oh sweetie - I know it is so upsetting about seeing the nurse - but hopefully she maybe able to help you as well?
I saw the nurse my first fertiltiy clinic appt. (i think its standard practice for the NHS to weed out timewasters) and she did send me for another lot of blood tests and my DH for another SA test - so they do have some power - so she might be able to help?
I know you feel really desperate right now - but please be careful re the progesterone. You can buy the cream over the counter - but from what I have seen its for menopausal women - i also have a short luteal phase and have thought about buying some but i dont want to do anything without the doctor saying so - just because I am worried I could make things worse. i dont mind taking the vitamins cos they are natural (although they havent really helped on the luteal phase front) - but i would use anything else with caution.
the NHS is soooooo slow and i know it is so frustrating - my fertitliy clinic has appointments 6 months apart so it is so hard getting anything done - I really feel for you.
I really hope this is your cycle sweetie - and at least you have an appt next week with someone so at least you are in the system. like I said i saw the nurse first and then the next time saw the doctor who was great - so now you are in the system it will get better and easier I promise.
Lots of hugs sweetie.
B x x