Handy Information ~ PCOS Polycystic Overies



Hey Girls!!
If you've got any helpful links linked to "problems trying to concieve" post them here and i'll add them up here for people to have a peek at!!

Any help and advice is helpful!! :D

https://www.verity-pcos.org.uk/ - Polycystic Overies Website
Me!!! :hi: I have PCOS as do lots of us other LTTTC girlies.
I have about 8 pco not enough to have pcos but still. I have been on the verity forum which is nice but not as good as here-not as friendly!
Me! Diagnosed 4 years ago. I'm taking metformin and have ovulated the past 2 cycles :)
Me, I am on metformin but still have very long, irregular cycles :-(
Me, I am on metformin but still have very long, irregular cycles :-(

Isn't it ridiculous ald? I took it years ago and my cycles jumpled back to 28 days within a couple of weeks. Now I'm on 45 day cycles. Are you ovulating though? :)
Hello.....a little about me
Just trying to fit in somewhere on here.....looking for advice and support....

I was diagnosed with PCOS in March 2008, and my DH was born with Cystic Fibrosis, but we love a challenge!

What do you guys recommend as far as OPKs? I'm trying to use them, but my cycle is still kindof weird and it's hard to buy enough OPKs! :shy:
Hello.....a little about me
Just trying to fit in somewhere on here.....looking for advice and support....

I was diagnosed with PCOS in March 2008, and my DH was born with Cystic Fibrosis, but we love a challenge!

What do you guys recommend as far as OPKs? I'm trying to use them, but my cycle is still kindof weird and it's hard to buy enough OPKs! :shy:


I just replied on the other thread, but have you tried checking your cervical mucus? I tend to get around 4-6 days of egg-white before OV, so at least it gives a window to use OPK's or whatever. I've also found cheapie OPK's never show up for me, only the digi's do.
Thanks for that, Star!

I'm not really good with the whole "checking the CM" thing, but I've been thinking I should figure it out. This really encourages me, since you've had luck! And I probably should upgrade to digi's, considering the luck (or lack thereof) I've had.
LOL getting my first positive opk, you'd think it was a BFP!! I danced all over the house. It's a pity the digi's are so expensive, but at least if you have an idea when to test, you're not going through loads. Good Luck hun :)

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