer to check they are ok???

Yes - apparently they like to keep baby in for 24-48 hours after birth for observation.
Dont worry... alot of women are Step B positive, it does not really affect healthy adults. They give you anti-biotics during birth to keep your baby safe, as their immune system is not good enough and if they get strep b it makes them more susceptible to meningitis and other things.

Its completely preventable though, so DONT WORRY!!!!

Here the test is standard around 36weeks.
Dont worry... alot of women are Step B positive, it does not really affect healthy adults. They give you anti-biotics during birth to keep your baby safe, as their immune system is not good enough and if they get strep b it makes them more susceptible to meningitis and other things.

Its completely preventable though, so DONT WORRY!!!!

Here the test is standard around 36weeks.

In England they don't actually routinely test for GBS at any stage:hissy:

Usually only if there are risk factors's definitely not a routine test here.

Don't mean to be argumentative but it is something to worry about as 1-2 in every 10 baby's who contract GBS die....a very high percentage (10-20%) :cry:
Don't mean to be argumentative but it is something to worry about as 1-2 in every 10 baby's who contract GBS die....a very high percentage (10-20%) :cry:

Yes, and that is exactly why in Canada we have a mandatory test at 36 weeks :winkwink:

With group B strep, prevention is the key. It sounds like Alice&bump is receiving the correct precautions to prevent her baby from getting it at birth, which is a very successful treatment.

Here step B is virtually not any worry, as we dont have many deaths. I would assume the the higher risk in the UK is because you guys dont have a mandatory test, therefor wouldn't follow the same precautions as in Canada...
Oh God I'm dreading this test! My dr has a big sign up in the washroom at his office on how to do it yourself :dohh:

It isn't anything to worry about unless its undiagnosed. If you already know about it, the anti-biotics will prevent anything from happening to your baby.

I'm sorry you don't get your water birth :(
the reason they're giving me antibiotics now is cos its in my wee, she said had they done a swab and found it then they wouldnt have bothered til i was in labour. i've got to have antibiotics in labour anyway for something else. well gutted tho, i so wanted a water birth!
Don't mean to be argumentative but it is something to worry about as 1-2 in every 10 baby's who contract GBS die....a very high percentage (10-20%) :cry:

Yes, and that is exactly why in Canada we have a mandatory test at 36 weeks :winkwink:

With group B strep, prevention is the key. It sounds like Alice&bump is receiving the correct precautions to prevent her baby from getting it at birth, which is a very successful treatment.

Here step B is virtually not any worry, as we dont have many deaths. I would assume the the higher risk in the UK is because you guys dont have a mandatory test, therefor wouldn't follow the same precautions as in Canada...

You're sooooooooo right babe....prevention is key:thumpup:.

It still annoys me that we don't have mandatory strep b tests, the one that some of us do have on the NHS is apparently very inaccurate as well:hissy:. You can get a private one done for about £ I will be looking into that this time to see if I'm still strep b positive as I was diagnosed in a previous pregnancy and then you are treated as positive for all pregnancies after that.

I also labour very quickly and don't manage to get enough iv antibiotics in labour:dohh: so they put an iv into baby which is obviously better to be safe than sorry but if I have this private test and show up as negative then there will be less worry for me and also less stress for baby if it doesn't have to have an iv thing in its little arm:cry:

....and hey who knows, maybe a water birth if they can fill the pool up fast enough for me:rofl:
I've got my Strep B home kit here... will be doing it later on this week!

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