Moderators, may I just confirm with you that I've got this right, before I commit a forum faux pas? I've joined a thread further down in which everybody is waiting to test this month and another one in a different TTC section where we're all due to test on the same day. Have I correctly understood that if I test and it's negative, I may say so on the thread itself, but if I test and it's positive, I may only say so on the BFP sticky? Is it acceptable to leave a note on the thread saying 'look on the BFP sticky' so that the people I'm waiting with know to look there, or is even that too cruel?
I laughed at your comment about being extra old and dried up! I understand that. 5 years ago I found myself carrying my son. But with a few losses I wasn't able to believe it wasn't another one for awhile til I passed 8 weeks with a HB. I'm 40 now and still trying. It can be hard to hear others joy in life situations other than a discussion board like this. But I have read so many of these postings over the past few years and drawn comfort from them. Trying waiting and in bfps also.
Lol I am. When arthritis is genetic and you’ve been diagnosed with stage 3 at 32 and told no more running, hiking or volleyball, you tend to feel ‘extra old’. At 43 my 3 girls, 3 and under have confirmed itExtra old! That is bollocks ha ha! No woman is "extra old" if she takes care of herself.