Growth scan No. 3!!! *Updated!**


Proud Mummy to Bobby
Dec 18, 2007
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Hi all,
Well I am due to have yet another growth scan tomorrow (Tuesday) and am feeling slightly anxious to say the least!! :rofl:
For those of you who know the history, my bubs has been measuring above average since the 12 week scan, and my fundal height has always been way over too. Have now had 2 Glucose Tolerance Tests, both of which appear to be normal, but for some reason, I seem to be growing a super size baby. Although I have always thought that my dates were wrong, and that I was approx 2 weeks further than the docs said.

29 + 4 : estimated fetal weight = 4lb 5oz (average for time is 3lb)

33 + 6 : estimated fetal weight = 8lb 11oz!!!!!!!! (average approx 4.5/5lb)

35 + 5 : estimated fetal weight = PLACE YOUR BETS NOW!!!!!!

I attach a pic of HUGE bumpy taken today, and would be really interested to see what everyone thinks bubs will weigh now.

And yes, there is just the one in there, as I got the sonographer to check all around the back and sides, just in case another was hiding! :rofl:


Ok so scan went well, had a lovely sonographer who really took her time to explain everything she was looking at, and even gave me a free pic of bubs chubby cheeks! Anyway, bubs is looking very healthy and happy in there, but has grown some more.........

estimated weight is now........
10lb 2oz!!!!!!!

So I have decided that when I see the consultant tmorrow I am going to ask for an induction, as I would still like to try for as natural a birth as possible, and avoid a c-section if I can, but that means that bubs needs to come out sooner rather than later. Fingers crossed eh?


  • 35 week bump front.JPG
    35 week bump front.JPG
    67 KB · Views: 31
  • 35 week bump side.JPG
    35 week bump side.JPG
    62.8 KB · Views: 35
9lb 12oz?? lol good luck getting him/her out hunni you look huge, waht are they planning to do surely they are not goin to leave you to get much bigger?
I hope they don't, as I don't think I can grow this bubs for much longer! lol The docs don't seem that concerned about actually having bubs, at the moment they're just more interested about why bubs is large, and can't seem to find a reason. When I see the consultant on Wednesday, I'm gonna ask about induction, as I'm really feeling uncomfortable now, and I'd rather still try for a natural (ish) birth than have to have a section. Although in the end as long as I get a healthy happy bubs at the end then that's all that matters.
I'm guessing 9lbs 7oz - at this rate, you'll be giving birth to a toddler!!! Good luck!
Shite babe....that bump looks very uncomfortable (oops, am I being rude:blush:) it just looks kinda very stretched and very heavy chick:hugs:. Does it itch a lot? Mine itches when it stretches that much:hissy:

I'm guessing 9.6lbs and reckon they're gonna induce you. Have your dates been right?

Wow....good luck babe:hug::hug::hug:
hey hun, good luck for tomorrow, I hope it all goes well. I reckon bubs is gonna be around 9lb 3oz and they'll book you in for an induction (queue jumper lol). Jealous! xxx
rather you than me lol. good luck if your dates are correct your looking at a 12lb er
Oooooh i'm guessing 9lb7oz eeek!! Hope your dates are right and your LO comes sooner rather than later, i'd be stamping my feet to get induced early :hugs:
Shite babe....that bump looks very uncomfortable (oops, am I being rude:blush:) it just looks kinda very stretched and very heavy chick:hugs:. Does it itch a lot? Mine itches when it stretches that much:hissy:

I'm guessing 9.6lbs and reckon they're gonna induce you. Have your dates been right?

Wow....good luck babe:hug::hug::hug:

Don't worry hun, that's not being rude, it IS a bloody big bump! :rofl: Apparently I've got lots of water in there too. Have managed ok up until about a week ago, but now I can really feel the weight of it in my hips, back etc. It hasn't been itchy though, just feels so tight.
Got the scan tomorrow then follow up with the docs on Wednesday, and I hope they do agree to induction. Part of me is a bit dissappointed, as I would obviously rather that nature takes its course. But obviously if bubs stays in there too much longer, he/she will just continue to grow, and I'll prob end up having to have a section. After all, there has to be a limit to how much I can push out of my woo-hoo!
what time is the scan tomorrow hun? I'm gonna be waiting for the update x
I got my scan too hun, Good Luck with yours.
I bet about 10lb you look sooooooo huge.
Luv Cheryl xxx
what time is the scan tomorrow hun? I'm gonna be waiting for the update x

Scan is at 12 pm, then gonna run a few errands and stuff so will post results prob late afternoon.

Aaggghh, I'm feeling really anxious now! lol
You'll be fine. Good luck, and enjoy seeing your bubs again x
OMG!!! that's one big bubs. Glad everything looked good and baby is nice and healthy and happy. Fingers crossed you get your induction hun, good luck for the consultants appointment tomoz xxx
10lb 2oz!!!!!!! there a "wince" emoticon?:rofl:

Get chubby monkey out asap I reckon:argh:
Oh god, I hope they induce you in the next few days :(

after 36weeks baby isnt classed as a premie anyway!
Thats a big baby! All the best with pushing him out! x

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